Chapter 7

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Chunhua watched as Xiaojun stared at her in disbelief. "What?"

She simply turned back to her food, as if she hadn't just insulted the male. "Sure, you're a great fighter but having no emotions? Is that really a bonus?"

Chunhua noticed Xiaojun stiffen, no longer eating his dinner. "Is is better to be a crybaby when you're about to fight till either you or your opponent dies?"

"Having emotions doesn't make you a crybaby." Chunhua simply replied. "Having emotions makes you stronger. You're able to relate better, feel more."

"Does it really?" Xiaojun asked, cocking an eyebrow. It was clear that he was challenging her and Chunhua desperately wanted to put him in his place.

"How are you going to be a good fighter if you can't understand your opponent?" Chunhua asked, hoping that it would prove her point. She soon learned that it didn't as Xiaojun slammed his fork down, shaking the table between them.

Xiaojun's eyes darkened, his whole demenor changing completely. Chunhua knew that Xiaojun was a strong battle cyborg, one of the strongest that Intelligence had ever created, but as she felt his eyes staring straight into her soul, she immediately pitied any opponent he had ever faced in the arena.

"I don't know about you but I would much rather kill my opponent in cool blood, not feeling anything they were feeling because if I could sympathize and feel what they felt, all I would feel was the pain as I sucked the life right out of them."


That word resonated in Chunhua's head as Xiaojun got up, finished with the meal. It took her a few seconds to register what had happened, and by the Xiaojun was already almost at her door.

"Xiaojun, wait!" Chunhua called out as Xiaojun placed his hand on the door handle.

She quickly ran to catch up with him, not really sure of what she was going to say.

When she arrived at his back, Xiaojun turned his head, meeting her eyes once again with his cold ones.

"I don't really need your sympathy, Chunhua. Just do you job and I'll do mine." Xiaojun said, stepping out and slamming the door in Chunhua's face before she could get another word out.

"I'm sorry." Chunhua whispered, placing a hand on the closed door in front of her.

But she already knew that her words would never reach Xiaojun's ears.


Emotions. Xiaojun thought as he stared at the ceiling of his capsule, the other cyborgs around him already fast asleep. What a stupid thing.

Xiaojun knew that something was wrong but it became obvious when his regular programmed-self couldn't fall asleep that night. This was rare but occured before and only when there was too much on his mind.

And tonight's thoughts surrounded a certain trainer of his focused on battle strategies.

As terrible as it sounded, Xiaojun did not want to have emotions, he didn't want to feel a thing. After a few battles in the arena, he knew that having no emotions was a good thing for someone like him. If he could sympathize and feel what his opponents felt, there was no way that he could possibly make it out of the arena alive.

It's fine, Xiaojun told himself. You don't need emotions, they don't matter.

As Xiaojun rolled on his side though, staring at the door, he couldn't help but wonder what Chunhua was going to say before he closed the door on her.

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