Chapter 29

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"I knew he was hiding something." Xiaojun mumbled as he noticed Renjun taking one of the Omega Team members into the warehouse.

"I can't believe we fell for all this." Chunhua whispered back. "I genuinely thought they wanted to free the cyborgs, not torture them."

"They want power." Lucas said, peering over the couple's shoulder. "They want to be in control of Edra themselves, be the owners of Intelligence."

"Well, we're not going to let that happen." Hendery said, cracking his knucles. "They messed with the wrong team."

"Don't get so excited." Chunhua warned, narrowing her eyes as she watched Yuechen glancing around before slipping into the warehouse. "This isn't the Cyborg Games, you don't have anything triggering your mechanical side."

Xiaojun smirked as Hendery realized he had to rely on his own fighting skill.

"Guess Chunhua's lessons will finally come to good use."


Chunhua watched as Lucas effortlessly took down one of the hooded figures helping her parents before, giving the rest a signal to slip in.

It seemed like it would be easier for cyborgs to fight humans but in reality, it wasn't. The cyborgs were used to fighting other cyborgs in an arena or casually training with Lucas at the training centre. The current setting was much different from that.

However, they were still doing a great job and Chunhua couldn't help but be a little bit proud inside as she watched Hendery easily take down another one of her parent's helpers, allowing Xiaojun and Chunhua to move deeper in the warehouse.

"Where did Kun say the orb would be?" Chunhua asked as her and Xiaojun entered another door, getting closer to the orb.

"The centre of this place." Xiaojun answered. "He said we'll be able to feel its energy once we get close enough."

"And when will that be?" Chunhua said just as an overwhelming feeling of energy filled her body.

She reached out to Xiaojun for support, but his touch only made the electrifying feeling intensify, the girl holding in the scream threatening to leave her mouth.

"Chunhua." Xiaojun said, quickly letting go as she held onto her head, pressing the pads of her fingers into her scalp in hopes of making the pain go to another part of her body.

"It hurts." Chunhua mumbled. "It hurts so much."

She felt hands cupping her face, forcing her to stare into Xiaojun's eyes. "I know it does, but just focus on me. I'm right here."

"I can't do this." Chunhua mumbled, shaking her head. "This is too much, I can't."

"Hey, you can." Xiaojun gave her forehead a kiss. "We'll do it together, the pain will subside. Take your time."

Chunhua followed Xiaojun as he breathed deeply, taking in deep breaths with him. It took a while but eventually she calmed down, wrapping her arms around Xiaojun for support.

"Are you ready to continue now?" Xiaojun asked.

Chunhua was hesitant but nodded her head, knowing that she had already wasted enough time. "We should hurry up, shouldn't we."

"Whenever you're ready."

Suddenly, the door burst open and Xiaojun immediately moved infront of Chunhua, blocking her view from whoever it was. The sound of the clicking of heels already made it clear though.

"What are you doing here?" Yuechen asked. "You should be in Central."

"So should you." Xiaojun replied, and Chunhua moved out from behind him. "Why are you doing this?"

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