chapter 1

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No one's POV

Eren Jaeger. Just an alpha who have a basic life. He loves his boyfriend dearly and can't wait to be with him after graduation.

Why did he love his boyfriend so much? Because his boyfriend is his mate. But not just that. He loves everything about him.His personality, height, face. Everything.

Though they are different. Eren is a great student. He's smart, charming, and kind. Well, his boyfriend Levi is opposite. Levi is a player, mean, and ruthless. Levi has been a lot of relationship while still being with Eren. Does Eren know? Of course he is. There's once levi got caught cheat on him but Levi always make him stay and they swear to not lie nor cheat. Eren is actually the longest relationship that Levi have been with. Levi do have feelings for Eren but how can you stop your desire at teenage age, especially when you're Levi Ackerman who everyone would adore and love.

Eren POV


"But Eren dear..we can't afford this place anymore. We have to move. I got another job at Maria" my mom, Carla said.

"You know how hard it is for me,mom to trust people here. I hate for having trust issues with people and I now finally get to trust people here. Without thinking too much about what would they do to me" I said, having tears at the corner of my eyes.

"I know sweetie. Having trust issues can make you feel stress out so much. I promise in Maria, you will be comfortable and meet trustworthy people there"my mom comfort me.

"But how do I say to them? To Levi? You know I love him. We even swear to stay with him till the end of our life" I murmur as I wipe my tears.

"I'm sorry dear, trust me, you guys will be together even if we move. You guys are mate right?"

My mother knows that me and Levi are mates. I know Levi is my mate as my eyes lay on him. I'm one of the people who can see their destined mate. These type are rare. I don't tell anyone about this but my mom. It's not because I don't trust them but I just want to surprise them. Actually no one knows me and Levi are in relationship except my friends. They just don't know Levi is my mate.

I just nod thinking what should I tell my friends and Levi..

~~The next day~~

I walk into school after my mom give me a ride before she left to our house for packing.

"EREN!" Armin and Mikasa call me. They look a bit nervous.

"Hey guys, why are you guys nervous?" I ask.

They both look at each other then

" know.. Levi.. has been with a title 'the hot shot omega' right?" Armin said.

"Yeah but Levi said it's not true" I trust everything Levi said. He's my boyfriend after all. Why would he lie to me?

"Eren" Mikasa said my name with serious tone. "Levi has been doing things behing your back not just once, but more than three times. We think that you should know this because we want you to not get hurt and we love you" Mikasa continue.

I was dumbfounded. Should I believe them? What if they just want me and Levi to break up? They don't know that Levi is my mate.. what if Levi did cheat? He's been lying to me all this time? No it can't be. He's my boyfriend and my mate.

"It can't be. Levi promise that he won't do it again. And I believe him.." I said.

"We know Eren. You love him so much but we can't let you go like this. You have to know too" Armin said.

"I don't want to hear it guys! Enough! If you guys want me to be happy then don't tell me these nonsense!" I yell at them. Thank god that they're at front of the school gate. It would be mess if they inside the school.

Armin and Mikasa got quite. They know that if they still protest against Eren it would never end well.

"Ok eren. We understand. We won't talk about this ever again. Let's go in" Armin said trying to make those bad atmosphere gone.

"Yeah let's go.." I agree with a guilt for yelling at them. I should control my temper. They even say politely to me.

We walk inside the school. Still quite about what just happen.

"Sorry for yelling guys.." I apologise while we walk in hallway.

"It's okay Eren. We know you love Levi. We should not interfere you guys relationship" Armin said then smile at me. Mikasa nodding with her eyes still look forward. I smile back at them glad that they're my friends and understanding people.

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