chapter 13

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Levi's POV

I am packing my clothes,because today Eren say that we're gonna stay at Eren's mother house for one day and we leave in the afternoon, now its morning. I pack it just a few pair of clothes, not that much as I usually pack. But most importantly, what is Eren's mom style. Classy or modern? Pink or blue? Levis or Gucci? I have been thinking for almost 3 hours. I don't have much time.

I don't want to show off much or Eren's mother would think I just a spoiled person. But, if I wore such a simple, ripped or baggy clothes, she would think I have no manner and not good enough for Eren. I don't want to lose Eren again. Especially, not because of his mother.

I decided to wear a simple outfit.

I decided to wear a simple outfit

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(His outfit)

(His outfit)

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(His shoes)

I got everything ready. I felt so excited for being with Eren and his family, but also nervous. What if they don't like me?

(This takes Mikasa past life for a while, so bare with me)

The only person I know in Eren's family is Mikasa. My distant cousin. She was adopted by Eren's family,because her parents pass away by car accident when she was a baby. Eren's parent and hers were best friend so they take her. My mom wants to take her after found out his brother aka my uncle had pass away, but we live far away from them that time. After my mom found out Eren's parent take her, she was glad and we move here closer to them so my mother get to see Mikasa grow for the sake of my uncle. Because my mother and his brother uncle Kenny also known as annoying uncle in history, promise to take care of Mikasa after they gone no matter what. So they agreed. Me and Mikasa sometimes hangout. Mostly in my house. But we never close in school, because she knows I was popular that's why she doesn't want to close to me at school. She doesn't like so much attention at school. She was focus in study more. So I never went to Eren parents house. I know I'm a bad lover..but I will change it!

I heard a my phone ring. It must be Eren. I pick it up.

E:hey,Levi are you ready yet? I'm already infront of your house now.
L:oh yeah just a sec!

I cut off and ran while carried a bag with me. I open the door and saw Eren waving at me. God, why I must have take so much time to pick a outfit. I put my bag in car back seat,and sat at passenger side driver sit." Did I take too long?" I ask." No, I actually came here few minutes. Less than 3 minutes" Eren answered." Oh,ok"Oh..I'm so glad.

~~time skip~~

We arrive at Eren's mother house. We now Infront of the house while holding our bags. Eren knock the door." Hello,mom. I'm here. Please open the door". After few minutes the door were wide open and it reveal a beautiful woman."Eren,you finally here. Oh,who is this?"she ask."This is Levi. My friend"Eren said.Since when I was your friend Eren? I'm more than that."Oh, thank you for coming Levi"Eren's mother smile at me"Come in"

We walk in together. It was beautiful,but it wasn't clean enough. But what can I do? She lives alone. I heard that Eren's father pass away few months before we break up. Gosh, I never knew about till I start have a job, and some of people from my school who work same as me talk about Eren.

"Eren, I have some good and bad news"Eren's mother sit on sofa."What is it?"Eren look at his mother with curiosity.

"Good news is that doctor says I was healthy and if I take care of myself more,I don't need to take medicine anymore. The bad news is I didn't get to clean the guest room only yours, because I forgot you saying that you bringing your friend,Levi"she said.

"Oh.First, good for you mom. Second, I can sleep on sofa"Eren said.

"Oh no you don't. I was just finish clean this sofa. You need to sleep with Levi"

"WHAT!?"me and Eren suprise. I'm actually happy,but I need to act suprise so Eren don't think that I'm weird."Yes, you need to share room"."But, we can't share the bed. It's for one person only."."Solve it yourself. You are adult now"

Me and Eren go upstairs because there was Eren's room is."Umm,Eren you don't need to share bed with me. I can sleep on the floor"I said.

"No, you know what. You can sleep on the bed. I sleep on the floor. Let me carry your beg for you to my room. You can talk to my mom in the kitchen. That's her favourite place" Eren said."Ok.."

I go downstairs to see Eren's mother turn to me."Levi,come here for a sec"I walk to her with hesitation. When I walk to her. What she does shock me.


I'm sorry late update. Here is chapter 13. I actually have been thinking to make one-shots. But I don't know to make when. Should I make it after finish this book or make it while this book on going. What you guys think?💖

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