chapter 8

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Levi's POV

Ok,what should I do? How do I make Eren like me loves me! But it was back then. Ugh,I already miss him! My inner omega kept begging me to go back to Eren. I am thinking about it!

I think about take Eren out with me. This would be great idea right?I mean its normal right? For first move. That would be great. But would Eren go out with me?Might as well try it. I hope Eren didn't change his phone number..



E=Eren, L=Levi


He didn't.Yes!

L:Umm..hi Eren..

E:Oh,Levi..Is there a problem? How did you get my number?

L:You didn't change your phone number. Do you remember,that we exchange phone numbers?

E:Oh you need anything? you want to go out with me?No, I mean hangout. This afternoon.I'm pretty lonely now. I don't have friends to hangout with. Would you?

E:Ok.Where to?

L:Umm..I would like to go to the mall to buy don't mind right?

E:Yeah sure.See you in one hour there.


I hang up first.Oh god,my heart were about to explode! Ok,the first part was done. Now what to wear! I go to my closet to find thing to wear. But I not good at pick nice things. I usually good in the past. Now I always wore work outfit and pajama everyday. Most of my clothes Hange took it. Now I regret give it to her. I guess I wear this instead

Simple,ok done! Now I gotta go,I only got 20 minutes left

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Simple,ok done! Now I gotta go,I only got 20 minutes left.

~~Few minutes later~~

Am I too early? I'm so nervous right now. What if I mess up again? I look at the ground worried if I mess up again."Levi!"I heard a voice. It's Eren voice! I look up saw him run his way to me.

 It's Eren voice! I look up saw him run his way to me

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He looks so good.I felt like I was about to drooling,but thank god I wasnt. Instead, I was blushing." Hey, sorry I'm late" Eren said. "No, it's fine. I just got here." I lied. It might be weird if I told him I was here for half an hour, sound like I was desperate to go on a date with him. No I mean hangout. Yeah... hangout.

" So where do we go?" ask Eren. "Umm..I actually don't know where to go first" I answer." How about we eat first? We could think where to go later." suggest Eren." Sure that's great idea."I agree." Then let's go." Eren grabbed my hand drag me inside the mall. I was blushing really hard, but I covered it with my hand.

"You had a tiny hand, Levi." Eren laughed while we waiting for our food at a table." No, I don't. Your hand just to big" I pouted. Eren just smiled at it. It's been so long since I see that smile. It feels warm when I look at him.

~~Time skips~~(you guys can decide or imagine where they go)

After we bought our things. It's not that much but it feels like we been looking around for ages, but I felt really happy to spend time with Eren.

"Hey, Levi. I've heard there's a carnival behind the mall. Their open till the end of the month. I'm afraid that I miss it, but I don't have anyone to go with. Will you?"ask Eren." Oh,sure. It's been so long since I've been to carnival. I would love too." I answer immediately. Gosh, I sound so weird like I've been planning it, which is not.

"Ok, let's go." Eren drag me again, but I didn't care. He is holding hand. Why would I resist it?

We already in carnival. There's so much games to play. Me and Eren already try a few games, but I felt like there's kid watching us. He look at Eren closely. It's very creep me out. Does this find Eren interesting? Does he want Eren as his dad? If it is over my dead body!

"PAPA!"that's the kid! Why is he calling Eren papa? Did Eren look like his dad or something? Or he hit his head, that he did not know which one is his dad? "Chase?"wait what!?."Where's mommy?"MOMMY!?." Chase,there you are! Don't you run away like tha-oh Eren!?"." Historia!?".WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?

Sorry I haven't been posting for along time because I was busy lately with school and other stuff. This is a longest chapter I wrote sorry for my bad grammar.💖

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