Three - Running.

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Gracie's POV
Hogwarts - September 1996

After a rough hangover on Sunday, I had a great start in my first week, my schedule is pretty good and I was always in a good mood. Today, Wednesday, I will have a long day, tonight is my first Astronomy class. I really hope it is a good class since I am the only one who's taking it out of our friend group. Between Pansy and Theo it is extremely awkward, they do not talk much. Theo told me about his and Draco's conversation, Pansy said nothing to me about their situation. This is the first time in months I can agree with Draco, maybe she likes someone else. She always keeps staring towards the Gryffindor table during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. By now I couldn't figure out which student she is staring at in particular.
"Hey beautiful," Blaise walks up behind me and swings his arm around me.
"Oh, well, well, charming today, are we?" He smirks at me, but it's such an evil smirk.
"You have Astronomy tonight, right?" As I confirm his question, his smirk grows.
I stop in the middle of the hallway, "Blaise, what is it?"
He chuckles, "I have to announce two things, one good thing and one bad thing, the good one first," he comes nearer and whispers in my ear, "I asked Luna out and she said yes!" I am so fucking happy for him, he tells me that they will go on a Picknick Friday afternoon. I suggest, since Friday is no party, that we can all hang out later that evening and if she wants she can come too, he adores my idea. "And now the bad not kill me for telling you that, but...", oh, the evil smirk is back and he prepares to run, "Draco has astronomy with you tonight!" Oh god, please let these news be fake, I haven't talked to Draco since Saturday night, well, expect a few teasing comments.

After my last class, which I had with Daphne, we walk back to the dorms again, "Daph? How's Astoria? I mean Draco's rejection wasn't the nicest thing."
She giggles, "She is probably planning revenge right now, she'll get over it." I just hope the revenge won't affect me.

My peaceful nap, which I decided to take after the return to the dorms, didn't last long. Pansy busters into the room, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" What the hell happened to her? As Daphne asks her what is wrong she screams, "Theo wants to talk about it! Shit! I don't want to fuck it all up again!" I sit up, still puzzled, she throws herself on her bed and screams into her pillow. The poor pillow is used to it. Daphne, who is clearly worried and even more confused than me, keeps asking her questions.
"Daphne, don't-", I try to warn her, but it is too late, Pansy loses it.
"Get out of here both of you!" Holy shit, I do not know many details, but I guess it's hard for her. She was never good at talking about her feelings, she simply avoids them, so when Draco is right and she stands between two people, it currently destroys her.
"Blimey! We will leave," I mutter under my breath. Daphne looks at me as if she wants to ask if we will really leave, I nod at her and she grabs her homework stuff. After I shut the door behind us, I say, "What a wonderful way to wake up, excuse me, but I have t0 prepare for Astronomy." Daphne screams after me that she will go to Astoria to finish her Homework and turns around on her heels.

"Did you just wake up, Owen? You forgot to fix the mess on your head," Draco and Goyle laugh as I walk past them in the common room on my way out, "Hey! Where are you going?" Please don't follow me, my mood is too bad to give you the fun you need. And he follows me, "Are you going like that to Astronomy already? We have over an hour before the class starts." I continue walking in the hall. "Hey! Gracie! I am talking to you!"
"And can't you see that I don't want to talk to you!" I shout back. Younger Slytherins find that kind of fight funny, they keep looking at Draco and then back at me.
"Go on! Nothing special here!", announces Draco, they hurry off.
"At least you are good at scaring children away," I say and keep heading to the library.
"What is wrong with you? At lunch, you were so happy." Selfish Draco noticed how I acted during lunch?
"You won't leave me alone, will you?"
He shakes his head with a smirk, "You'll have to spend two hours with me anyway, why are three so much worse than?" I roll my eyes, he is so damn stubborn. I continue walking and he catches up with me.
"Tell me, why are you in such a bad mood and why is your hair so..."
"Disgusting?" I ask and he chuckles while nodding, "Well, I woke up by a screaming Pansy and got thrown out of my dorm thirty seconds after I was able to catch up with reality. You don't need the details."
"If you say so." He looks straight into the corridor which is only lit up with a few candles, his hands are in his pockets.

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