Twenty-One - Truth.

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Gracie's POV
Hogwarts - December 1996

"So tonight is safe?" asks Daph after I told her about the plan.
"Yeah, we told Pansy since she got so close to Hermione, we want to do her a favor by hanging out with her and her other friends."
"How did she react? Do you think it's fair that she doesn't know about all this?"
"Of course not, she would kill us if she knew. I felt really bad because she was so happy that we want to get along with them," I say. Daphne silently nods.
"Hey, what is up with you?" asks Blaise as he sits down next to Daphne and across from me.
"We just talked about Pansy and the whole plan for tonight," admits Daphne.
"Don't feel bad, she'll understand as soon as we are sure about Ron."

"Honestly, I am scared that when we take the Veritaserum, we'll say something that shouldn't say," I say.
"Yeah, I am scared too, but also kind of excited, who knows what dirty secrets they are hiding," she laughs.
"Before you get excited, we need to get them to drink it." I am worried we will fail, it's the perfect plan.
"I'll make sure of that, there won't be any secrets tonight," she promises.
"What if we get another vial with water in it and we drink that instead of the Veritaserum," I suggest, but Daphne tells me no because they will figure it out and it's too risky because we could mix them up. I stay silent after that. My thoughts wrap around every way this evening could turn out.
"Just pick dare," adds Daphne coldly. I wish it was that easy. 

"Hey, guys! Are you ready? The others are just excited as you are!" Pansy barks into our dorm as we wait for her. She wanted to pick us up and go there with her. "We got snacks and some good alcohol. Oh! And the twins are coming too!" She tells us on our way there. We stop in front of the painting, Pansy mumbles the password and we enter. Draco's arm rests on my shoulders as we walk inside. We greet all of them. There are Ron, Lavender, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George, and even Neville Longbottom. Harry and Draco in one room could be difficult. Luna and Blaise join a few minutes after we do. The mood was weird at the beginning. Daphne and I talked to the twins because we actually knew them.
"I didn't know you and Theo were a thing," says Fred to Daphne.
"Yeah, we just got together," she giggles.
"Good for you," adds George.
"What do you want to do after Hogwarts, I mean, it's your last year, right?" I ask them.
They both shrug, "Maybe something where we can present our creations and our prank stuff. What about you?"
"No clue, to be honest," admits Daphne.
"Maybe something with law," I mumble.
"Yeah, after traveling with me," Draco joins the conversation, but as quickly as he joined, he exits with me, "Gotta steal her for a second." He pulls me away from them and grabs a bottle.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing, I just missed you," he kisses me and pours some liquid into his cup.
I laugh, "We have been here for like thirty minutes."
"Yeah, enough time to miss you." He takes a big sip from his cup and wants me to do the same. I decline. "Oh come on, love. Get comfortable, otherwise, things won't work out today." I give in and take the cup from him. I symbolize him bending down.
"Promise me to don't drink too much, we don't want them to think we are alcoholics. Besides, if you drink too much, you won't need Veritaserum to tell something you should talk about." I whisper into his ear and smile, he rolls his eyes. He grabs the cup and takes another sip. I take it from him again, "No more for you, and, most important, no smoking, no drugs, understand?"
"Yes, mommy, I'll behave," he teases me. I want to escape his grip and head back to Daphne, but he doesn't let me go. "You'll need to look after me if you want me to behave." Draco has this devilish smirk on his face. "Sit with me," he commands and guides me to a sofa. He sits down and wants me to join him. I sit down to his left. "No, no, no, get here."
"What?" I ask confused. He grabs my hips and pulls me into his lap.
"Way better," he grins up at me, "I'll just enjoy the view." My boobs are right in his eyesight.
"I thought you want to stop your dick from thinking."
"Yes, of course, after tonight." His voice is slow and flirty. His arms are wrapped around my waist, no way out for me. I rest my arm on his shoulders and observe the room. Blaise stands bored next to Luna as she talks to Neville. Daphne has a great chat with Fred. The others sit together on couches and chairs. Theo makes his way over to us with shots in his hands, fucking bastard. "Let's go! I love you, Theo!" Exclaims Draco.
"Oh, wow! More than your girlfriend?" Mocks Theo.
"I love no one more than her," he kisses my shoulder. I grab a shot and right before I drink it, I notice how Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny stare at us. The three of us drink pure vodka.
"We got an audience," I whisper to Draco. He notices them too and pulls my chin down to kiss me. He still tastes like vodka. I slightly pull away.
"Get a room, bloody hell," laughs Theo.
"No, I think we should join them," I nod over to the few people sitting there. We get up and sit down with them.

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