Seventeen - Creep.

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Gracie's POV
Hogwarts - December 1996

I lay on his chest. I listen to his heartbeat. His breathing is regular and deep. He just drifted into a light sleep. I want to sleep too, I am exhausted. But my mind keeps thinking about past events. It's been two weeks since Draco and I caught Pansy and Snape. She still hasn't talked about it to us, she doesn't even know we know. I think I need to talk to her about it, she keeps disappearing to "study". The only thing she told me about is Hermione's confession. I agree with her, Hermione is pathetic. I don't think Hermione went to talk to Pansy again. She was probably ashamed. Luna and Blaise on the other hand couldn't be better. They are such a cute, loving couple. I love them together. Well, Daph and Theo are closer than usual, but when I asked her about it she said they are just good friends. I hope this won't end in a disaster.
My back hurts, I roll over to get more comfortable. Draco rolls in his sleep with me. His arms are wrapped around my waist, I try to sleep again. It kinda works this time, I think I dreamt about Christmas. Right before I am about to give my mother a weird formed present, I wake up to a cracking sound. Draco behind me heard it too, his eyes flutter open. The door is open. "You didn't lock it?" Draco mutters.
"I did, I always lock it." A small white thing falls on the ground out of nowhere. Draco sees it too and gets up.
"Piece of paper," he holds it up and closes the door. He wants to throw it away, but before he does so he looks at it suspiciously. He folds the paper open and his facial expression changes. His sleepy, calm eyes are angry now. "He looks pathetic while he fucks you, I could do that way better."
"That's what is written on here! What the fuck!" Draco tears the paper apart and throws most of it in the trash. "Aren't you gonna say something?" He shouts at me. I don't know what to say. I stutter some words, but I am basically speechless. "You need a new dorm password. Now!"

Within seconds I am dressed, ready to leave with Draco for Snape's office. Draco pulls me through the common room full of people. "Whoa, be nice to your girl, mate," jokes Adrian. I try to warn him with a small head shake. This isn't the time for jokes. Luckily Draco just glances at him and we move on. As we rush out of the room, I try to convince Draco that we could handle it on our own. That's when he lost it. Why couldn't I keep my mouth shut?
"Gracie, you don't understand this, do you? Someone is head over heels in love with you, the notes were nothing against this. This person is watching you obviously. They watched us having sex!" He takes my wrist again and we rush again. He is right though. I feel embarrassed. It's creepy. It's disgusting.
We pound against Snape's door. No answer. We leave for the potions classroom. Maybe he is there. It's Sunday. He isn't there. We need him for a new password. We turn around silently, still trying to find him. I look at the ground. I just follow Draco, I don't know where he is heading now.
"Pansy, come here right now!" yells Draco through the corridor. My gaze falls on Pansy walking away from us. She turns around alarmed.
"Hey, what is it?" She starts walking toward us.
Draco waits to say this till she is near enough so no one around could hear it, "You need to tell us right now where Severus is."
"Why would I know?"
Oh god, I know what Draco is about to say. Please don't. "We know you have been fucking him over the past weeks. You know where he is. Tell us now. It's an emergency." Pansy and I are speechless. She looks to me, then to Draco, and again to me. „Emergency! Pansy, it's fucking important!" yells Draco at her. I see how her eyes slowly fill with tears. She starts to blink fast to avoid the tears from falling.
"Sometimes he is, uh, he is in his off-office or with the other teachers," stutters Pansy.
"Let's go," whispers Draco to me. I follow him. I glance back at Pansy, she starts to cry and leans against the wall.
"Draco, what the fuck? That was way too harsh."
"Do I look like I care right now?"

"Alright, thanks, Severus," says Draco. Snape nods and I close the door behind him. After we finally found Snape, we went to his office with him, explained the situation and he got us a new password. Well, Draco didn't explain the truth. I stayed silent. Draco lied through the whole conversation. If Severus knew the truth, we had a huge problem. I still haven't seen Pansy. She's probably bawling her eyes out. I mean, what Draco said isn't nice and really harsh. "Okay, from now on no one comes in here who isn't allowed."
"What the fuck? Draco, this is my dorm, I am in the position to decide who can enter and who can't," I answer offended.
"Gracie, don't you understand that-"
"I am not stupid, Draco."
"Let me finish my sentence!" He is angry now.
"Then don't tell me what to do!" We sigh at the same time. "I am not dumb, I know that someone has hurt our privacy badly. It's disgusting, I am aware of that."
"Good, then let me help you to keep our privacy."
"Only if you stop treating me like a child," I demand.
"I do not treat you like a child!" yells Draco.
"You do!"
"Gracie, what the hell? What is this about? I just want to fucking protect you from that creep!"
I laugh to myself ironically, "You want to know what this is about? Listen to yourself! First, you are so harsh to Pansy and then you start telling me what to do. Know your place, Draco." I open the door and storm out. I should go and talk to Pansy.

Pansy's POV

I hate Draco. I hate Gracie. I hate this school. And I hate this teacher. "Now go, Miss Parkinson. This will never happen again, no one is allowed to know. Obliviate Gracie and Draco. Do it tonight." Severus drags me out of his office. He slams the thick door right in front of me. Dust falls from the door to the floor. I watch it falling. "Go away! Now!" I turn on my heels. While walking away from this I feel how this affects me. My heart pounds. Walking becomes harder. I lean against the wall to breathe. The tears and snobs are making it impossible to breathe steadily. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I think I might have a panic attack. The thought makes me panic even more. For a minute, which felt like an entire century, I try to calm down. Until I hear people. No one can see me like this. I run to the next door. It's locked. I try the next. Luckily this is open. It's the storage of Severus' empty potion glasses. The room is like one big shelf, it's hard to fit in there. But I think no one can see me. I am still crying. I cover my mouth with my hand and try to breathe not as much. I hear the boy and the girl talking. It takes me a moment to recognize the voices but I realize that they are Daphne and Theo. They could see me cry, but not in this case. I take one last breath and then I hold it till they are far away enough. Now I hear crystal clear what they are saying, "What about tonight? We should study together," suggests Theo.
"Hmm yeah, sounds good. But let's study in the room of requirement. I want privacy."
"Uh, alright. I'll come prepared." I try to connect the dots. What is it between them? They stopped walking. I hear no footsteps. Wait, what? Did they just kiss? The anger takes over and I push the door open. A few feet away from me stands Daphne in Theo's arms. Their faces are full of shock and embarrassment.
"Pa-Pansy?" stutters Daph.
"Yo, this is not what it looks like, okay?" Theo tries to calm me down. I want to say something, but I can't. I just run off. Daphne shouts for me to wait. But I don't.

Blaise's POV

Draco bursts into the room and slams the door so hard. Luna shrugs, so do I. "This fucking girl is out of her mind! She is so dramatic and complicated!" He starts to scream at me.
I stand in the middle of the room, completely clueless, but I look over to Luna who sits on my bed, "Luna, I love you, but I think you should leave now." She just nods, grabs her stuff, and hurries off. Draco scared her. "Draco, what's wrong?" I try to stay calm. He goes off again about how stupid Gracie is and how she cares about nothing other than herself. He lets it all out, I just listen. Once he is out of breath from yelling I finally ask him, "What happened?"

Wow. Draco left no detail out. I need to sit down. Pansy is fucking Snape? That's so disgusting. Gracie and Draco were observed while they had sex? Even more disgusting. I understand Draco. But I also see Gracie's side. "Well, I think you should talk this out." That's all I can say to this right now. I need to process this for a second. I fall onto the armchair. Draco gets up to go to the bathroom.
"I need cold water over my face," he mutters under his breath. As soon as the door falls into the lock, the other door opens.
"Blaise! She knows! Pansy knows!" yells Theo.
"She knows what?" Draco peeks his wet face out of the bathroom.
"About me and Daph!" I think Theo didn't realize that it was Draco. After the second glance at Draco, he jumps a little.
"You and Daph? What did I miss?"
"Okay, close the damn door and then you can talk," I say, but none of them listens.
"Why is your face wet? You look like a dead fish," laughs Theo at Draco. Draco grabs a towel, drys his face, and then slaps Theo's ass with it. They chase each other through the room. God, their mood swings are horrific.
"I needed to calm down, cold water helps, okay?" explains Draco out of breath.
"Why do you need to calm down?" asks Theo.

"What the hell is going on with our girls?" laughs Draco after Theo told his story and Draco told his story too.
"Well, I am fine with my girl," I lean back and wink at them.

Gracie's POV

I think I searched the whole school twice. Where the fuck is she? I stand at the huge door of the Great hall again. I scan the hall. Still no sign of her. I give up, like really, if she would want to talk, she wouldn't hide. I step on the moving stairs. I hurry before they start to move. To my luck, I make it to the other end. I glance back as the stairs start to move away. That's when I see two girls. Pansy and Hermione. Pansy's and my eyes meet. I can't see if she cried or not. They are too far away. Hermione has her arms warped around Pansy. Pansy looks away immediately. I call out her name twice. I tell her to wait a second. She doesn't answer. Hermione answers for her, "Fuck off, Owen!" What the hell? I stand there for a second. Why would Hermione tell me to fuck off? Oh yeah, because Pansy probably told her the whole story. Pansy is so stupid. Why would she still trust her?

"Guys, we have a problem," I announced as I enter the boy's dorm and see the three guys sitting in a circle.
"Oh, yeah, we really have a problem."

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