Twenty-Six - Conforntation.

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Theo's POV
Hogwarts - January 1997

I bet he told her. I would bet millions of gallons. As soon as he explained to me that he told her about Jack at the New Year's party, I knew he wouldn't be able to keep it up. She knows. I am sure she knows. That means she's in danger if she knows. But I know too, I am in danger too-
"Are you alright?" Asks Blaise before he opens the door back to the dorm. I just nod slowly. "Theo, what's going on?"
"It's not my story to tell. Don't ask so many questions," I snap and open the door myself to avoid more confrontation.
"She threw up," Pansy says annoyed, and points to the bathroom. A quick glance around the room shows that Daph and Luna are missing. Please, Daph, don't throw up. Blaise pushes the door open and pulls back because of the smell. Luckily Daph is the one holding the hair. 
"What did you give her to drink?" Blaise snaps at Pansy and Hermione.
"It's my fault," Luna chocks into the toilet. "Too much, too fast."
Blaise takes over, so Daphne is free to leave. "You're good," I say relieved. If it would have been her I would have been fucking mad, because taking care of someone drunk is the least I want to do now.
"I'll take her back to her dorm," Blaise picks her up.
"Be careful-" I wanted to warn him not to get caught.
"I know how to handle my girl, Nott," he snaps. He's mad, shit.
"I better get going," Hermione gets up slowly, sensing the tension.
"I'll take you," Pansy says quickly and shoots me a weird glance before they finally all leave. I curse under my breath as I fell on Daphne's bed. Daph closes the door to the bathroom and I know what's next, she wants to know too. Fuck!
"What's going on?"
"It's nothing-"
"Blaise called you "Nott", it's not nothing. Gracie and Draco were in a huge fight and she didn't tell me then she stormed out and they didn't come back, it's definitely not nothing," she explains. She's right. It's not nothing, it's huge, it affects everyone who knows, puts everyone in danger who knows.
"Daph, look- I really want to tell you, but-"
"Just tell me," she presses.
"I can't-"
"Let me fucking finish!" I yell. "I am sorry," I immediately apologize, it wasn't supposed to be so harsh. She doesn't answer, she just raises a brow. "Daphne, I want to tell you, but it's better if you don't know. I am not in the place to tell you."
"Who knows?" She whispers.
"Who knows?" She repeats.
"I am not sure-" I lie.
"You are," she says and puts herself in front of me. I hesitate. I can't tell her. I push around her and start to pace through the room. "Theo, who knows-"
"Fuck! Daph, I don't know! Me, Draco, and probably Gracie!" I burst out, fuck.
"And I."
"I know," she replies. What the fuck? How? What-
"How did you find out?"
"You left the letter in your jacket and I wore it the next day, I am sorry-"
"Daph," I start to panic, "do you have any idea how bad this is?"
"Why didn't you tell me when you found it?" I yell angrily. She stays silent.
"I wanted to see how long you'd lie to me-"
"Daphne, that's not something you'd keep to yourself! We're all in danger, now that we all know!"
"Know what?" A new voice joins the conversation. I am fucked.

Gracie's POV

We didn't talk the whole way to Draco's dorm. My mind was busy drawing out all the scenarios that could happen now. Will he be forced to leave and join them? What is his task? Will it kill him? Will it kill the others of us if we know? Shit, shit, shit. Tears roll down my cheeks again as Draco closes the door behind us. "Gracie, we will be fine," he tries to calm me down. "I'll just do what they say and I will live," he doesn't believe in the words he is telling me.
"Draco-" my voice cracks. What if I lose him?
"Gracie, listen to me-" He pulls me closer into his embrace, "All I have to do is repair this stupid vanishing cabinet, I'll do it and then they'll attack but that's not our concern."
"They'll kill him?" I sob.
"The Dark Lord wants Harry dead, yes. But if we go against him..."
"We will die. I know," I finish Draco's sentence. I feel his lips on the top of my head. "Only Theo knows?"
"Yeah, he found the letter," Draco mumbles against my hair. "Let's get some rest." I almost forgot I still have alcohol in my blood, because this situation sobered me up really quick. He lowers himself on his bed and pulls me down, his arm not leaving my waist. "Gracie, I'll do what they say and we'll all be fine, please believe me," Draco whispers, but I can't stop crying.
"What if they'll kill you anyway?" My voice is shaking.
"Shhhh," his thumb rubs over my wet cheek. "They won't. Just sleep, my love."

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