Ten - Pleasure.

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Gracie's POV
Hogwarts - October 1996

He places a piece of paper on my table while heading out of the classroom. "My dorm tonight?" It's a school night, but who cares? I turn around and nod at him.

"You already drunk?" I laugh and stand beside him. "Maybe. Not too drunk to fuck you." I shush him, we are in a crowd and we should remain a secret. "In 10 minutes, room of requirement," I whisper and wink.

He pulls me back as we walk with the others to the common room, "You free tonight?" I nod and watch his smirk grow. "Come prepared."

"Where are you going?" asks Pansy as I am about to leave. "Uhh, for a walk," I stutter. She looks at me confused, „It's cold, maybe you need a jacket?" I giggle nervously and grab my jacket, gladly she doesn't know I won't get cold.

"Gracie!" Blaise snips with his fingers in front of my face. "Hey, I am talking to you." I apologize and ask him to repeat his sentence. "Luna forces me to go with her to the Gryffindors tonight, Pansy said she is coming too and she asked you and Daph to come too."
I totally forgot about that, "Oh, yeah. Sorry, I can't, I have to study." He leans back disappointed. Theo and Draco enter the great hall. I prick into my lunch with my fork.
"Hey guys," greets Theo us, and turns to Blaise, "Did you finish your essay?"
Blaise's eyes widened, „Essay?"
"The Herbology essay." Blaise cruses under his breath. He demands Theo to help him finish it and they hurry off. Draco sits down across from me. „What are you doing tonight?" I pause pricing my food and I look up at him.
"Studying, you?"
"Me too." I sigh, I don't know what it is between us. For three weeks we have been messing around, always hooking up in the middle of the night. No one caught us so far. Gladly. I don't know how to feel about this, at first it was fun, I mean it still is, but if I am honest there is more than just the sex. We agreed to be distant in public, so no one would sense something. I hate the fact that I am missing him even if we are in the same room. I hate the fact that I like him. I hate the fact that I know it for so long, but I just don't want to admit it to myself.
"We could study together," he offers and waits patiently for my answer. Maybe it would be nice to hang out without having secret sex. I tell him I'll come over later and I leave for my next class.

"Hey Draco," I close the door and fall onto his bed.
"Exhausted?" He lays down next to me.
"Mhm." He starts to get closer, as I move away he is confused.
"Draco, I think we should be able to hang out without hooking up. Besides, we need to study." He is a little bit upset. He agrees anyway, so we study. Well, we try to. After circa 40 minutes the two of us can't focus at all.
"I believe we both know we have to talk about this," says Draco finally. I nod and I wait for him to start. He doesn't.
So I do, "Do you really think we can pull this off any longer? How embarrassing it would be if we get caught."
He lets out a deep breath, "I know we can't do this any longer, I still want to keep doing it."
I giggle, "The sex is great."
"It is," he chuckles. A few seconds of silence, till I ask what he thinks we should do. He shrugs. Would have been my reaction too.
"End it? Be friends again?" I ask carefully.
He is clearly not up for that, "End it? Really? Wow."
"Don't get me wrong, I don't want to stop hooking up with you, but maybe it's better, for both of us." He immediately disagrees.
"You like me, don't you?" I ask playfully, I already know he does.
"What? No," he lies.
"I know you do, but you hate the fact that you do. You are obsessed with me, even better, you are addicted to me. Am I right?" He holds his breath.
"And you, what do you think we should do?" His voice is so provocative.
"I think, we should," I pause, what do I think? "We should either end this or try this seriously, everything between won't work out any longer." I take a deep breath, I just said that, holy shit.
"Like a real couple? In public?" He stutters, he is so nervous.
"Any better ideas?" Draco shakes his head.
"That's what you want?" He asks.
"Go big or go home. Don't you want that?" He is now smirking. He stands up and takes my hand. He places me to stand in front of him.
"Alright, let's do this. Gracie Owen, will you be my girlfriend?" I smile up at him.
"Yes, I would love to."

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