Eighteen - Letter.

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Gracie's POV
Hogwarts - December 1996

"Oh my god," I yell at Theo, "how stupid are you? Kissing in the middle of a corridor!"
"Hey, calm down, you are just mad that Pansy is hanging out with Hermione again," hits Theo back.
"That's not true! And you know it!" I grab an almost empty water bottle and smash it against the wall.
"Guys, this won't help now!" Interrupts Blaise our fight. Draco agrees. I take a few deep breaths and wander across the room. The door cracks as it gets opened. It's Daphne. She looks at the boys sitting in a circle. Then at me and the wet wall behind me and the shattered glass on the ground. "What the hell happened?" I am still so mad about everything, I want to leave. I push her aside and walk through the door.
"Nah. Gracie, we are all in this. We are discussing this now," I hear Draco's angry voice in my neck as he pulls me back into the room and closes the door.
"Okay, then start! Let's start by telling Daph our wonderful dilemma," I command.
I listen as Blaise rewinds the whole story. He talks for 5 minutes straight. No one interrupts him.
"So to sum this up, Gracie has a stalker? Pansy has been fucking Snape? Draco screamed at her? Then she saw us together? And then she ran back to Hermione?" asks Daphne.
"Yeah. Now yours and Theo's secret is out and all the Gryffindors are already gossiping about it. And Draco and-"
Daphne interrupts Blaise, "You knew the whole time?" Blaise nods. "What the fuck Theo? We agreed to not tell anyone!"
"I assumed you would tell Gracie! So I told Blaise!" yells Theo.
"Well, no! I can keep secrets!"
"I was just so excited about us happening!"
"You should have just kept quiet! Is that so difficult?" I just sit there and listen to them shouting at each other. It gives me chills and it keeps my mind off my problems.
"Okay, enough. You can discuss this somewhere else! As I said, now Pansy is also mad at Draco and Gracie. And not to forget Gracie has a stupid stalker," says Blaise.
"But wait, Theo-" starts Daph again.
"No more fighting!" commands Blaise.
"No, no, no. When Theo and I walked down the corridors we heard the cracking door of Severus' office. We turned and no one was there. We kept going and suddenly Pansy comes out of the room before Snape's office. You think she was there?"
Silence. Everyone thinks about this for a minute. If Pansy told Severus, he knows that we know it. What would Severus do to us if we spread this?
"Fuck. This got way worse! Now we have a mad Pansy to handle and a betrayed teacher," mumbles Draco.
"What do we do now?" asks Theo.
"You really are in trouble, guys," laughs Blaise, and wants to stand up.
"Hell no, Blaise. Stay where you are. You are in this now. You were in this since you knew about Theo and Daph." I warn him. He slowly sits back down.
"Gracie, calm down a little," whispers Draco to me.
"Do not tell me what to do, Draco! I told you, I am not a child you can order around!"
"I just want to help you! I am in this too, if you haven't noticed!" Now we are yelling at each other.
"Shut the fuck up now! Since I am the only adult here, I decide what's going to happen next," says Blaise, "Draco and Gracie, you go to Gracie's dorm and discuss this. Theo and Daph stay here and discuss their problem."
"And you?" asks Theo slowly.
"I am going to Luna and tell her that we are fine and she doesn't need to worry about Draco and Gracie. You got one hour. Everyone returns here and we will find a solution. If anyone sees Pansy, tell her to come here in two hours. I think we need time to prepare for this conversation." Blaise takes a deep breath, gets up, and leaves. So do Draco and I.

Blaise's POV

On my way to Luna, I debate if I should tell her about all this or not, but if she knew she would be in this too. I enter the room and start telling her that everything is fine and there is no need to worry.
"Oh, Blaise I know you are lying." She says that so casually. "Talk to me, I can keep secrets."
I sight, "I don't want you to be a part of this."
"I give you my permission to obliviate me if it's that bad." I agree.

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