Nine - Realisation.

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Gracie's POV
Hogwarts - October 1996

My eyes flicker open, fuck, my head is pounding. I lift my head, but I am too tired to keep it up. My head collides with the pillows. I drank way too much last night. I rub my eyes, what time is it? My sight falls to my left and so to the clothes on the floor. I force myself to sit up now, then the moment of realization. I am not in my own dorm, I am in a boy's dorm. I am in Draco's dorm. My eyes widened and my gaze shoots to my right. The blond messy hair and the white bare chest. Back to my left, the clothes on the floor. Mine and his. No, no, no, no, no, oh fuck.
I lay back and try to remember, I barely can. Did we hook up? What if we did? Did someone see us? I feel the panic inside me growing.
"Draco," my voice unsteady. He groans and rolls to the other side. "For fuck's sake Draco, wake up!" I shake his body. He opens his eyes and as he sees me, he is just as confused as I was.
"What happened?" He asks, he is panicking too.
"You tell me." He shakes his head as he recognizes his naked body and mine under one blanket, "You think we..."
"Hooked up? I certainly believe we did." He curses something under his breath as he goes through his hair over and over again. I stare at the ceiling. I try to recall last night, something's come back. Not the one I want.
I remember me on his lap, me spitting in his mouth, us kissing. But this?
"Fuck Garcie, we hooked up. We had sex."
I sigh, "Are you sure?"
He nods, "Of course I am, I fucking know who I fucked." More parts of last night pop up in my head as I try to remember harder. Now I am sure we hooked up too.
"What do we do?" he asks and turns his head to me.
"Keep it a secret of course," I answer. I won't let this stupid hook-up ruin my reputation. No one should know I slept with him. Our friendship caused enough rumors.
"They saw us making out and probably leaving together."
"I know, Draco. If someone says something or asks a question, we were drunk...or better, someone put love potion in our drinks to prank us." He mumbles a yes and watches me getting dressed. I leave without another word. I close the door behind me and lean against it. I wince as something broke loudly inside his dorm. After I looked around in the hall to make sure no one saw me, I head back to my dorm with my head down.

I return to two sleeping beauties. Wow, Pansy finally sleeps here again. I wonder what happened while I was on top of Malfoy. Embarrassing. I get rid of that dress. With my favorite hoodie and some shorts, I lay back down. This time in my bed.

Pansy wakes me up and informs me that I have to get with her and Daphne to the boy's dorm. Apparently, she wants to talk. I don't care and just shuffle behind them through the halls.

"So guys, uhm, I kinda want to apologize," she begins. We all sit distributed in the room. No one dares to interrupt Pansy's monologue. "I am sorry for treating you like rubbish, I was kinda distracted. Well, I was interested in someone and all my attention went to them. Not anymore though." Blaise and Draco look at each other like they knew it. "As you know I hang very much with Harry, Hermione, Ron and so on. I want to be in a  friendship with all of you and all of them. Maybe that's not what you hoped, but that's what I want." I am glad she made up her mind. We are about to answer to her announcement, but she isn't finished yet, "I also want to ask you if you want to come to the three broomsticks tonight...Hermione, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Neville will be there too. Luna should come too." Theo and Blaise chuckle, Draco is a bit disgusted at the mention of Potter and Ron. Daphne is confused. So I take my chance to speak up.
"Pansy, I think we all appreciate your apology. I am glad you can think straight again. We, well, I understand that you still want to be friends with them, but that doesn't mean we have to deal with them." I sit back and watch how the others agree. Pansy looks more and more disappointed. Now I feel sorry for her.
"Maybe, uhm, we can meet with them for one time?" I ask in the round.
"Are you kidding?" laughs Theo.
"Only one time, for Pansy." Her eyes light up.
"Fine. Only tonight, but I'll bring Luna to," says Blaise. Daphne agrees too and so Theo has no choice to say yes too. Draco ignores the last part of our conversation.

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