Fourteen - Mood.

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Daphne's POV
Hogwarts - November 1996

"Then I kinda went without hesitation into her room. Do you think it's bad?" asks Blaise while he tells me about his last night's drunk interaction with Luna.
"What did you say to her?"
"I cried how I want her back, at least that's what I think I did," he mumbles into a pillow. Oh, it's bad. "She sent me away for obvious reasons." I feel bad for him, he is just in love.
"Blaise, talk to her today, maybe she'll understand and you can talk things out," I suggest. He takes a deep breath and is about to agree when someone busts into the room. It's Astoria, she is so upset and screams her soul out. What the fuck is wrong with her?
"What is your problem with me? Why didn't you take me with you? You know, yesterday, when you saw mum and dad! You left me! As always! What the fuck is wrong with you?" My and Blaise's widened eyes meet. Is she that mad, that I didn't take her with me to this boring event? This girl has serious anger issues. "What are you staring at? Tell me why the fuck you didn't let me know!"
I take a deep breath, I almost laugh at her, "Astoria, first of all, calm down, Merlin." She puts on a judging glance and opens her mouth to yell again, but I am timelier, "I was in your room to tell you to get ready, you weren't there. We left pretty early." It's hard to stay calm while she blames me.
"When did you leave, huh?" The provoking tone in her voice drives me mad.
"Blaise, tell her, we left around half-past seven, right?" Blaise is so intimidated by her that he needs some seconds to nod his head.
"I was in my room at this time!" Oh, Jesus Christ, who can a single person hold so much frustration? I remain silent. I refuse to talk to her when she shouts at me this way.
"You wanna know what I think?" she asks. Now I am curious. "I think you didn't let me know, because you are protecting your best friend's relationship! You are afraid that Draco leaves her for me!" Behind me, Blaise isn't able to control his laughs. Who the hell does she think she is? I have to hold my breath to not laugh the same way as Blaise keeps going.
"Astoria, that is definitely not the case, I can assure you that," I say with an amused smile.
"Whatever!" She runs out and shuts the door. I look at Blaise and we break out in laughter.
"She thinks she can steal Draco from Gracie? In what world does she live?" Blaise falls backward on my bed. I stand up, still not able to stop laughing, to shut the door correctly, since Astoria shut it so hard it backfired.
"Oh, hey! Luna, come in!" I frighten as Luna suddenly stands in the door frame.
She gives me a warm, soft smile, "I just wanted to ask if you have seen Blaise?" Blaise jumps up.
I open the door further, "He is actually here. We had a truly funny interaction with my sister, maybe you heard her," I say, half giggling, but she doesn't listen to me anymore. Her eyes are only on Blaise, who stands there doubtful like a first-year before their first broom class. He is waving awkwardly. "I will leave you guys alone for a few minutes, then you have time to discuss whatever you need to discuss," I mumble, but before I finish Luna is in Blaise's arms.

Pansy's POV

Carefully I open the door, why is it even open? It's Friday, there aren't afternoon classes on Friday. Weird. I walk over to his table and sit on top of it to wait. He exceptionally agreed to meet on an afternoon. I have to show up at a party tonight, I don't want to be suspicious.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" A female voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I look to my left and Astoria comes out of the ingredients store.
"I could ask you the same," I say confused. She holds some vials in her hands and tries to hide them under her hoodie.
"We are just going to forget we met, alright?" Then she storms out. That girl is so fucking strange. I hear his steps, let's just forget about Astoria, I won't let her ruin the mood.

Gracie's POV

"More shots!" yells Daph and I shake my head with a grin on my face.
"What? A fucking good time never killed anybody!" I gulp down another one. And another one. For Daph's pleasing, another one.
"Come on, let's dance!" shouts Pansy in my ear and pulls me and Daphne in the jumping crowd. I fucking love parties. Especially the one with all houses unified and every year is welcomed. They are the best, everyone is drunk and in a good mood.
It feels like we already danced for hours, maybe it's the alcohol in my blood, I don't know. As much as I love the crowd, I also love the sofas where the people just sit and get high. I want to get high. Where is Draco? Anyway, I want cocktails.
"Cocktails?" I scream at Daph. She nods and I start to walk to the bar, followed by Pansy and Daphne. As soon as we are out of the jumping people, Pansy stops and gets super excited.
"Let's play a drinking game! With the boys! We haven't done that in such a long time." She's right, she is absolutely right. The three of us rush to the said sofas where everyone gets high. Of course, Draco, Blaise, and Theo sit there and pass a joint around.
"Guys, guys, guys! Let's do something fun!" They look at us perplexed.
"Like what?" asks Theo.
"Some kind of drinking game," answers Daphne confident.
"Beerpong." Our eyes light up.

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