Twenty-Nine - Poison.

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Draco's POV
Hogwarts - February 1997

"He's awake," I hear a male voice in the distance. My vision is blurred, there is a weird ringing noise in my left ear and I am about to be sick. What is going on? I remember Gracie and I left the restaurant and's all a blur. "Hello," the same voice says and waves a hand in front of my face. I blink a few times in a row to clear my vision. Oh shit, I am about to throw up. I want to cover my face with my hand, but I can't move. I don't get it. What is going on? I try to move again, but neither my legs nor my arms could move.
"Don't try, you're hurting yourself," a female voice, a familiar one. I finally look up and recognize those faces. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are standing above me.
"Wh-what are you doing?" I still slur my words.
"Don't play stupid, you know why you're here," Harry says, but I really don't.
"Did you poison me?" I choke the words out before I almost gag again.
"Not only you," Ron laughs. "Blaise, Theo, Daphne, Pansy and...Gracie." My head snaps up.
"Where is she?"
"She's fine," Hermione starts. I try to put the pieces together, but my mind feels like it's been hit against the ground repeatedly. Why did they poison only the six of us? Why am I here? Handcuffed? Fuck. They know. My gaze meets Hermione's. "Now he gets it."
"How did you find out?" I ask angrily.
"Pansy-" Ron starts.
"Fucking Parkinson, she swore she told no one, fuck," I curse under my breath.
"We gave her Veritaserum and obliviated her, it's not her fault," Hermione explains.
"What do you know?" I mumble and look down on me and at my chains.
"We know that you're involved in the plan and how you want to do it," Harry says. He starts pacing back and forth. "How is it going with the vanishing cabinet?"
"Fuck you," I spit at them.
"Talk, Malfoy," Ron orders. His face comes closer to mine.
"Or what? You'll kill me? I bet you would," sarcasm speaks out of me. I hope Gracie is okay.
"Let him sit here for a while, he'll talk," Hermione shoves Ron away from me. Harry follows them outside and as the door closes, it's pitch black again. Fucking hell. Please, Gracie, be okay. Please.

Pansy's POV

"Hey," I return to Hermione's dorm after I helped Gracie search for Draco the whole afternoon. Hermione mumbles a Hey back. "So first of all, are you like not hungover? Because I was so sick this morning and Gracie and Daphne were too, even Theo and Blaise threw up."
"Yeah, I'm fine," she mutters, still avoiding eye contact.
"And then the craziest thing happened, Draco is like missing! I helped Gracie look for him for the past hours, but Theo says he wasn't with her in the dorm when he returned last night, and it's like so fucked up an- Hermione, are you okay? You look like you're about to be sick." I cup her face and force her to look up at me. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, maybe I am hungover too," she giggles awkwardly.
"In the evening? Yeah, right," I laugh and sit back down on her bed to continue my story. "And Blaise said he saw Gracie and Draco leaving and-" She is as white as the wall, every time I mention Draco.
"And what happened then?" She chocks on her words.
"Why do you always act like that when I mention Draco?" She does it again, she breaks eye contact, gets white, and plays with her necklace. She only does that when she's nervous.
"Like what? I don't, uh, don't know what you mean."
"Do you know where Draco is?" I ask straight out. She hesitates to answer, her mouth opens but she is missing words. "Hermione, you better tell me, because if he's in another girl's bed, I'll kill him-"
"No! No, I really, really don't know where he is," she turns away from me. She is lying, but why?
"You're lying," I point out.
"Yeah, you're lying, Hermione! Where is Draco?" I get more and more aggressive.
"I don't know," her voice is shaking, alarmist breaking. I push her shoulder and she turns to look at me, her eyes filled with tears.
"What did you do?" I shout.
"We know," she whispers.
"Know what?"
"Everything." She knows everything. She knows about the plan. She knows about Draco and the Dark Lord and, and, and...they know everything.
"How?" I press her against the wall. "How? Hermione! How?"
"You told me," she whispers.
"I didn't-" Then it hits me. "The tea. You poisoned me! And last night you poisoned all of us!"
"Where is Draco?" I scream at her. "Where is he?"
"Room of Rewards," she mumbles. I stare at her for a few more seconds, before I let go of her. "Pansy!" She shouts after me. "Pansy! Wait! I love you!"
"You never loved me," I mutter through tears and slam her door.

Draco's POV

"Fucking talk, man!" Ron screams at me and breaks another finger.
"You're just so fucking mad at me because Gracie's mine, right?" I laugh through the pain. "All you want to do is be all over her, but guess what! I am all over her! All the tim-" His fist meets my jaw. Again. Again.
"Guys stop!" Harry stands up and pulls Ron away. "Draco, since you won't talk, let's make a deal," Harry suggests.
"Yeah right, I'll make a deal with you," I chuckle. I taste the blood in my mouth.
"Look, we know now about the attack, and if they find out you weren't loyal, you're dead. If you help us, you have a chance of living."
"It's not that simple, Potter," I pant. I bet my rib is broken.
"You can either die or help us and live."
"I could still die on your side, I am not that stupid Potter," I remark.
"If you help us prepare properly, we can win-"
The sound of the door opening cuts him off. "Fuck you! Fuck all of you!" Pansy screams like she is possessed by a demon. "I hate you! You tricked me! I hate you!" She pushes Ron to the ground and Harry a few feet away from me.
"I was never happier to see you," I joke as she loosens my handcuffs.
"Pansy-" Harry starts as he collects himself.
"No! Fuck you!" Her voice rings in my ear.
"Pansy!" Harry shouts now too. I stand up and stretch my limbs. Pansy just holds up her middle finger towards Harry. "If you leave this room, right now, we will go to Dumbledore and then there is no turning back! All of your covers will be blown!" He takes a deep breath. "Also Gracie's."
I stiffen. Gracie. "Tell me about that deal again."

Gracie's POV
Hogwarts - March 1997

"Found him!" Pansy pushes the door open and enters, followed by a bruised, bloody Draco. I rush over to hug him.
"I missed you, my love," he whispers in my hair.
"I was so scared for you," I sob. He slowly lets go of me but holds onto my waist.
"Change of plans," Draco announces. "We'll kill Voldemort."

Draco's words echo in my mind even three weeks later. Today is the day. Draco finished the vanishing cabinet last night. He will guide the Death Eaters to the tower since Voldemort ordered him to kill Dumbledore there. The Dark Lord made Draco's task more difficult in the last three weeks, but it's an advantage for our plan. "We got this," Draco kisses my head.
"I know we do," I smile through my doubts.
"Whatever happens, just know, I love you, Gracie, with all my heart," he whispers and cups my face. I place a gentle kiss on his lips.
"I love you, Draco. We will live, all of us."

Blaise, Theo, Daph, and Pansy enter the room. "Are you ready?" Theo asks. A hint of fright in his voice.
"No," Daph laughs her fear away.
"We all aren't ready," Blaise mumbles.
"Doesn't matter. We have to do this," Draco tells all of us. Everyone nods one time.
"We won't die today," Pansy's voice cracks from the nervousness.
"Promise?" Daphne whispers. A tear falls on her cheek.
"Promise. We will live."

The wind blows around my ears, causing my hair to fly around uncontrollably. Wow, it's windy up here- shit. I hear steps. I exchange a last look with Blaise. We nod at each other. The stairs rumble, how many are there? I hold my breath as I see him. Draco steps into the moonlight and points his wand at Dumbledore, who's defenseless. Behind Draco, they appear. Multiple Death Eaters, all dressed in black. And then- he pushes through and stands next to Draco. I inhale sharply as I see Voldemort next to Draco. He touches Draco's arm and whispers something to him. Draco remains still. Dumbledore says something, but the wind overtones it. I only hear a sharp female voice. It's Bellatrix. "Do it Draco!"
I hear Blaise gasp as Harry walks into the picture. Even though it's part of the plan, it's still scary. "Don't! You want me right? Then kill me!" Harry points his wand at Voldemort. Harry holds up his hands, for now, he's defenseless too.
Voldemort laughs a little. "You're making this way too easy," he pulls out his wand and points to Harry. Now.
I throw Dumbledore's wand to him. The elder wand. Harry catches it and does it. "Avada Kedavra!Voldemort fights back, but Harry is stronger. The lifeless body falls back into the arms of the other Death Eaters. Draco moves past his aunt to the side. We did it! We killed him! We did it!
"No! You stupid girl!" Bellatrix screams at the top of her lungs. "What did you do?" I am not hidden anymore, I am out in the open, but not alone. The others come out and quickly line up with Harry, Dumbledore, and me. I look to my left, amazed by our strength. And in the corner of my eye, I see Bellatrix's wand going up, pointing at me. Shit. I copy her movement, ready to fight back. She shoots a spell at me, but I am unable to hear which one. I successfully block it.
I hear Draco muttering a spell at his aunt. I focus on him. What is he doing- but Bellatrix strikes faster. At me. I fall back against the railing. "Gracie!" I hear a distant scream. It's Draco. "Gracie!" I feel a slight touch on my arm. Then on my face. "No Gracie! No! We all live, remember? We all live!"
Everything goes black.

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