Eight - Cheers.

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Gracie's POV
Hogwarts - October 1996

I woke up with messy hair and a snoring Draco turned away from me. I lift my head and see light in their bathroom, probably Blaise. I grab my stuff and head for the door.
"Good Morning," Blaise pushes the bathroom door open, still with his toothbrush in his mouth, "How are you feeling?"
"I am fine, yesterday was a bit overwhelming...anyway, why are you awake?"
He spits the toothpaste into the sinks and lets the water run, "Luna and Ginny got into a fight, apparently over me. I woke up to an owl at the window with a letter from her, she wants me to come over." I smile, he is way too obsessed to say no.
"Uhm, Gracie, do you want to talk about yesterday? It seemed like it was more than just 'a bit overwhelming'."
I nod, "I can handle it, but thank you."
Blaise sighs and chuckles while he steps out of the bathroom, he looks over to Draco, "I know you like him. Why don't you finally try it?" What? I laugh at his question, I don't believe he is serious at first, but his face stays straight.
"Blaise, you can't be serious. There is no way he likes me, besides I don't like him. There is nothing romantic relationship between us."
He grins, I couldn't convince him, "Yeah, right. Is his bed at least comfy? You also seemed very comfortable on his chest!"
I step into the hall, "Ugh, piss off, Zabini!" I slam the door, but I am still able to hear him laughing. Even I smile to myself.

I enter our dorm, I don't see Daph, I just hear her.
"What the fuck is wrong with her?" she cruses. I close the door behind me and look around, now I know why she curses. It's a mess in here. I spot Daphne next to her dresser throwing Pansy's pillows to Pansy's bed. She shouts at me, "What the hell have you been? Did you know about this?"

"You are kidding, right?" Daph is mad, not at me though. I told her everything about last night's events.
I shake my head, "Where were you?" She tells me she spent the night at Astoria's. We guess that Pansy locked the door after Draco barked in.
"So after I knocked and no one opened, I went back and slept there. I forgot my wand in here before I left." I look around again, empty bottles, jackets, blankets, and pillows are spread over the whole room, they had fun.
"It looks like they had an Orgie," I point out dryly. Daphne laughs and infects me with her laugh. She agrees after she clammed down.
"What were you even doing at Astoria's?" I ask.
"She got super bad in Defense Against The Dark Arts, I helped. This time, I didn't only help her, I helped her friends too. It was fine, till I came back to spend the night, then Astoria told me her friends would spend the night too. Merlin, they were annoying. Just obsessed over boys, but barely kissed someone. You won't believe who was a huge topic in their conversation," she pauses. I ask who it was and she continues, "Malfoy. It's not only Astoria!" I giggle, but a feeling comes up in me. Jealously? No way, push it aside.

Daph and I spent half of the day tidying the dorm, well, we threw everything that belongs to Pansy on her bed and cleaned our sides. While we cursed over Pansy, Daph mentions a party, Astoria and her little friends talked about it. I totally forgot about this party, the Ravenclaws announced it as a huge party. I don't care how I'll feel tonight, I won't miss that. Also, we went over to the boys to see if they will come too. Obviously, none of them declined it.

"I should wear that or do you think this dress would fit better?" Daphne holds up two outfits, I tell her I like both. I finally finish my eyeliner. We are already late again.
"Heels?" She nods. I look at myself in the mirror and approve of my appearance.
"Damn girl, you look hot!" hypes me up.
"Who are you trying to impress, huh?" I ask as I look her up and down.
"Any guy who is willing to fuck me tonight," she answers.
"Whore," chuckles Theo, he and Draco stand in the doorframe, seemingly they heard her last sentence.
"Alcoholic," teases Daphne back.
Draco claps his hand, "What a beautiful way to start the night, are we ready?" I grab my small bag and we head out.

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