Gigi Astra had a choice
Draco Malfoy or Theodore Nott
Or why not both?
They have been to many balls and dinners together which their parents has forced them to attend. The glamorous lifestyle that comes with being a Astra, Malfoy and a Nott. Three...
I rushed back to my dorm after my tense conversation with Draco up in the owlery. "There you are" Milan skipped over "have you forgotten we're meeting the boys in the common room in 10" she reminded me. Fuck. I really didn't feel like being around Malfoy or Nott tonight specially drinking and playing games. "I'm actually quite tired I'll just see you guys tomorrow" I said faking a yawn.
"Oh I don't think so bitch we're all going. Your not getting out of this one" Nova shouted "your coming get ready" there really was no point in arguing they wasn't going to let me off. I let out a loud sigh as I walked over to the bathroom to get ready.
I applied my makeup, soft nude eyes with faded black eye liner and red lips. I curled my hair as always into big wavy curls then put up in a high pony tail. I slipped on a mini red satin dress, that clang to my body showing off my figure. If I had to go tonight then why not give Nott and Malfoy something to cry over, give a little tease. Show them what they could of had if they didn't fucked up. Nothing better than a revenge dress.
( authors note: If this dress is not your style then you can imagine what ever you want x)
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"Okay I'm ready" After a few minutes of the girls complimenting me I slipped on my black shoes, with the famous red soles before we made our way down to the common room.
Blaise, Luka, Theo, Draco, Adrian and flint was already sitting round the fire on the coaches drinking and laughing. Soon as they saw us approach there was whistling and cat calling from the boys half joking, half not. Draco's eyes landed on me, he quickly sat up no longer slouching. He scanned me top to bottom. Focusing on me and me only. I watched him as he's breathing hitched. Like someone had just knocked the air out of he's lungs and he was struggling to breathe.
To the right of him was Theo laughing at something Blaise said. Just as he was about to drink from a bottle of expensive whiskey, he locked he's eyes on me and froze. Stopping the bottle making it's way to he's lips. He stared for what felt like forever. Eyes sparkling at me with he's mouth open wide.
Victory number 2
We all gathered round the couches next to the fire place passing the bottles of whiskey and rum around. "Let's play a game" Pansy squealed. Nova and Milan had the same thoughts as me as we all rolled our eyes in unison. "Truth or dare" she excitedly squeaked "Are we 12" Theo laughed "Don't be a bore let's play" Daphne giggles "Fine" Theo rolls he's eyes "I'll go first, we'll go round the circle, I pick truth" Pansy cheered "Is it true Draco fucked you in poisons class last term before Gigi's birthday party" Luca snickered while Pansy face dropped.
Draco shot he's head to Luka like he was about to use one of the three on him "Umm- I- umm-" she panicked I couldn't help the frown on my face as Draco looked at me sympathetically. "Take that as a yes" Pucey chimed in laughing A few giggles went round. I clearly wasn't amused, along with Draco and Pansy. "Ok Blaise truth or dare" Pansy turned her head beside her to Blaise to change the subject as quickly as possible.
"Dare" he stated calmly "Dare you to kiss the girl you find most attractive here" Without a second to think about it, he leaped up from he's seat over to Milan, put he's hand on her neck holding the back of her head, gazed at her for a few seconds before softly pressing hers lips against hers. Gaining giggles and high fives as he returned to he's seat. Milan had the biggest smile on her face, I really hope he doesn't hurt her because I will end him.
"Theo truth or dare" Nova grinned
"Either" he said cockily
"Is it true you have feelings for someone sitting in this room" Pansy butted in trying to hold in her laughter.
What a sly little bitch. He quickly glanced up catching my eyes then back to the whiskey in he's hand
he took a big gulp of the bottle that was in he's hand before looking back up to me.
He is so full of it.
Everyone scanned their eyes around the room awkwardly between myself, Nott and in some cases Malfoy.
I couldn't help but notice the clear and furious features of Malfoy. Staring down Theo like a lion about to attack it's prey.
He slammed he's bottle onto the table louder than I think he expected to. "Astra truth or dare" Pucey called across smirking. Ok so my two options, do I say truth and get some awkward question that I don't particularly want to answer with how tense the room was at this moment in time, or do I say dare, maybe get a bottle of whiskey to chug and get it over and done with? "Dare if I must" I rolled my eyes again as usual. It was so tense you could have cut it with a knife. "Dare you to spend the night in my dorm with me" he grinned from ear to ear. I saw Draco go to stand but Blaise subtly grabbed he's arm to stop him. "What the fuck Pucey" Theo moaned at him
Read the fucking room Pucey.
"Ew not even in your dreams" I growled at him disgusted by he's offer. "Fine" he whinged "pick someone to spend the night with you in the dorm" he crossed he's arm still upset from the rejection. Why did I agree to playing this stupid game. I'm so done with this shit
"Fine I pick Blaise" I said trying to sound unbothered. Malfoy and Nott shot each other a look of confusion along with the rest of the group. Milan and nova smiled as they knew what I was up to.
I stood up dramatically "and I'm done playing this game now" without a second glance I started walking to the stairs "Blaise you will be staying in my dorm" I paused " in Milan's bed" I winked at Milan before I disappeared up to bed.
Draco pov
It's been 2 weeks since Gigi wrote the letter to her mother and the game of truth or dare. Since then she has been avoiding me, but she was also avoiding Nott which made me feel slightly better but not much.
I waited in her room for her to get back in the evenings but she would never return and the other girls would never give away her location. I tried to grab her after classes but she would just disappear. I waited in the great hall at breakfast and dinner time, but it appears she been apparating home for meals.
I noticed Nott was having the same problem. Trying to get her attention but she was doing the same to him. The only people that she spent time with was Milan, Nova and Daphne. She was leaving Hogwarts to go back to her manor more than usual. When ever she felt like it she would just apperate home to her parents and sleep in her bedroom. It was more comfortable than her Hogwarts shared dorms so I couldn't blame her but I couldn't help but think something was going on.