T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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I opened my eyes lids after a heavy night and instantly my eyes was burn by the sunlight coming through the curtains.

My punishment for the night prior was about to begin, head aching, dizziness and sickness.  My suite was massive, modern with luxury beyond belief. The room smelt of expensive muggle whiskey and cigar ash.

I scanned the room at all my friends body's scattered everywhere, passed out on tables, floors even balcony's. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief at the peacock roaming around the enormous room, feathers almost touching the celling "what the hell" I murmured to myself quietly at the sight of an animal casually strolling around.

I remembered hardly nothing of the night only faint pictures in my mind of clubs and dancers.
I turned to my side and realised the girl laid asleep next to me.

"What the fuck" I blurted with more confusion "who the hell is tha-" the dark haired girl groaned as she turned round to face me
"Good morning Draco" she smiled kissing me on my nose

"My name is Malfoy. Can you remind me your name darling" I asked nicely. I had been here for a while now, well I think I have I couldn't really tell to be truthful, it was the same every day wake up in a weird setting, the casino and then back off out at the nightclubs again, and then of course the after parties in my room.

I'm not quite sure what this girl was still doing here I never let anyone stay in my bed with me, even if I slept with them I always kicked them out everyone knew this.

"Very funny" she laughed getting up from the bed taking the sheets with her wrapping them round her body to hide her naked body

Why did this bitch think she could just fucking stay in here with me all night. She was pretty. Very pretty, thick dark hair, dark eyes, plump lips, she had a small frame with a small nose, she kinda looked like- no no she does not   "I wasn't joking actu-"

"Oh I see" she teased picking her robe up from the chair beside the bed putting it over her body tying the robe around her "you still want to call me your fantasy name" she climbed back onto the bed crawling over to me hovering her lips over my ear "You can call me Gigi dray I don't mind" she kissed my ear making me jump up out of bed.

I stood there as my head spun, the consequence from last night. "I'm a big fan of hers so to be compared to her is very flattering to me, I get called a Gigi lookalike all the time" she boasted making my pulse quicken at the mention of Astra's name. This nut job clearly didn't know I personally knew Astra, she was very famous so I'm not surprised she knew her, i was just surprised she didn't know myself and Gigi as a well known duo. I was annoyed at myself for what ever I said for this girl to call herself Gigi

She stood from the bed taking steps closer to me "Get out" I said firmly
"What?" She asked as she suddenly halted her steps
"Just get out, I'll find you later. I don't let girls sleep over" I spat them turned on my heels heading for the bathroom still dizzy and confused
"Well you didn't mind last night" she argued putting her hands on her hips
"Last night was a mistake, you rather come find me later or never again it's your choice just get out my room" he warned her
She huffed and stormed to he's door
"Fine I'll see you later" she rolled her eyes as she left slamming the door

Thank fuck for that, I rubbed my eyes and sighed before I pulled out my wand to get rid of this headache. I headed to the bathroom to shower and start all over again.

By the time I was done in the bathroom the room had been cleared out and the peacock was gone. We took an elf with us to keep watch over us from exposing us as wizards.

"Malfoy are you ready" Victor called over to me

"As always mate" I replied

"Nice girl you had last night looks a bit like G-"

"Let's not mention her shall we" I shut him up as he laughed at me shrugging he's shoulders

"Okay okay it's just a bit of a coincidence the girl you've picked up happens to look just like the girl your clearly in lo-"

"Enough Victor" I silenced him. He had no idea what he was on about

"Can I just tell you this one thing" he asked seriously

"I would rather not, come on let's go stop wasting time" I cut him off heading out the door to the luxury muggle car transport

I didn't want to talk about her, I told her I would give her my everything. She didn't care, she will never trust me I was fighting a lost battle there really wasn't any need me being there anymore. I'll go back for my exams for a few days when the time comes, get my results through the post and get on with my life.

We arrived at the strip club and took our seats at the VIP table as drinks was already been served to us, even though it was only 3pm, but that's Vegas it wouldn't matter what time of day it was everything was open nightclubs, restaurants, strip clubs, pool party's, it was endless 24hrs a day. 

"Hey Draco" the girl from this morning approached with 3 of her friends "I knew I'd find you here" she battered her eye lids at me, Victor nodded he's head at security signalling to open the thick red rope to let them through to our table. I don't even know this girls name but she was comfortable enough to sit on my lap and put her arm around my neck

"Took you long enough" I smirked at her. She was pretty, fun and was up for a good time, why wouldn't I keep her around on this trip, she was exactly the kind of person I needed right now, no attachment just a shit load of fun. Victor grinned at me as her two friends sat beside him resting he's arms around them both

One of victors friends passed me a bottle of champagne and some tablet version of muggle drugs.

I rose the bottle up to Victor nodding with a smirk and took a swig of the bottle with the narcotics.

We was about to go again.

(Omg I'm so sorry it's been so long!! Next chapter out later today♥️)

Also what do we think Victor was going to say to Draco before he cut him off?🤔🤔

(don't forget to like♥️)

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