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I was having a good time meeting new people and reuniting with old friends. I didn't expect there to be so many potential suitors that I would actually like come tonight.

"Gigi I'm really glad I came here tonight" Noah whispered in my ear as the music filled the room
"Yes I'm glad you came" I gave him a friendly smile. He was everything you would look for, he was perfect. But he just wasn't what i wanted. He didn't give me those stomach butterfly's. We didn't have that spark. We had no chemistry. He didn't make me laugh uncontrollably. He didn't make me feel like I was the only girl in the world. He wasn't in love with me. He wasn't Malfoy. He wasn't Nott.

I knew I couldn't be with either of them, however it didn't stop me thinking about them the whole time.
Wishing it was them. Wishing they could have changed for me. Wishing I could obliviate them from my mind to save the hurting. Wishing that things could have been different. All the bullshit they gave me was nothing but bullshit lies. I hoped so desperately that they was telling the truth. But I knew it was nothing but Lies.

The pair of them wasn't ready for commitment. They will be too late to find a suitor and end up with a half blood or something. It will be their own fault for being so childish. I know Narcissa would be devastated that myself and Draco are no longer an obvious pairing. Notts family was also longing for him to pick up with me.

Guess they will both will be disappointing their families.
I wonder what they was both doing right now. Probably gone to the party tonight not even noticing I wasn't there there. Draco with Pansy, using her as usual. Nott fucking a random girl in a broom closet. My mind wondered about how the two boys was spending their evening.

"Another Miss" a waiter asked holding out a tray of champagne for me to take
"Thank you" I answered as I took a glass from the tray. As soon as I put the glass to my lips my eyes landed on two familiar boys.


Fuck fuck fuck



The both of them



I almost chocked on the champagne, starting a coughing frenzy. I quickly pulled myself together then placed my champagne down on the nearest table.
How did they know? Who told them about tonight? How the fuck was they here there was no way of getting in without a invite.

Of corse

My balcony

They hadn't seen me yet but I could tell they was searching the room for me, scanning with their eyes.
"If you'll excuse me, I need to apply some lipstick" I left heading for the closest exit making sure they wouldn't see me.

I slowly moved my way through the crowd trying to blend in so I wouldn't stand out.
Which was proving to be hard considering I was the reason they was there.  I almost made it out.


My eyes landed on the ones I was so desperate to find. She looked panicked. She was heading for the door.
"Astra" I shouted and I started to run in her direction.
Nott following behind me. I had to get to her I couldn't let her carry this shit show on any longer.

How could she fucking do this. I made one mistake. One, And she's willing to throw the idea of us away, over one tiny mistake.
I ran as fast as I could pushing the assholes, who thought they had a chance, out of my way.

I almost made it out the door when a tall figure purposely blocked my path.
"Young Malfoy" Mr Astra looked down on me with Mrs Astra at he's side, her arm linked with he's.
Nott slipped passed like he was invisible out the door after Gigi. I will kill him if he touches her.  I looked up at Mr Astra

Well shit.

"Mr Astra" I nodded my head respectfully.

"What are you doing here Malfoy. Our daughter informed us of your recent departure from her life" he asked

"I had no intention of pushing her out of my life. You must know" I maturely stated

"I must admit, I've been wondering what happened between the two of you, wondering what you did to my daughter I found it very unusual for her to banish you from her life She's always been quite fond of you." He was trying to intimidate me.

Gigi was he's Princess, he was wondering if I hurt her, wondering what I did wrong.

"Mr and Mrs Astra I assure you, there is nothing I wouldn't do for your daughter. I haven't been the best at showing her that but I would go to hell and back for her" I announced without hesitation "and I hope you can both see how serious I am about her"

"I see" he raised he's eye brows slightly "and tell me Young Malfoy. How did you manage to get inside"

"You know me Mr Astra, nothing will get in the way of what I truly want. Like I said there isn't a thing I wouldn't do for her" I respected Mr Astra he was successful in all he done, a very intelligent man, close friends to my parents.

Before he could answer me an old friend of he's approached him taking he's attention away from me. He took a few steps forward to greet he's friend
"Follow me" Mrs Astra whispered
She lead me out the doors to a private study. I was curious to why she wanted to get me away from Mr Astra.

She closed the door then used her wand to lock it.

"What are your intentions Draco" she wasted no time.

"What do you mean" I asked

"Why are you here, are you here to win my daughter back?"

I sighed in defeat

"Yes" I mumbled as I looked down to my feet

"What happened Draco, what did you do?" She softly asked, like she was just as sad about it as I was.

"I made a mistake, a stupid little mistake and I will do anything possible to get my chance back" I explained to the woman who I hoped one day would be my mother in law.

There was no point trying to deny it anymore, because of my childish games I almost lost the one thing in my life that makes sense. I'm done. I am done with the games, the partying, the girls. I'm done with all of it. Time was ticking I needed to sort my shit out.

"Draco if you are serious about my daughter, go make it right, tell her how you feel I've always seen it between the two of you.  but if you are not-" she paused "-then let her go, let her get on with her life and have a chance to find someone else that will make her happy"
I nodded to signal I understood. I opened the door and gave one last look at Mrs Astra before I left to find Gigi.

I knew what I had to do.

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