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"Well I must say I'm flattered you chose to put that on for me, but really, you shouldn't have" my eyes was frozen on her perfect body, I was unable to look away she was a goddess.

"Have you ever heard of giving a lady privacy Malfoy" she said hands on hips, I was surprised she wasn't running for the bathroom or covering herself up. It's almost as if she wanted me to see her like this.

"Come on Astra don't pretend like you don't want me here" I smirked at her

"If I wanted you here you would have been invited Malfoy, which you wasn't by the way so why are you here" she growled at me

"You really think I was going to let you go through with this shit show Gigi" I spat back at her

"And you really think you have a say in anything I do" she laughed at me "you have had more than enough time Malfoy, you lost any chance of being with me when you fucked Pansy in the common room" she took a step forward

"Gigi you have played games with me all your life don't act like I'm the only one to blame here" I took a step towards her

"Oh you are certainly the one to blame here, you can't last 2 days without a fuck fest from Pansy can you" she called out sassily "and it's Astra to you"

I must admit that hurt

"Oh please i wouldn't have needed to keep fucking Pansy if you would have just-"

"Oh so I needed to have sex with you for you to stay interested in me is that what your saying?" She shouted angrily as she took another step forward

"No! No Stop putting words in my mouth Gigi" I screamed at her

"Astra" she corrected me keeping her angry tone

"What I was going to say was if you just showed me a sign, anything, that you wanted to be with me I would have stopped it all, I only did that to make you jealous, if I would have known I had a real chance with you and didn't have to make you want me I would have gave up everything. I wouldn't have slept with her or anyone else for that matter" another step closer

"But you did!" She cried "and every time you did I was there" she sounded exhausted "the whole school gossiping about seeing you two sneaking around or seeing you walking out into the common room together, her clinging onto you, Watching her whisper in your ear, I tried, I tried so hard to be unbothered"

"Gigi.." I tried to reach out for her but she pulled away

"No.. the ball at Malfoy Manor, we was supposed to be together like we have always done, we should have had the last dance like we always did, but you was with her"

"I told you I left to find you" I defended myself

"It's not good enough, you shouldn't of had to find me I should have been there with you from the start" she almost looked like she was going to cry

"Tell me what I have to do to make this right. Tell me what I have to do, I'll do anything I swear" i plead with her

I really meant it this time I couldn't loose her to a fucking dickhead at this fucking party she made her mother host. Her mother wanted us to be together I know she did, so Gigi obviously asked for this event, she was seriously done. Her mother didn't want us together for money or fame. It was because she cared for her daughter and her happiness, she knew as well as I did that it was always me and her. We was always supposed to be together but we was both to stubborn and that was the problem.

I  know I'm not exactly boyfriend material and I only have myself to blame for that but how could she give up on us so easily.

Has she forgotten all the times I came to her rescue? When crazy jealous girls would try to hurt her or when boys tried to drug her and take her home with them or when people would just bother her in general, she didn't have to worry about anything I never let anyone touch a single hair on her head. She was protected by me at all costs.

When we was only 7 years old, older kids from one of the pureblood families visiting my parents at our manor pranked us and shot a green spark from a firework straight at Gigi calling out Avada Kedavra i saw the green light heading straight for her, I ran the short distance as fast as I could and jumped in front of her letting the green spark hit me in the chest, it left a pretty bad burn mark on my body and of course the older kids was punished, but even at 7 years of age I would have died for her.

All this time and nothing has changed.

"Malfoy just leave please I can't deal with this tonight from you and Nott it's too much" she uttered as she rubbed her temple

What the fuck did Nott do, I almost forgot he ran after her first when her father called me.

"What about Nott?" I could feel the anger quickly building up inside of me.

She just stood there in silence staring right through me "What about Nott Astra" my voice slightly raised

"It's nothing Malfoy just drop it and go home I need to go to bed" she turned around and attempted to walk away to her bathroom

"Tell me what the fuck happened with Nott when he ran after you" I followed her to the entrance of the bathroom grabbed her arm, flipped her back round to face me then pushed her back into the wall next to the bathroom door.

"What the fuck you doing Malfoy get off me" she tried to fight me but she couldn't get out of my grip I wasn't hurting her but she wasn't getting away from me

"Tell me now or I'll find out myself" I warned her

"And how exactly are you going to do tha-" she started

I cut her off as I pulled my wand from my suit trousers and pointed it to her head 

"You wouldn't" she spat at me

"Oh but I would Gigi, so you either tell me yourself or I can find out"

I didn't want to have to do this to her but she left me with no choice.
How she's acting about this I know
something must have happened between her and Nott why else would she be so secretive

"Nothing happened Malfoy" she tried to argue but she was wasting her breath I knew her too well

"I'm sorry" I closed my eyes

"No please dra-" she was cut off


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