T W E N T Y - T W O

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"STOP THE GAME" Blaise shouted rushing towards Nott

"The game cannot be stopped this is a quidditch game not a chess game" McGonagall shouted "Mr Nott is conscious and will be taken to the hospital wing when the game ends"

"I'm sorry but she is right the game must be continued" Dumbledore announced as he approached "but any foul play will not be tolerated under my watch"

Nott was holding he's ribs in pain just managing to sit up. We could see him trying he's hardest to get up but he didn't have the strength.

Blaise, Luca refused to play until Theo was took to the hospital, but they was threatened to get the team disqualified. Nott waved them off signalling them to carry on playing and that he would be okay.

I could see Nott was in pain and trying he's best to hide it and gain the strength to get up and join back in the game.

"We need to see if he's okay" I screamed to my two best friends

"Gigi we can't it's too dangerous we could get hurt" Milan cried

"Besides they won't let us through" Nova reasoned

We spent the next 10 minutes on the edge of our seats while the goals was going back and fourth Slytherin fighting extra hard with 2 players down.

"Can I get some shots of you girls in your outfits" Rita the journalist asked with her annoying grin and high pitch tone

She really was one of the most awful witches on the planet. Lied her way to success.

"If you must" Milan answered as we all rolled our eyes at her

We stood next to each other so she could take the photographs of us. After a few shots of us together she then took single photos of us

"So tell me what's going on between your self and the dashing Zabini?" She squealed making us flinch with her cutting right through our ears

"I don't know what your talking about" Milan mumbled uninterested in what Rita had to say

"So you deny having feelings for the young Pureblood wizard" Rita couldn't keep her mouth shut for longer than 30 seconds

"Can't hear you sorry" Milan called out as she was walking away

She left me and Nova stood with the dreadful woman.

"And how about you my dear" she pointed to me

"What about me" I frowned

"Well are we team Nott or team Malfoy?" She giggled "come on you can tell me lady to lady" she whispered as she winked making me feel repulsed at the repulsive woman.

"I'm not sure what you mean" I spat at her

"Oh ofcorse they wasn't invited to your suitors party but I saw the way Nott blew you a kiss earlier, so if there's hope for Nott, there is definitely hope yet for Malfoy" she winked again.

The woman was actually disgusting.

Her fashion sense hair and makeup was enough to make me collapse, that's without her unbearable mouth

"You have no idea what your talking about" I growled at her

"Oh I see" another wink.

"Why are you winking? stop you creep" I told her

She wrote something down in her little notepad  god knows what. She was so unpredictable.

She was finished torturing us so she decided to move on thankfully. Milan came over to join us again

"Finally she fucking leaves" she sighs as she approaches

"That woman will never give it up" Nova moaned

"GOAL FOR GRYFFINDOR" Lee Jordan screamed as the Gryffindor crowed cheered.

"We're fucking loosing" Daphne Greengrass called from behind us as she joined us in the front row with Pansy.

"Fuck no. We can't loose to them" Nova gasped

We could see the Slytherin players start to argue amongst themselves blaming each other for loosing

Blaise and Luca was more worried about Nott but the rest of the players was fuming to be loosing. Gryffindor was our rival team. To loose to them would be a major disaster.

The Gryffindor crowd was going crazy screaming and cheering. They knew that was going to win and they was gloating. Shouting over to us calling us losers and chanting

"How does it feel to loose to the easiest team to beat" cho chang from ravenclaw taunted us

"We're going to be the laughing stock  of the school" Daphne cried

"We're two players down and they have been jinxing the game how is it our fault!" Nova exclaimed

"3 minutes left and Gryffindor can celebrate its first win against Slytherin in 6 years" Jordan Lee excitedly screamed down the microphone.

I watched Nott as he heard the announcement and tried to get to he's feet desperately to join the game.

Red smoke and confetti filled the air as they celebrated sang and danced.

Nott managed to get to he's feet but he was in pain. He was limping back to he's broom when he feel to the ground

"THEO"  I screamed as I rushed passed the crowd and barriers dodging anyone trying to stop me.

I ran and flung to my knees on the floor next to him.

"Theo are you okay where does it hurt" I spilled out as I checked he's body

"I'm okay I'm okay" he grabbed my arm, for comfort or to take he's mind off the pain I wasn't quite sure what the intentions was

"You fell off your broom pretty bad Theo where does it hurt" I panicked

"I think my ribs are broke" he gasped

I lifted up he's shirt to see he had black and blue bruises already

"Gigi get off this pitch now the buldger might hit you" he told me "get up right now"

"I'm not leaving you like this Theo you can barely breathe" I argued

"1 minute left" Lee Jordan shouted

"Gigi I am telling you for fuck sake get off this pitch" he tried to push me up

I pushed he's hand away "I TOLD YOU IM NOT LEA-"


What the fuck

I looked up to see Draco flying over the pitch going at insane speed towards the direction of Harry Potter.

He dashes past Harry who was heading for the snitch.

The Slytherin crowd was screaming and shouting encouraging cheers to Draco hoping begging and praying he would make it on time

"THIRTY SECONDS LEFT" Lee Jordan exhaled

Malfoy pushed he's chest closer to he's broom and increased he's speed even more.

"GRAB IT MALFOY" Flint cried

He reached out he's arm and easily grabbed the snitch

"Malfoy has caught the snitch. Slytherin wins with 10 seconds to spare"

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