T W E N T Y - F I V E

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The bottle spun so fast,  it felt like forever waiting to see who Pansy's bottle would land on, it eventually got slower and slower as everyone's eyes was glued to the bottle

It slowly landed between Theo and Flint, it was unclear who the bottle was closer to

"Well I guess you have to pick one I might even choose this to be my 7 minutes in heaven choice" Pucey laughed

Pick Flint pink Flint pick Flint

"Oh umm I'll choose.. THEO!" Pansy squealed
Nott looked terrified and slightly jumped at her scream. Everyone around the room was watching with awe to see if he would do it

He looked at me unsure of what to do but somewhat amused at the situation

"Well like you said? Nothing wrong with Pansy right?" I took a sip of my drink and rolled my eyes

Pansy stood up and made her way over to Nott
"Shall we?" She asked him as she stood directly above him. He stood up now face to face with the pug face.

Was he being for real right now, after everything? I knew he was drunk but for fuck sake surely he wouldn't have lost this much fucking judgment.

I was being sarcastic I wasn't ok with him doing this

"This doesn't mean anything" Theo laughed as he swayed

Milan could tell how furious I was she could tell

"Gigi do not let him know your bothered I don't get why he's doing this he's being a fucking ass and loosing he's chance with you,  he just about got in the first place" she whispered aggressively in my ear

"Calm down its just a game" Blaise must have over heard

"Just a fucking game Blaise?" She jolted him back

"Yeah it's not a big deal it's not like any of us are exclusive" he mumbled

What on earth was going on with these boys, too much whisky and they turn into assholss?

"Excuse me?" Milan was now as angry as I

"Well I'm just saying none of us here are in a relationship so technically we can do what we want?" Blaise told her making my blood boil with anger

"Wooooo" the group was cheering and laughing as Nott and Pansy locked lips. It only lasted for 2 seconds and had no passion but it was enough to make me see red.

Red black and yellow, pure fire. He had no idea what he just did.

These two really had to start something. Me and Milan are not about to look like fools to these two toads

"Milan it's your turn" Daphne called over

"Fine, I wasn't going to play but since none of us are 'exclusive' i might aswell get involved since no harm will come from it" she angrily moaned and spun the bottle

"Do you want me to choose you as my 7 minute in heaven choice" I projected in Milan's head

"No I'm good" she replied back

The rules was every player gets to chose 1 time for a pair to have 7 minutes in heaven rather than a quick kiss they couldn't pick themselves and they could only pick once. No one else used theirs yet and normally it doesn't happen a lot since we would loose players for the next round

Her bottle landed on Flint, she quickly and eagerly waltzed her way over to him, him meeting her half way, this was probably the only chance he would get to kiss her so he was just as eager as she was.

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