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The breeze was cool, blowing through Hinata's white t-shirt. His hair blew forward, tickling their cheeks. The area around him was dark and empty. Wherever they were felt familiar, like home.

    "Will you set for me?" A voice behind them asked. Hinata turned to see himself holding a volleyball out to Kageyama. However, they were speaking to someone behind Kageyama, someone Hinata couldn't see. Kageyama took the ball from the second Hinata, turning and passing it to the darkness before walking past Hinata and into the void.

    A man appeared, stepping out of the darkness. The man was not much taller than Hinata, with the same orange colour in his hair as the spiker. Hinata recognized this man as their father.

    The father he hadn't seen in years.

    Suddenly, he had the perspective of the second Hinata– standing in front of their father, looking up at him expectantly. "Will you set for me?" Hinata's voice rang yet again, despite Hinata never opening his mouth. Their father scowled down at them.

    His father made a disapproving, "Tch," and threw the ball towards Hinata's stomach. It hit him hard, casing them to stumble back and fall into the abyss...


    Kageyama was woke up by something hitting his stomach, like something was dropped on him. He groaned in discomfort, opening his eyes. It wasn't something that fell on him, rather it was someone– Hinata, still asleep and wrapped in blankets, laid on Kageyama's chest. A strange expression was on their face, like he was upset.

    "Get off me, dumbass," Kageyama cursed, shaking the smaller body awake. Hinata's eyes fluttered open, and Kageyama's heart fluttered with them. Confusion flashed on the orange haired kid's face as they looked around with furrowed brows. When his eyes drifted up to Kageyama– who was still shaking him to get him off– Hinata jumped, crawling off of Kageyama faster than he could say dumbass. Hinata's face went redder than their messy hair, and they covered their face with their hands.

    "Sorryyyyyyyyy," he groaned, his voice laced with embarrassment. Kageyama shook his head, sitting upright with a yawn. Hinata peeked at Kageyama through their fingers, before throwing his hands down and squinting at the setter. "Did you sleep on the floor?"

    Kageyama nodded, stretching his arms out. He was stiff from the hard floor and a little chilly from sleeping without a blanket, but he wasn't going to admit that.

     "We were supposed to share the bed, dummy!" Hinata scolded, crossing his arms. Kageyama cocked his head in confusion.

He's allowed to share a bed with boys? That was something strange to Kageyama. His parents would never let him do that– if they were at Kageyama's house at that moment, one of them would be on an air mattress.

Hinata sighed, standing up and letting the blanket fall off their shoulders. "Well, you should've woken me up if you weren't gonna get in the bed," he scolded yet again, before leaning down and grabbing the blanket. They threw it in Kageyama's direction. Kageyama looked up at the spiker, confusion still written all over his face. "You're shivering," they said plainly, walking towards the door. "Do you need a shower?"

Kageyama shook his head. He'd just shower when he got home, he decided. Hinata yawned, rubbing his eyes. They're kinda cute when he's tired, Kageyama noted.

"Alright," Hinata said through the yawn, opening the door. "I'm gonna grab one."

Hinata left the room, closing the door behind them. Kageyama let out a heavy breath, pulling the blanket over his head and blushing furiously. Why do I think they're so cute?

    Whistling, Hinata wrapped the towel around his waist and walked onto the bath mat. He reached for their pyjamas, which were in a pile on the floor– expect they weren't pyjamas. Hinata picked up the shirt they had worn to practice the day before in confusion. I slept in my clothes?

    Thinking back at the night before, Hinata couldn't remember much of what happened after his last game with Kageyama. They didn't remember how that match had ended, and he didn't remember getting in the bed. In fact, he was sure they didn't get in the bed by themselves– if he had, he wouldn't have let Kageyama sleep on the floor. So how did they get there?

    Well, I'm not wearing that again, they decided, grabbing the pile and walking out of the washroom. As he walked towards his room, Kageyama was walking out of it. Kageyama caught sight of Hinata and paused, eyes wide. "'Mornin," Hinata smiled. They hadn't said good morning earlier, so he might as well now.

    Instead of saying good morning back, Kageyama covered his eyes and turned around. "S-sorry!" He stammered loudly. The spiker tilted their head to the side, confused.

    "For what? You didn't do anything,"

    "Just forget it, dumbass!"

    Still confused, Hinata walked in the bedroom, closing the door behind him. What was that about?

    Hinata changed into the first thing they could get their hands on– a plain white shirt and baby blue boxer shorts. He towel dried his hair a bit and left the bedroom, tossing his laundry in the hamper and heading to the kitchen.

Hinata found Kageyama and Natsu in the kitchen, sitting side by side at the counter. Kageyama, resting his face in his hand with half open eyes, had his free arm laid in front of Natsu, who was drawing hearts and swirls on it with a black marker. It was a sweet sight– unexpected, but sweet. Who knew Kageyama was good with kids?

"Where's Mom?" Hinata asked Natsu as they entered the kitchen. The tiny Hinata lookalike looked up from her masterpiece.

"Ma went shopping when Kageyama came down," she said plainly, before looking back down at her doodles. "Your boyfriend's awesome, Shoyo."

"He's not–"

"I've already tried that," Kageyama mumbled, glancing down at his ink covered arm lazily. "She's convinced you don't have friends."

"That's not what I said!" She corrected, an evil grin on her face. "I said Shoyo's only friend is Kenma."

"Kuroo's my friend," Hinata pointed out, opening a cupboard.

"That's Kenma's boyfriend though,"

Hinata paused, trying to think of something to say. "That's fair," they decided. Disappointed with the contents of the cupboard, they closed it and wandered to the fridge. "Want something to drink, Kags?"


    "Milk?" Hinata repeated, opening the fridge. "Weirdo."

    Milk, huh? Hinata thought back to the night they spent gaming with someone called Milkboy not too long ago. Kageyama already kinda sounded like him...

    It's probably a coincidence, Hinata decided, pouring the setter a glass of milk.

    "Shoyooooooooo, I'm hungry," Natsu whined. Hinata placed the glass of milk in front of Kageyama and leaned over the counter, so as to be eye to eye with his sister.

    "Say I have friends first,"

    "Lying is bad, Shoyo,"

    Giving up, Hinata made his way to the fridge yet again. "Okay, fine. What do you want?"

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