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    "Sorry about the mess," Hinata apologized sheepishly, pushing boxes and clothes out of the way. He was kinda hoping Kageyama wouldn't come over right after practice so he could clean their room. Instead, Hinata was shoving things into drawers messily while the cold setter watched from the door.

"Need help?" Kageyama asked. Hinata shook their head as he attempted to wedge a t-shirt into the sock drawer. It proved to be far more difficult than Hinata expected. With a huff, they tried to fit it in the drawer one more time. A hand reached out and took the shift from them. "Yes you do, idiot."

"Hey!" Hinata huffed yet again. He was about to call Kageyama a couple names himself, but Kageyama held out a perfectly folded shirt to Hinata before they could get a word out. "Okay, mom," Hinata joked, taking the shirt from Kageyama's hands. As he turned around to put it away, Kageyama smacked them with another shirt. "Ow!"

"Not my fault you're terrible at cleaning,"

Hinata pouted, leaning down and picking up another piece of clothing. "You don't have to clean with me, y'know,"

"So you can go back to cramming things?" Kageyama scoffed. "Not a chance. Where does this go?"

Hinata looked over their shoulder to see Kageyama holding out the black skirt Hinata bought not too long ago. The messy haired spiker swiftly snatched the skirt from the setter's hands, attempting to shove it in the shirt drawer before Kageyama could judge or make fun of him for it. "This can go anywhere, really–"

"That isn't gonna fit, dumbass–"

Kageyama's hand reached out again, grabbing the skirt and pulling with more force than Hinata expected. Still holding the skirt, Hinata was yanked back and knocked into the bigger body. Kageyama stumbled back, tripping over a box. With both of them still holding onto the skirt, they crashed to the floor. A breathy oof came from the taller boy, who landed straight on his back as Hinata crashed into his chest. "Fuck–" he groaned. Hinata quickly got off of him, feeling their stomach do somersaults.

"Sorry," Hinata mumbled, smiling at Kageyama with embarrassment. Kageyama lifted his head, looking at Hinata with disbelief in his eyes and tinted cheeks.

"You're really an idiot," he stated.

"I'm not the one who tripped, dumbass!" Hinata shot back, crossing his arms.

"You knocked into me, turdlicker!"

"Because you were messing up my cleaning!"

"What cleaning? You were shoving things in random places!"

"Well so-rry mister neat freak!"

Kageyama sat up, pulling his arm back and, with Hinata's skirt still in his fist, whipped his arm forward again to whack Hinata in the head with the fabric. Hinata, with their mouth open slightly, shot Kageyama a look of annoyance. "Wow, Ka–"


Hinata was hit with another face full of fabric. "Oh, you're getting it now," they said, trying their best to sound threatening. Kageyama raised his eyebrows as Hinata reached back for a piece of clothing.

"Am I?"

"Mm-hm," Hinata said, still pawing for any fabric he could find. Kageyama had managed to tidy up more than Hinata thought– there was nothing behind him to grab onto. Kageyama was clearly amused.

"Good luck with th–" he began, cut off by Hinata lunging at him and knocking him in his back yet again. His eyes widened as Hinata smiled triumphantly. "W-what are you doing?"

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