Part 4.

375 16 16

Disclaimer: I do not own Little Nightmares. I also do not own the Song.

(This is a Little nightmares (video games) fanfic)

(Its Mono-centric)

(Sorry if the characters seem OOC.)

(This is a kinda Alternate Universe of the games.)

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter and Mycurrentfandom And -H0RIZ0N)

(I apologise for any spelling mistakes.)

(Hope you enjoy this little oneshot. 😄)

Mono sits in the office chair.

After the initial.....incident. Grace now follows the security guard around like a lost puppet. She only stops when Six around.

She can teleport, nearly kill me. Shut the office power. How is she afraid of the damn bear?

Those animatronics surprise Mono every day.

Mr.Nightmares arrives in the office. Even with his presence, Grace turns invisible she's not seen.

"He's going to ask a deal. Don't accept."

She disappears to God knows where.

Mr.Nightmare sits confidently. Having qualities Mono can admire. The man is all knowing of a successful business. He rules proudly.

"Hello, Kid."

His voice is soft, firm. Like a father talking to a son.


Mr.Nightmare glitches? His head distorts. For a moment, Mono is running.

Away and away they go. Hand in hand.

Making their escape, go away from the signal tower. The downfall of the world they live in.

"You'll pay!"

Mono shakes his head.

The damn nightmares.

He'd head them for months. Waking up gasping, wondering if a secret message is trying to make itself known.

They say dreams have meaning.

But the world he lives in is real. Mr.Nightmare owns Six's dReAms entertainment. Wait, dream?


Mono looks around.

A kid...glitching. It waves tiny little hands around.

"A little Nightmare!"

Mr.Nightmare waves a hand in front of Mono's face, a hint of concern adorning his features. The man is usually emotionless.

I don't blame him.

His boss' daughter named Six died. It must've broke Mono's boss, he's opened this business of honour of his daughter.

Even naming the lead animatronic after the child.

The man's black hair sways casually under his brown fedora. Mr.Nightmare's light tanned skin adorns his brown coat, reaching down to his waist.

The man likes old fashioned clothes.

Mono isn't one to judge.

His boss' electric blue eyes glare into his own. His hands drumming on the desk. Fingers tapping in a smooth rhythm.

"You wanted to see me, sir?"

"Ah, yes." Mr.Nightmare sits back, arms folded. "I see you applied for the daytime guard. Is something wrong, kid? You always seemed to enjoy the little nightmares shifts."

"Ah, yeah." Mono blushes, looking down. He's embarrassed. "I always get...creeped out. The night always plans out in a negative way, no?"

"You want this, Mono? Really want the position."

Mr.Nightmares leans in, chin on his hands as he tilts his head to the side. Mono's eyes shift around nervously, giving a gulp.


I stuttered. You idiot.

Mr.Nightmare have a chuckle, leaning back into his chair. A little smile stretched across his face. It looked like a puppet forced on a string.

"Oh, and my name is also Mono."

Mono gasps. He shifted back. Mr.Nightmare.

"Coincidence, isn't it?"

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)

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