Part 10.

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Disclaimer: I do not own Little Nightmares. I also do not own the Song.

(This is a Little nightmares (video games) fanfic)

(Its Mono-centric)

(Sorry if the characters seem OOC.)

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(I apologise for any spelling mistakes.)

(Hope you enjoy this little chapter. 😄)

The rest found out the day after.


Mono is currently busy yelling at a floating Grace who's cooking macaroni and cheese. She turned around and hums as she takes out the meal.

"Yeah. Want some?"

Mono simply gawkes in astonishment. How is someone who is dead because of this damn cheery in the afterlife? The others at at least enraged.

"...No thanks."

Mono sits at the table. Sighing expectedly, shaking his head and burying his face into his hands due to frustration. He feels a hand placed in his own.

"Look at me."

She says softly. Mono obeys and there's an expression of sadness and humour. Both mixing to create an interesting creation in the moment.

"I am angry, Mono. I just feel like I need to be strong. Six is already our anchor and we can't let her sink. So we all hold on."


Mono jumped at seeing rain. In her yellow raincoat and staring into the distance seeing nothing. Her eyes blank and glazed over, sighing in sadness.

"We have to hold on. Nice choice but to hold on. I'm Chica the chicken as others call me. A chicken can't fly as others say. We have to live by the rules."

"Aren't you sick is seeing your killer?"


Six somehow slunked into the room. Grace floated out the way so she can sit next to Mono. She stares into his eyes which stare into his soul.

Is it bad he finds that hot?

"Our killer is Mr.Nightmare. Aka, future you."

Mono nodded mutely. The evidence indeed suggest they once existed in a city worse than the building they haunted right now. Is it that horrible?

Only because we were meant to suffer.

A cycle by them haunting him and him killer over and over and he finally remembers. Memories flooding his mind as if his realisation brings 'em back after so many decades.

And he's killed in every single one.

"How can you forgive me?"

Six is sitting in his lap now. Head resting his shoulder and his cascades through the robot's hair and even Seven and Eight are looking in sympathy.

They're all condemned to a horrible fate.

All are here and all talk their problems. If killing isn't the solution then they'll do what they can. Anyone will suffer and they'd keep each other safe.

Mono sighed and kissed Six's head. It's cold and metallic. He tries his hardest not to cringe and somehow succeeds. Six squeezes his shoulder.

Both gestures are comforting. Words aren't needed.

"Do you hate me?"

Seven shook his head. He smoothed the matter designed hair for him and it stayed it's signature style. He calmed down.

"No, I was angry. Fate demanded and my spirit wants revenge."

His eyes flashed black with white pupils.

"It wants PEACE."

"All want peace."

Seven controlled once more. Eyes turning it's colour, hair falling into place and covering emotional distress. Mono is glad actually.

"We'll get peace."

Mono knows that tone from Six. He smiled.

"What's the place?"

She looked around their new home. If they escaped nor didn't escape, at least they'd have somewhere to stay even if they failed in their mission.

"We find Thin Man and make him SUFFER."

The others cheered and even Mono allowed a a cruel grin to grow in his face. Stretching into a genuine cruel sneer. Everyone copied his expression.

"Can't wait to cut off his balls."


"I dibs that action. It'll hurt most."

No one disagreed. They all ended up at the stage discussing plans. Everyone aware of reality no secrets are kept and most are happy in plans.

Mono allowed a smile as Six fell asleep in his presence. He knew he is whipped and enjoyed everyone second until they would fight Thin Man.

He trusted them and they trusted them. Certain they'd win in this unsaid war and even if they won and nothing happened, at least they wouldn't be alone no longer.


"I will kill you with a pillow."


"None of us are getting sleep, are we?"

"What do you think, Moron?"

All had each other even if others are annoyances.

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