Part 7.

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Disclaimer: I do not own Little Nightmares. I also do not own the Song.

(This is a Little nightmares (video games) fanfic)

(Its Mono-centric)

(Sorry if the characters seem OOC.)

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter and Mycurrentfandom And -H0RIZ0N And MNGillam365)

(I apologise for any spelling mistakes.)

(Hope you enjoy this little chapter. 😄)

Mono actually starts to enjoy his job.

The animatronics aren't trying to kill him constantly so that's a bonus. Even so, he keeps an eye on the cameras each second going by.

Seven flips him the middle finger. Mono reciprocates. Both human and machine don't like it.

Looking at the camera, his mind isn't on switching to a different screen. Rather, it's on his mother. Mono knows she's acting stra-

Well, more strangely than usual.

The Goetia woman forced him to get this job. Mono originally protested before, but learned his lesson after a good slap to the face.

After his beating by the bullies earlier, Mono's head hurt enough to make his head hurt. He feels dizzy, not noticing the animatronic at the door.


He turns his head. Seeing Grace by the door, Mono slumps in his chair. Grave nervously floats close. She places a hand on his head gently.

A feeling she lost long ago rises.


"He's burning up! HELP US!"

Suddenly, Mono is carried by a seemingly stronger animatronic. His blurry vision sees Eight holding him bridal style.

Grace is arguing with Rain and Seven.

"Why should we help?!"

"He's our guest!"

"He's a security guard!"

Seven backs Grace into a corner. They both have a staring contest. She isn't backing down.

"Remember what happened."

Grave floats, climbing down to Seven's level. Rain tried to step in, only to meet a kick to the face. She turns to look behind herself.

Six stands there, arms folded along with a glare planted on her face. Clicking her fingers, Grace drags Seven over. She smiled at seeing Six.


She hugged the newer animatronic. Whispering into the other's ears, Six's eyes widen a tad. It's enough to nearly make Seven wet himself from dread.

"They want to kill Mono?" She asks simply, stance relaxed. Six's arms drop by her side, instead placed into her hips. "Well, they'll be punished."

Grace squeals, hugging Six closer. The other rolled her non-visible eyes. Pulling away, Six waves goodbye to wherever Grace is going.



Mono groans lightly. Stirring, the boy opens his eyes.

"You okay?"

A new voice speaks. He gasps, shooting up. This isn't Six or even Grace. The bunny is near him with her hand placing a cloth on his head.

"You need to rest. Your fever will only be worse."

Mono's never chatted with Eight alone. Strangely, he wants to stroke the bunny ears. He doesn't dare voice his minds weird desire.


Mono's too tired to argue. His phone vibrates unknowingly, Eight picks up the cell. She's seen parents work these devices.

Clicking the power button, a text comes. She roars in hatred. The man who made them miserable is on that device.

Hey, Mono! You've been looking after the animatronics well. Even Six seems a bit more relaxed with the customers.

Just to say, look after them well. We'll be opening an extra hour tomorrow. Okay, goodbye now.


Eight chucks the device. Not caring if it broke on impact, a few years drop down her face.

She still recalls that day he said:

"This is the punishment you deserve."

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)

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