Part 6.

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Disclaimer: I do not own Little Nightmares. I also do not own the Song.

(This is a Little nightmares (video games) fanfic)

(Its Mono-centric)

(Sorry if the characters seem OOC.)

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter and Mycurrentfandom And -H0RIZ0N And MNGillam365)

(I apologise for any spelling mistakes.)

(Hope you enjoy this little chapter. 😄)

Mono spends the day inside his room.

Stroking Dusty, he growls to himself. The bunny rests on his lap, eyes closed in a deep sleep.  Mono really doesn't want to go work.

Why? Oh, he's gonna say it.

"I kissed Six."

Dusty raises her head. A twitched ear is stroked again as she stares. Mono laughs bitterly.

"I'm so pathetic."

Singing. Mono sang.

Six stood next to the boy as he can't on stage. She stared with an eyebrow raised, voice mute. Instead shrugging, the animatronic prepares the song-

"HEY! What's the kid doing there?!"

One man points out. Six glared at the crowd. Moments go on longer and she can't take it no more.

She's been insulted by children and adults alike. She ain't having it around Mono's. He's nice.

'Mono's nice.'

"SHUT UP!" Six yells, eyes blush with pinpricks. "I have him here as a guest! And he's MINE."

The possessive nature causes a black on Mono's cheeks. He's kinda turned by this?

...Don't judge.

Six grabs his shoulders. She kisses him in less than a second. She turns back to the crowd.

Mono's red as a tomato.

Groaning, the boy chucked a pillow.

"Great, I think I'm in love."

There, he said it. But how's gonna convince Mother to let him go out? She's really protective.

Here goes nothing.

Setting Dusty back in her pen, Mono sets down the stairs to where his mother is cooking food.

It smells like crap.


Mother is kind a creep. She dresses like a geisha, donning a white mask with soulless eyes. It scares Mono to no end.

Please this be a phase.

Mother turned around. Even time stops with the amount of intensity hanging in there air. It threatens to suffocate Mono.

 It threatens to suffocate Mono

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(I had to include her. I'm not Sorry XD.)

"Yes, Son?"

The possessive in Mother's voice almost made Mono pee himself. He gulps, taking a deep breathe.

"Please May I hang out with my friends?"

The questions takes so much force to let out. Mono squeezed his eyes shut, praying Mother said-


The one word fills Mono with happiness. The shock decided to set in, something's amiss. He raises a brow.

"Who is this friend?"

Mother beats him to talking. Mono sets his hands inside this pockets, looking away to cover the blush.

"Her name's Six."

Mono never said about the tension setting inside Mother's body. There's a hint of fear to be found within those empty orbs.


"Nothing. Get dressed and go."

Mono smiles, setting off back upstairs. Mother holds her phone quietly, shutting the door to hold back a frustrated scream.

"Do not let him find out."

Mr.Nightmares growls on the other end.

"He won't and they won't. The punishment is right."

The Lady hangs up. She sighs.

Why all this punishment?

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)

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