The Calm After the Storm {Thorin x Reader}

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A.N: Ahhh thank you so much you're the literal best!! I now kinda feel bad about how this fic went... Umm so this kind of took a rather dark turn at the end but I honestly love it. I've never written something like that before! An angsty fic- but with a twist, I think I can get behind this concept! I hope y'all like it as much as I do <3

Word Count: 568

Pairing: Past/Referenced Thorin x human!Reader

Warnings: Angst


The Calm After the Storm

You walked through the markets of Erebor, swinging a basket by your side as dwarves parted for you, the rare human. You had lived in Erebor for several months after the Battle, before breaking up with Thorin and being invited to live in the Woodland Realm by King Thranduil himself.

Breaking up with Thorin had been the hardest thing you'd ever had to do. Your heart was torn in two, half wanting to stay with your love but the other half knowing that a human queen, likely to not outlive her husband, would not be right for the kingdom. On one of his diplomatic trips to the kingdom Thranduil had sensed your heartache at still being so close to Thorin, and offered you a place as one of his advisors. It was not a bad role, and you were quite good at it, proven not only by how you negotiated between Thranduil and Thorin after the Battle, but your continued maintenance of good relations between dwarves and elves. It was now almost a year later, and, hearing that there would be a diplomatic mission to Erebor you had volunteered. You needed to be with Thorin, the kingdom would be fine with a human queen. All that mattered was ceasing the constant ache in your chest that pulled you to Erebor.

Now, striding through the markets on your way to the council chambers, you ducked into a side-alley shortcut you remembered. Winding along, humming quietly, you turned a corner. And stopped.


He broke apart from the dwarven woman he was kissing, who whispered into his ear before sedately walking away.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Thorin looked flustered, adjusting his tunic and buttoning the top where it had come undone.

"I'm here for the negotiations, representing Thranduil- but what are you doing kissing people in corridors?"

He looked awkward. "I mean, we're not together anymore. I'm allowed to kiss whomever I like."

You stepped closer to him. "But we could be together again, Thorin! I was wrong before, and I miss you more than anything. I still love you!"

He looked even more awkward, scratching the back of his neck before clearing his throat. "We can't, Y/N. I've moved on."

You blinked. "You've moved on?"

He nodded. "I had to, for the kingdom."

"You're choosing them over- over me?" Your voice broke.

Thorin smiled softly, pityingly. "I am. And I'm happy."

That made it so much worse. You turned, sprinting down the hall back into the big open markets, finding your way through the twists and turns by muscle memory alone as tears filled your eyes, running down your cheeks and splashing onto your shirt as you turned left, then right, then right again, taking the stairs two at a time until finally, finally you reached the relative sanctuary of your temporary room. You burst through the door, slamming it behind you and collapsing onto the floor, tossing the basket carelessly aside.

Crumpled on the ground, you let the sobs finally break free, wracking your body.

I've moved on.

His voice echoed through your head as you cried until there were no tears left to shed.

He didn't deserve you, anyway.

You were too good for him.

He had moved on.

Resolve hardening like steel through your veins, you rose from the floor.

He had moved on.

And you were going to make him pay.

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