Chapter 5

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You awoke to a piano playing. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. It was the maid. She quickly turned around and panicked. "Oh, my dear! I do really apologize! It's only the start of my second week and when I came in here to give you your breakfast and get you ready I just had to admire your piano! I'm sorry!" She quickly placed the breakfast tray on your lap. "Ring the bell when you're finished!" She dashed out, embarrassed. You shrugged your shoulders and began to eat.

Once you finished, you rang the bell. The same maid and a second one entered the room. "Good morning, dear. I'm sorry if Madelyn woke you up." You smile at Madelyn. "Oh, it's quite alright. It was beautiful." She blushed. "T-Thank you, princess..." The other maid took your tray. "I'll leave you two be. Madelyn, remember to be careful with her dress. It's very delicate." Madelyn nodded, and the maid left.

You climbed out of bed and followed Madelyn to a separate dressing room where a gorgeous (f/c) gown stood dressed on a mannequin in the corner.

You climbed out of bed and followed Madelyn to a separate dressing room where a gorgeous (f/c) gown stood dressed on a mannequin in the corner

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Madelyn grabbed a changing screen and told you to get behind it and put on some new silk undergarments and silk shift. You did as instructed and stepped back out. Madelyn had already undressed the mannequin, careful to not wrinkle the dress. She slipped the corset and crinoline and fit them to your body shape. You carefully watched as she dressed you and carefully slipped silk stockings and (f/c) heels on your feet.

After about 30 minutes, Madelyn completed fixing the dress. You swayed in the mirror. "Beautiful." Madelyn giggled. "But not finished yet!" She took your hand and led you back to your room. She sat you down by your vanity and began to brush your hair, carefully styling it into a thick side-braid. Then, she did your makeup. After about 15 minutes, you were complete. You smiled at your reflection, then turned to Madelyn. "Thank you so much, Madelyn." She smiled. "It's my pleasure."

The two of you talked and laughed like pals until 3:00. Madelyn jumped up. "Oh, dear! It's about time!" You looked at her quizzically. She laughed. "For the dance! That's why you're dressed up!" You blushed. "Oh! Well, should I walk down?" Madelyn nodded. "But first, allow me. I will tell the Master that you're ready." She exited.

After a bit, Darkiplier called for you. You took a deep breath, then slowly exited your room. The entrance hall was filled with people. You stepped down the stairs with ease, despite your heels. However, you still managed to trip over your own feet. You patiently waited for embarrassment to smack you in the face, but Darkiplier caught you before that could happen. "You alright, kitten?" You nod slowly and he escorts you to the dining room as you're both followed by the party members.

~ Mark's POV ~

I was waiting in the entrance hall with Jack and Felix. I hope this plan works. We're going in as guests, however, with masks. Darkiplier stands at the front. "And now I will present the beautiful, charming, and intelligent (Y/N)!" I looked up at the top of the stairs. There she was. Her (s/c) skin glowed and her (h/c) hair swayed in tune with her walking. She slipped on one of the last steps. I almost made my way to run to her, but Jack held me back as Dark caught her. The crowd followed the two of them to the dining hall, so we followed.

~ Your POV ~

You sat beside Darkiplier at the table. You slowly ate the mashed potatoes, chicken, and green beans Dark put on your plate. You stared at each party member. They were all so elegant. You giggled at a man on the other side of Dark with pink hair and pink accessories. "Well, it seems like you caught quite a looker, Darkiplier!" Dark chuckled. "Will, of course, I did," he squeezed your hand, "And I plan on keeping her." Warfstache chuckled and continued to eat.

After dinner, everyone left to go to the ballroom. Darkiplier took your hand and waltzed with you. He held you in the air and twirled you around multiple times. You felt like a feather. After a few songs, you left to grab a glass of water. You laughed at Warfstache, who was making attempts to dance with Dark. You were having a splendid time.

~ Mark's POV ~

Okay, now's our chance. (Y/N) is away from Dark. Felix keeps an eye on Dark for Jack and me, just in case. We walk over to her, making it look like we're getting punch. Jack grabs some punch to not look suspicious as I catch (Y/N)'s attention. She stares at me. "Hello...?" I flip up the mask for her and put a finger to my lips. She quietly gasps. I flip my mask back down and take her by the hand. I make a signal for Felix. Jack and I quickly and safely take (Y/N) outside. We don't let her speak until we're driving in the car.

~ Your POV ~

Mark lets go of my mouth once we're in his car. "What the hell are you guys doing?! You're going to get yourselves killed!" Mark looked me dead in the eye. "(Y/N), Dark is not a good person. If you have any feelings for him, it's all a lie. He manipulates people to do his bidding the way he likes. We had to save you." You start to cry, makeup started to smudge your face. Jack turns around and hands you a large handkerchief. "We don't need a pretty lass like yourself crying, now do we?" He gave you a warm smile. You try to smile back at them. "I'm so grateful for you guys, but Dark is fine. He should know if I'm gone by now..."

As soon as those words left your lips the car broke down. Felix hit the stirring wheel and kicked the wall behind the petals. "Damn piece of junk!" Jack clapped a hand to his mouth. "You said this was new! It's Dark's doing!" Darkiplier now stood in front of the windshield. "Hello again..." He snapped his fingers and you were back at his side. The boys jumped out of the car. Mark shouted at Darkiplier. "Let go of her you maggot!" "And what's the fun in that? An evil entity needs love, too." He snaps his fingers again and Madelyn is teleported to the scene. "Madelyn, sweetheart, be a dear and escort beautiful (Y/N) to her room, please? She can be made my queen on a later date. Get her ready for bed while I take care of these punks." Madelyn's voice was shaky and quiet. "Y-Y-Yes, M-Master D-Darkiplier..." With another snap of his fingers, you and she were teleported to your room.

You quickly ran to your window and watched the scene unfold. Darkiplier slashed Jack across the throat, made Mark look like an angsty, edgy emo kid, and fixed Felix's car, but making the car look like it came from a dumpster. The boys ran into the car and drove off.

Madelyn stripped you of your clothes and pulled a silk nightgown over your head. "Goodnight, (Y/N). Sleep well." She left the room with you sitting motionless on your bed. Too many thoughts were running through your head, replaying the events of the scene.

You maggot. These punks. My queen. An evil entity needs love, too.

You fell back onto your pillows and slid under the covers. Who is this man? And why is he so determined to make this work?

His Kitten~ (A Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now