chapter 1 -only summer school

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Contains bullying, indication of self-harm and abuse. If this triggers you please stop reading this book all together. Hope you enjoy.

No ones pov

Sapnap's eyes flutter open as a strip of light pered through the window blind. He groaned as he moved out of the way so the strip of sun was resting on his stomach and not his eye.

It was piece full for all of 30 seconds till his mind started to wander, of course to the one thing he's been dreading for weeks now, an overflow of fear spread over his mind.

I have to tell him, sapnap thought as he was now slightly panicking. his mind started wondering freely till he was brought back to reality-bang, bang, bang, sapnap jolted out of bed. Fixing his hair so it didn't look like he just got out of bed.

"BOY, YOU BETTER BE AWAKE IN THERE." his dad yelled from the otherside of the door. This is what happens every morning. "I am dad, can I talk to you for a minute." sapnap said, the door swag open. His dad stumbled in obviously still drunk.

"What do you want boy, speak fast." sapnaps dad said holding on the the dresser for support
"I um just wanted to let you know- that.... Um i am going into summer school i- i failed some classes." Sapnap studered not able to make eye contact, the whole vibe in the room changed, making Sapnap fear escalate if that was possible.

"You are WHAT, CAN YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT, HUH." he yelled "i-i its only summer school." sapnap replied as a single tear slid down his cheek. His dad laughed "and you're crying." Before Sapnap had any time to defend himself he was pushed to the wall and was now pinned with his arms above his head.

"I-i'm sorry." was all Sapnap could say. His dad then struck his eye. Leaving sapnap on the ground as more tears ran down his face, falling without permission. He tried to hold them back but was unsuccessful. It never made sense to him why he cried at just his dad yelling at him, but never flinched when his dad hit him.

You know why, don't lie to your self

His dad scoffed. "get your head out of your ass and pull up your grades, I'm going to sleep, just say you fell and that's why you have a black eye." sapnaps dad says as he shook his head in disbelief. He left the room and slammed the door shut, making Sapnap jump at the loud noise way too close to his ear.

Sapnap layed there for a moment before moving, he walked in the bathroom. He was now met with his reflection. He looked awful, his eyes were puffy from crying and his hair was still messy even after his attempted to fix it.

You look awful, nobody even likes you, what a coward

People care about me, sapnap thought trying to disagree with the awful thoughts that flooded his mind. He closed his eyes as more tears started to fall.

You don't really believe that

Sapnap eyed the misplaced tile in the floor, where he kept his pocket knife.

Do it, do it, do it. do it do it

sapnap took a deep breath, in and out before looking down to his scared wrist.

Do it do it do it do it

It was like a broken record playing the same words in his head over and over again. He shook his head.

"No" he whispered as more tears appeared in his eyes, he walked past the tile and instead turned on the shower before he slipped off his clothes and got in, the hot water felt good. It hurt a little on his eye, but was relaxing, took his mind off things.


After he was done, he dried him self off and wrapped a towel around his waist, as he walked into his room he caught his reflection in the mirror, of his now black eye, fuck. sapnap shook his head.

Sapnaps pov

I slipped on my usual clothes, black jeans with a couple rips in the knee and a white hoodie with a flame on it. I ran my hands through my wet hair attempting to make it decent.

As I ran down stairs my father greeted me sitting on the coach looking at the tv he never noticed me unless he is yelling or hitting me....... Or both. "I thought you went to bed." I say before making my way to the kitchen, he ignored me as pure usual. I grabbed a bun before walking out the door without saying goodbye, I knew my dad would just ignore me anyway so there was no point in trying. I began walking myself to school. Taking in the scenery as I walked along the sidewalk.

should have grabbed more, this is the only thing I would be eating till I got home. It is not like his dad would give him any money anyway.

I sighed, as the school was now becoming visible. I lifted up my hoodie trying to cover my black eye as best as I could before entering the front area where most of the students were hanging out.

As usual I quickly made my way inside dogging other students. Finally I made my way to my locker. My first period was a break but I usually spend it in the bathroom since techno also had his break first period. I couldn't care less if he beat me up. It's nothing I'm not used to, but I hated conflict and being paid attention to whether that be good or bad attention.

Just like every morning I put my things in my locker and grab some things I would be needing for my second period class. then made my way to the boys bathroom weaving through the crowd of students. After a while i got to my destination. The bathroom was usually empty but today there was an unfamiliar pair of feet in one of the stalls. I didn't care as long as it wasn't techno. Their shoes were Adidas. A simple black shoe with three white stripes. I felt relieved, not techno's shoes.

Now standing in front of the line of mirrors directly across from the 7 stalls that lined the opposite wall. I pulled down my hood revealing my black eye.

It was darker, from the last time i had checked and a little sore but also not the worst injury i've had, my head dropped.

Look what you let him do, you wanted it, you deserve it.

As I tried to push away my invasive thoughts I heard the stall unlock as dream walked out. He was wearing a green hoodie, with black Jean's. I didn't know dream personally, but he was popular so almost everyone knew who he was. I looked up making eye contact for a second before returning my gaze back to my black eye. He was washing his hands and unexpectedly turned in my direction. "Hey are you ok, what happened to your eye." dream said,

"oh, i- um i tripped and fell nothing to major" i lied. I rubbed the back of my neck as i tried to avoid eye contact, dream could tell i was lying but luckily ignored it. Just then the door opened, "oh hey techno." dream said with a little wave. I sighed, shit.

"Hey dream, hey sapnap," he waved back. Then looked at me as a grin appeared on his face.

"Wow hiding in the bathroom, what a coward." techno said slowly walking towards me. Dream gave me a worried side eye.

I turned around, "what do you want techno." I say as I leaned against the sink crossing my arms. "Don't play dumb....... you know your pathetic i haven't even hit you yet and your hiding from me." techno said with a smirk, i laughed "wow congratulations you've managed to make people fulfilling basic human rights about yourself, nice one."

I was now shoved up against a wall for the second time today. I didn't even flinch, "hit me." I say as I tilted my head looking techno dead in the eye. "What.." techno looked at me confused.

"You heard me, I said hit me you said you haven't hit me yet, so hit me." so he did, hard right in the stomach. I didn't even flinch, I was used to it I guess. "That's the best you got." I narrowed my eyes.

Techno's pov

He didn't flinch, I pushed him into a wall and he asked me to hit him, I punched him and he didn't flinch. Angry now I pulled back my fist but someone caught my arm an inch away from sapnaps face And he stood there unbothered. Not even a blink
"Techno leave him alone." I could hear dreams voice behind me. I let pressure off his shoulders so he was no longer stuck to the wall by force and he didn't move. Any other nerd would have ran by now. What is happening?

Author's note

Hello I hope you are have a wonderful day/night and enjoyed the story. Also if I got something wrong with all the mental health stuff in my storys or I said something really offensive than please let me know in the comments and thank you for reading this chapter

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