chapter 10- please

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(Homophobia in this chapter I put warnings so you can skip in this makes you uncomfortable)

As darkness spread across the town as the rain began to pour down allowing trickles of water droplets to gather on sapnaps windows with the occasional beam of light peeking through the clouds. It was Sunday now as sapnap was sitting in his room finishing up an essay that was due the following day. 

It's been two days since sapnap and dream had spent the night together, neither of them could stop thinking about one another. Both in the comfort of their rooms one finishing his essay and one scrolling through social media. 

As sapnap finished up his essay adding final thoughts and editing making his work presentable. twenty minutes passed by before the boy shut his laptop, collapsing on his bed letting his comforter consume him. He was calm lost in thought before he heard.

"SAPNAP COME HERE NOW." was all the boy needed to hear before a familiar feeling of fear and panic washed over him.  "Fuck." Sapnap muttered before quickly running down stairs. "Yes." Sapnap replied quietly.

As his father turned around the boy's eyes widened. His father had his phone in his hand, opened to sapnaps and dreams messages from a couple days ago. 
Reminder of the messages:



What's up

Just a bad night I need to talk

R u ok

No, but texting you helps though

Do you want me to come over

No it ok, just need to keep my mind preoccupied 

Ok, well your beautiful you know that <3 

Wow text hitting on me, I think we just jumped a level ;) 

Now we can have sex 

Lmao, couple more steps there dreamie boy

only a couple ;)

I liked jealous dream better 

Oh well you got stuck with flirt dream 

Lol, wanna call;) 

Damn it's hot when you make the first move 

Fuck off I'm calling you 

(Homophobic part you have been warned, if this makes you uncomfortable than skip to where I say)

He remembered that night clearly. him and dream stayed up all night just talking. it was nice and calmed sapnap down, it took his mind off of the events that occurred early that evening.
"What the hell is this? So you're a faggot now, of course you are." Sapnaps dad said getting angrier every second that passed. "N-no." Sapnap choked out, no confidence backing him up. "Don't you lie to me boy." He yelled while striking sapnaps eye. "I WILL NOT HAVE A SON THAT IS GAY, YOU ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT." his father added shaking his head before sapnap felt a fist meeting his jaw.

(Homophobic part over now it's just abuse)

A burst of pain exploded as sapnaps jaw as it became loose, while a mixture of blood and saliva leaked from the corners of his mouth. It only got worse as he began to choke, as the fluid buildup became overwhelming. He spit the blood out before looking up as his father who was towering over him, dropping the occasional slur or degrading comments. Although sapnap couldn't quite make out the words as all he could hear was the ringing in his ears. his vision blurred from the tears building up as his throbbing jaw still in great amounts of pain. "Please," sapnap whispered as he felt a foot meet his stomach, he yelped in pain. "Get out of my fucking house." His father yelled before walking to his room slamming the door shut. 

Sapnap whimpered as he tried to stand and failed. On his second attempt he fell into the railing for support. Gathering himself before making it up the stairs.

It took him a while but when he finally managed to walk up the stairs holding his stomach as he quickly walked into his room. Sapnap sighed as tears slipped down his red face while he quickly threw clothes in an extra backpack. 

Before walking through the door he grabbed his phone and computer charger along with his laptop and slipped them into his school bag.

As sapnap carried the to bags down the stairs he yelped in pain almost every step he took. It took a while but once he was down the stairs he grabbed his phone which was at some point thrown on the sofa and walked out the door. 


After an hour and lots of stares from strangers along the street,  he had made it to dreams house. Sapnap sighed as he knocked on the door quickly becoming very self conscious as he remembered the dried blood and tears.

The door opened as sapnap was now leaning on the wall for support feeling like he could collapse at any second. "Oh my god sapnap what happened." Dream said quickly holding sapnap up by the waist noticing sapnaps legs start to give out. "My dad happened. I'm sorry for coming here. I just don't know where else to go and he kicked me out so I can't go back." Sapnap choked out while his voice began cracking. "Don't apologize it's ok, I'm glad you came to me. My parents aren't home now but I'm sure it's fine for you to stay here." Dream responded before pulling Sapnap up by his thighs beginning to make his way to his room. Without hesitation sapnap wrapped his arms around dreams neck, letting out a whimpering from his existing pain of talking. "I'm I hurting you." Dream said quickly, sapnap shook his head no. As dream quickly walked up his stairs walking straight into his bedroom. Sapnap closed his eyes tightly as dream walked into the bathroom setting Sapnap down on the counter. 


Dreams pov 

As I peeked into my room, a sleeping boy was resting on my bed, i didn't know what happend i told him we could discuss that in the morning but my mind was waiting for answers. I'm glad sapnap came to me, and I called my mom so I knew it was ok for him to stay here as long as he wants. He looks so peaceful laying there its cute. 
I took a few moments taking in the sight when I heard the doorbell ring, I sighed before breaking my gaze on the boy making my way down the stairs. 

As I opened the door my eyes widened and my mouth fell open. What is he doing here? 

"Techno." I said eyeing the pink haired boy in front of me. "Is Sapnap here what happened? Is he ok." 

Author's note: damn that took a dark turn from chapter nine, sorry for the cliffhanger I will try to update tomorrow. I hope you have a great day/night love you all and holy fuck 1.13k reads and 70 votes thank you so much!!!!!!! 



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