chapter 11- the truth

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Dreams pov

"Techno." I said eyeing the pink haired boy in front of me. "Is Sapnap here what happened? Is he ok."

I was in utter shock, all I could do was stare. What was techno of all people doing here. I knew that techno and sapnap were cool but techno never dared to show the side of himself that cared for others. "God damn it dream answer me." Techno said as he visibly grew more annoyed. "Ya, and he's ok now right now he's sleeping." I replied snapping back to reality and out of my thoughts. To my surprise he let out a sigh of relief, before hiding all visible emotions. "Ok I just wanted to make sure um I have to go." Techno said quickly as his expression flickered with embarrassment before back to his default cocky expression. "No you are coming in and explaining." I said, techno seemed to be taking back by his sudden tone but shook his head. "I- no I really gotta go-." Techno started before I grabbed his wrist pulling him into my house. "Dream?" 

"Like I said you are explaining everything." I replied before leading him to the sofa, forcing him to sit before sitting myself down on the coffee table in front of where techno sat. He was slightly panicking now as dream crossed his arms. 

"Explain." I said glaring daggers into techno, he gulped before responding.
"About what" techno replied, obviously just playing dumb.
"Well start off with why you went from jumping a kid to now suddenly caring for him." I said unintentionally, raising my voice in annoyance. 
"Do not." Techno whispered, breaking eye contact. 
"Techno." I said, my voice laced with warning as I grew impatient. 
"My answer depends on what you know and I think we should wait for sapnap before I say anymore." Techno replied leaning back further into the sofa. 
"Fine than your staying here till sapnap wakes up." 


Sapnaps pov

My eyes felt heaving as they fluttered open only to be met by a beam of light. The storm must have cleared, I thought as I attempted to stand. It hurt but I could bare the pain. However my jaw felt worse. As I brought my hand up to my face I cringed as my jaw once again exploded with a sharp pain. My eyes began to fill with tears. 

Quickly I looked around for dream who was nowhere in sight. He must be down stairs I thought as I began walking towards the exit. 

As I made my way closer to the stairs I could hear dreams and another familiar voice. "dream?" I said from the top of the stairs. My eyes widened as two sets of eyes stared back at me. There were dreams and techno's. "Techno what are you doing here." I said. "Um i- just wanted to make sure you were ok." He replied rubbing the back of his neck. 

Before I could reply, dream quickly beat me to it. "Ok now that sapnap is awake can you please answer my questions." He said as he carefully eyed techno while jogging up the stairs helping me get down. "Depends if sapnap wants to tell you." Techno replied, as everything started to make sense. 

"What are the questions." Sapnap said, looking from techno to dream.
"Well why are you two suddenly friends and also I would like you to explain what happened with your dad." Dream replied, as his curiosity took over his mind. I sighed I knew I would half to tell dream about my dad someday. 
So I told him everything, techno knew the parts about my dad but still did know what happened so he was just as shocked as dream was.  

No ones pov 

Once sapnap was done talking, techno quickly stood up, "where are you going" dream asked before techno made it to the door. "To give that man what he deserves." Techno responded still face to face with the exit. "James… I mean your dad already tried." Sapnap recalled as he shifted uncomfortably. "Ya well the two of us plus some other kids, your dad won't stand a chance." Techno replied looking back a bit to meet the boy's eyes. "Thank you." Sapnap said quietly. "Of course…... neither of us asked for this life." Techno said before pulling the door open. 

"Did I really get you kicked out of your house." Dream suddenly said, breaking the silence. Sapnap shook his head as he joined dream on the second sofa quickly becoming intertwined in each other's arms. "No, my dad kicked me out because I'm  gay, you did nothing except help me." Sapnap replied, looking up towards dream, kissing his cheek. 
"I love you sapnap." 
"I love you to dream."
Authors notes: sorry for the short chapter. as always I hoped you enjoyed, have a great day/night. Love you all 

By the way, after I'm done with this book I'm thinking about starting a oneshot book. What do you guys think because I'm having a hard time keeping myself motivated to write one topic.  




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