chapter 6-the unexpected

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Sapnaps pov

The nerves got to me as I walked home from karls, it was 1:00 pm now and I was about five minute away from my house. I knew what was going to happen, this wasn't the first time something like this has happened. trying to calm my nerves of what is waiting for me at home, I tried forgetting about it as I let my mind wander to something else, to dream. But that just made me more nervous. If what happened last night was real and dream really did like me. If my dad ever found out he might actually kill me, my dad is very homophobic so there's no doubt in my mind that there would be no support on his end. 

[i actually came out to my mom yesterday as bi sexual and she was supportive but i was so nerves that she wouldn't be so this part made me kind of angry writing because i just feel for the character and the situation there in but, i didn't think an abusive father would be supportive]

Before I knew it I was faced to face with a familiar red door. I sighed before walking in. to something unexpected. There were people over, people. Did I walk into the right house? I walked in further to see something even more unexpected. Techno, techno was in my house with an older man, I recognized. He was my dad's right hand man. He was a part of the same gang.

"Nick.... Nice to see you." James said, I've known James since I was three, I really enjoyed hanging out with him, he was my dad's age but still, he was the father I wish I had. "Ya nice to see you Nick, where did you run off to for the past two days." my father said as james pulled away from the hug, he gave me a worried look as he noticed my split lip and bruised nose. "I said that I was staying at friends' houses, didn't i." I said, refusing to make eye contact with my dad. "Whatever, you remember James and david right." for the first time i turned to look at techno . We made eye contact. both of us were now looking confused, with wide eyes. I remember him, James' son. We used to be really close as children before james gave his to sense on how my dad was treating me. "Of course." we both said at the same time, breaking eye contact. "Well why don't you both go up to Nick's room so me and James talk." my dad said as he walked over to me grabbing my neck. "Boy you're lucky, wait till they're gone." my dad said in a low tone just enough for techno to also hear, james didn't notice. He threw my head forward a little, before saying "go."

Me and techno made our way up stairs before anyone could say anything else. He looked at me the whole time, no one talked. When we were finally in my room techno closed the door. "Your name is nick." techno said as he ran his hands through his pastel pink hair.

[techno's hair it's short not long, think similar to wilbur soot's hair or karls old hair, but a little more straight if that makes sense and if you don't know who these people are then why the hell you here].

"Your name is david." that shut techno up, after a few minutes went by, nothing but dead silence i was about to say something before techno spoke up. "So what happened to your face." techno said nodding trying to make small talk as he leaned against the wall. I looked at him. "I know you heard what my dad said, don't act like you don't already know....... Great, just great, my school bully now knows my dad hit me, just great." i said as I dropped my head into my hands. I was sitting on my bed as techno was standing near my bathroom door on the other side of my room. "Well that was before I knew you were nick, ok...... i don't know how much you remember but, when we were children but we were close, and- and your dad scares me." techno said eyeing the door in between us. "Well if you're worried about getting hurt, don't....... He doesn't know, and he hits me everyday you think he cares if someone else does to........... He would probably be proud of you....... You're the son he always wanted anyway he wouldn't dare hurt you." i replied, techno looks at me, for a second his eyes flashed with pity before hiding the emotion again. I looked away. " well i guess that explains why you didn't flinch." I looked at him confused waiting for him to elaborate. "In the bathroom when i hit you didn't flinch i was confused." techno explained as he looked away. "Look i'm sorry, ok.... And you probably won't believe me, i don't blame you but i was going to stop picking on people...well i haven't been picking on people.... I want to be better, i don't like the fact that everyone is either scared of me or hates me......or both." techno said, i could tell that he wasn't lying. 

"I believe you." "really." techno said as he looked hopeful for a moment before hiding it once again. He was good at that. "You were taught to hide emotions, I was taught to notice them and basically become a human lie detector......... I can tell you're not lying and if you are, well respect man because you're doing a very good job at it." that made techno laugh. A genuine laugh, "hey do you want me to stay, if there's one thing i remember about your dad is that he doesn't stay mad for very long, by morning he should be cooled down." techno said "Ya that would be great." I said chuckling. "But you know doesn't mean we're friends or anything, don't get any ideas." techno said with a slight smile on his face, i could tell he was joking. "Oh ya totally, no friendship here." I joked back. We both laughed.

authors note: hey sorry for not updating for a couple days, i really hope you enjoyed this chapter            

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