chapter 9-first time with a guy

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Sapnaps pov

I sighed as the wind began to pick up, the trees swaying in the wind. It was a sunny day, nothing special. I'm a little nervous about staying the night at dreams with no one home. I couldn’t tell if he wants to take any next steps, we both aren't virgins and I wouldn't say no if he was ready as well. It just is a little nerve racking, but I tried to keep my mind preoccupied with other thoughts as I walked down dreams street eyeing the numbers on the doors. I have been to his house before but was still a little unsure where exactly it was. 

249, here it is, i thought as i made my way towards the dark green door. I took a deep breath before knocking.

As the door opened a familiar pair of emerald eyes greeted him. “Hey sapnap.” dream said as he opened the door more so I could walk in.”hey how are you.” I replied as I slipped my shoes off, placing them on the mat beside the door. “Good, you.” 

“good.” i said walking further into his house, he smiled. “Hey let me grab some snacks, do you remember where my room is.” he said walking backwards into his kitchen. “I’m sure i can figure it out, the last time you carried me there.'' I chuckled. “Hey watch it i can do it again.” dream said smirking before grabbing a couple things from his pantry. I laughed. “NO, i am more than capable, thank you.” i said before jogging up the stairs. If i’m not mistaken his room should be right here. I thought as I peeked in the door. 

I recognised the room, no one else that i know has a pc. I walked in further, sitting on dream’s bed as I took my phone out to scroll through twitter. “Watcha doing.” dream said walking into the room, with some bags of snacks. “Nothing,” I say , keeping my eyes on my phone, till dream grabbed it from me, smirking as he leaned into the headboard. 

I laughed, before picking up a bag of chocolate covered pretzel. “Damn just twitter.” 
“what did you expect.” I chuckled, he smiled as he was still just scrolling through my phone. “Watcha doing.”
“looking through search history.” he laughed as i snached my phone back.
“Well you aren't going to find anything.” i said quickly, putting my phone into my pocket. This just made dream laugh harder. 
“Ok sure.” he said,  as I playfully rolled my eyes. “Do you want to watch some tv.” dream offered. “Sure.” I said, as dream grabbed the remote, turning on the tv. 


(Dirty truth and dare and flirting if this makes you uncomfortable than skip the rest of the chapter)

After an hour or two dreams arms were now wrapped around Sapnap, as Sapnap clinged to the blond's waist. Dream smiled as he looked down, and started to play with the boy's hair making Sapnaps cheeks bloom pink as the blonde continued his movements 

“Is someone blushing.” dream teased, “shut up.” Sapnap responds as he nuzzles his head back into dreams chest. The blonde laughed as he turned off the tv leaving the only light source in the room, the led light’s lining the top of the walls. “Wanna play truth or dare.” dream chuckled. “Don’t you remember the last time we played this.” Sapnap said, smirking at what dream was applying. 

Sapnap then sat up turning his body to face dream. “I do very well, do you accept?” dream said in a low tone that made sapnaps blush deepen. “I don’t know what you're planning but I accept.” This made dream chuckle. 
“Truth or dare?” dream said as he also sat up, “Truth, I'm kinda scared to choose dare.” the boy teased, making dream laugh as he leaned the back of his head against the headboard.
“ um……. What is your most embarrassing time you got turned on.” dream said, smirking as Sapnap laughed. “Well it could be worse, um……. The most embarrassing time was when i was in school and my friend made it a challenge to try and make me uncomfortable, so he kept on showing me inappropriate memes or videos and I got turned on.” sapnap said, chuckling to himself at the memorie. 
“Truth or dare.”  
“ truth.” 
“Um………… ok I have no idea, I'm gonna search some up.” 
“Make sure to say dirty.” sapnap laughed.
“How horny are you.” sapnap teased. 
“Am not just do it then choose one.”
“Fine, um…………….. Ok i don’t want to do any of these.” 
“Come on…….. Let me see.” dream smirked as Sapnap showed him the phone. 
“Pick one.” 
“I hate you, um i guess…...If I looked in your nightstand, what would I find?” sapnap said smirking, dream laughed eyeing his nightstand.
“Do you really want to know.”  
“No not really.”
“um …… normal teenage stuff.” dream said, rubbing the back of his neck. 
"You know what, that's all you have to say." 
"Ok hand me the phone and I'll chose one…….. um have you ever had sex with a guy." 
"Not with a guy…….. you're the first guy I have liked in that way." 
"Really." Sapnap nodded
"Truth or dare." 
"Um…… have you ever thought of a person while doing yourself." Sapnap said, smirking 
"I have."
"Really who." 
"That's not apart of the question, truth or dare." Dream said as he moved closer to the boy, as Sapnap playfully rolled his eyes.
"Um truth." 
"Are you ready to have sex with a guy." Dream said, make sapnap blush. 
"Yes……… truth or dare." 
"When are you comfortable in a relationship to start have sex." 
"Depends on the person, truth or dare." 
(There eighteen not virgins for the sake of the book we are going to say there both ready)

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