chapter 7- your the brat

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Techno was right by morning my dad was cooled down, it was nice to have someone that understood the lifestyle i grew up in. it was a little awkward last night but we had some good conversations, I could tell techno really did want to change. “So can we keep our dads are in a gang and know each other thing between us.” I say, as the school came into view. “Ya, no one knows at school, so i would like to keep it that way as well.” techno replied letting out a sigh of relief. I nodded, I knew more than anything what it feels like to not want to take part in that kind of lifestyle, from what techno has told me he wants out just as much as I do. 

It was a sunny morning, a little colder than usual but nothing too extreme. Although the wind was beginning to pick up as we approached school. People were staring. Obviously It was expected, I did just walk into school with the most feared person in the entire school, then i remember, dream. Although he was a flirt he was a very protective type of person. “If dream gets mad just let me do the talking ok.” techno looked confused but nodded in response.

Before making it to the doors I spotted dream, he looked happy until techno came into view behind me. “I think you should go before dream beats the shit out of you.” I said, turning my attention from the blond back to techno, he smiled. “Ya that's probably for the best, and thank you for giving me a chance. I probably wouldn’t.” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. He  looked more serious now. “I can see you're making an effort and as long as you don’t push me in a locker then we're good.” i said smirking at him, he playfully rolled his eyes before putting out his hand. “Bros.” 

“bros.” I said shaking his hand as dream approached, looking even more confused. “I will be leaving now, i wasn’t planning to have the shit beat out of me today, so see you around nick.” techno said turning his attention from an angry dream back to me before smirking he knew i preferred sapnap. “See you around david.”
I teased back. Techno laughed before flipping me off as he walked away. 

“So you and techno are friends now and his real name is david.” dream said looking in the direction techno was walking in, disappearing into the crowds of students. I laughed, “I guess you could say that ya, we're good now.” I replied, dream nodded. “So i was wondering if you wanted to stay at my house on friday.” he smiled, changing the subject, as he grabbed my hand, leading me to the others. “Sure.” 

“What was that.” Karl said, eyeing dream. “I don’t know but apparently they're good now.” dream explain looking, towards me to elaborate. “It's nothing, we are friends now i think.” I said trying to explain without revealing too much about our dads. 


It was lunch time now, everything was normal, dream, george, karl, alex and i were sitting at are usal table. As always  Alex was  harassing George to man up and go talk to his crush. While Dream, karl and i having a normal conversation. from time to time laughing at the other too bickering. Bad had something he was doing with skeppy, they say school work but there probably somewhere in a closet. [doing stuff it you know what i mean ;] 

Everything was normal, till. “Um i was wondering if i could sit with you guys, i get it if i’m not welcome though.” techno said drawing our attention to behind us where techno was standing, with no food. Techno’s weight shifted, crossing his arms as he looked down to the floor, he was nervous. Before I could reply, dream beat me to it. “Ya sure.” dream said, he could tell techno was nervous, it didn't take a genius, his body language spoke for him. I was a little surprised by dreams response but happy. 


As always, George and Alex left five minutes early leaving dream, karl, techno and i alone. “Can I ask why you came to school together.” dream asked looking from techno to me. “Sapnap do they know.” techno muttered under his breath. “Ya they know.” i said making eye contact with techno, he nodded. “Well let's just say our dads know each other.” techno said breaking eye contact. Dream nodded now understanding before returning to their conversation. 

It was now Wednesday, it rained the whole day, a couple streaks of thunder here and there. I always liked the rain it was calming, whenever I wanted to just escape this was the perfect way to do it. 

Now I was sitting on Karl's sofa near a big window, giving me the perfect view of the street as water droplets bounce off the ground with a beautiful outcome of calming noises masked because of the wall between me and outside. 

Karl was up stairs getting the clothes he wanted us to wear. Karl and i have similar body types and were around the same height so I could just where his clothes. With dream he was very tall so karl had to get dream to bring some close that he chose and bought him some things. This turned into an argument because dream refused to let Karl pay. They bickered for 30 minutes before giving up and just splitting the cost. 

"Ok I'm back now go change in my bathroom, dream you can use the bathroom and sapnap you can use my bedroom." Karl said as he entered the room.

Dreams pov

Both of use nodded, as karl handed us the clothes he wanted us to wear before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. "Are you going to go into the bathroom so I can change." Sapnap teased, dream laughed. 
"Why does it matter I already saw you in your underwear." I said making sapnap flush, I laughed as I moved closer to him. "Shut up….. that was once because you needed to clean my wounds." Sapnap said as he made eye contact with me. We were now inches apart. "So, I still saw you half naked." I said, as I placed my hands on sapnaps hips lightly caressing the skin under his clothing. "So, that doesn't mean you can see me half naked all the time plus you only saw me half naked." Sapnap said smirking as he continued teasing. 

"We can change that." Dream said taking off his shirt. "That's not what I meant." Sapnap chuckled, not able to pull his gaze away from my now exposed chest. "Ok we need to change quick before karl Walks in so either go in the bathroom or not." Sapnap said, taking his shirt of as well. I smirked at his tease. As I pulled his hips closer undoing the boys pants before slipping them down in one quick movement. Sapnap cheeks turned, a dark tint as i openly checked the boy out eyes landing on his crotch before, letting go as I started taking off my own close. "Why do you have to be such a tease." Sapnap said, sighing still unable to take his eyes of me as i slipped off the rest of my clothes . "I would say a flirt." I said trying to defend my self. "Your the brat." I continued. Sapnap laughed. "I can't disagree." He said as he slipped on the clothes, that were nicely folded on the bed. I did the same. 

"Karl where done." I said not able to take my eyes off sapnap. He was wearing a collared shirt with a sweatshirt over top, black ripped jeans and gold rings. I could feel a blush blooming on my cheeks. Sapnap noticed me staring and smirked. 


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