chapter 8-memories

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Sapnap pov

The photo shoot was all a little new to me, I couldn't help but feel nervous. Obsessing over if i looked alright. It didn't help that dream was looking at me the entire time while Karl was snapping pictures. My brown hair was blowing in the wind as the familiar flash of light beamed over my features as the camera snapped photos from all different angles. “Part your lips and tilt your head up.” karl said, as he moved to a different angle,  now waiting for me to change positions. Dream smirked, openly checking me out in hope to get me flustered when the camera was focused on me. I mentally rolled my eyes, as I could now feel a blush bloming spreading over my cheekbones as the camera began snapping photos. “Whatever you’re doing here, keep doing it, it’s hot.” karl said, beginning to tease me. “Damn, you sure your not gay.” I said back, my voice laced with a joking tone. “Fuck off.” Karl said back smiling from behind the camera. Karl knew that I liked dreams; he just didn't know that dream liked me back. Not yet anyway. Dream playfully glared at me, making me laugh. 

Karl walked back to the car, to fetch something. Me and dream were now left alone, I was still smirking. “What's so funny, sappy.” dream said as i immediately became flustered. “You being jealous is hot.” I said making eye contact, ignoring the color of my face as I continued to tease the blonde who was now just as flustered. “Was not.” he said quickly, hiding his face with his arm. I laughed, “sure, dreamie.” i said moving a little closer so our shoulders were brushing up against each other. “God damn it when did you become such a tease.” the blonde said, still hiding his red face under his arm. I scoffed “you think that's bad, you’ll see.” I whispered after I leaned closer to the flustered blonde’s ear staying there for a couple seconds before Smirking. I walked away still smirking heading towards karl.

God that was hot, dream thought as he walked after sapnap a couple meters of space in between.


As i walked through the familiar red door, i was hit with a scent of food, chinese food. Now confused i walked into the living room, having a view of the combined kitchen and dinning room, techno and james siting on opposite ends of the tables, as my dad unpacked two paper bags of food from a local chinese restaurant. “Hey.” i said, making me presents known to the other people in the room. “if you are hungry, eat if not, then don’t.” my dad said, before going back to ignoring my presents in the world. I rolled my eyes before taking a seat next to techno. Who was dishing out a little portion of rice still make room for everything else. “So where did you head off to.” James said, trying to let go of my dad's behavior. “I was helping karl out with a project.” i said as techno passed the rice, i dished myself out a little before handing it to james. “Uum, cool.” he said, before turning to my dad continuing there conversation. 

I turned to techno, “so how was your day.” i said, taking a spoonful of general chicken in my mouth. “Good the usal how about you.”

the rest of the dinner went by like this, just some small talk before me and techno got into an actual conversation, soon laughing our asses off.


The rest of the night was fine, all of them talked before techno and james had to leave. they all said goodbye. Before shutting the door, it was now just sapnap and his dad, the room fell dead silent before his dad began to walk over to the sofa. He was obviously drunk, stumbling as he tried to walk straight. I sighed before running up the stairs.

“Come back down here.” sapnaps dad yelled, he stopped dead in his tracks halfway up the stairs. He clenched his eyes shut before turning around to face where his father was sitting on the sofa, as Sapnap turned around his dad was slowly sipped his beer, both never breaking eye contact. After the rest of the liquid drained into the mans lip’s, as out of nowhere throwing the bottle toward sapnap, as the bottle spined throw the air, sapnap quickly moved out of the way jerking his head to the side letting the bottle hit the wall behind him, right where his head used to be. He looked at his dad for a second before breaking eye contact looking to the broken shards of glass around him. Unfortunately this was a normal for him and his father. He always said it was to make Sapnap stronger, invincible, fear free, though he said that about a lot of stuff, it was to make him stronger, no it was to make him a monster, this is what Sapnap always told himself. “You’ve gotten better at that.” the male said as he un-crossed his legs reaching to the middle of their coffee table where there was a rock assortment.

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