chapter 12-the end

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Sapnaps pov

It's been a couple weeks since my father was put behind bars, I'm now living with dream. It's been nice. It's almost summer now so i will have to attend summer school but for now dream and i are making the most of our last day of school i thought as all six of us sat around our usual table laughing.

As the bell rang and the crowds of students separated, we said our last goodbyes before splitting off. "So are you ready to start summer school." dream said breaking the silence as we walked down the almost empty halls. We both had a break. "Ya i think so."

I was always amazed at dreams' beauty. I just couldn't help but stare and get lost in his emerald green eyes. "Like what you see." dreams voice was barely above a whisper as he moved himself closer to my ear so only I could hear his comment. "Shut up." i said playfully, rolling my eyes. He chuckled as he took my wrist leading me outside to the nearest bench. "Better than standing walking around the halls." dream explained as we both sat down. dream and i stayed quiet as we both scanned the view. "It's really pretty here...... the views are nice." dream said the last part looking at me, I chuckled.

As dream moved closer to me he put his arms around my shoulder as I rested my head on his chest. It was a nice feeling being so close to someone that you could feel there heart beat their breath as it became unsteady. I smiled as i, placing a gentle kiss on dreams lips. "I love you dream." "I love you to sapnap."

The end

Authors note: i'm sorry for the supper short chapter i didn't know how to end the story so you got a cute fluff scene thank you all for the votes and reads and i hope you enjoy, i've been working on another project that i deleted, but after further consideration i'm going to put it back up so when you see this than my book closer than you think will be up, in my opinion the writing is way better in this book, i also want to start a oneshot book so i can write that when i need a break of just staying to one plot line. Anyways thank you all and I hope you have a great day/night!!!!!!!

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