chapter 3-exposed

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[Contains bullying, indication of self-harm and abuse. If this triggers you please stop reading this book all together. Hope you enjoy.]

Chapter 3

Friday came rather quickly this week, it was already Thursday, sapnap thought as he started to get excited. Maybe having friends wasn't a bad thing, it would make life more tolerable. Sapnap thought as he walked on the sidewalk. He was still five minutes away from his house when he heard his phone buzz.


Hey sapnap, I told
you my address right

Ya you did

Ok well one more thing,
I need people to photograph
And I was wondering if you
could help

Ya of course, but what
would I be doing
I'm i a model or something

Kinda, dreams in and
if you are not comfortable
with being a model then I

I am, just if I have to wear
different clothes can you
make sure there long sleeve

Of course and if
something happens I
will make sure the
clothing covers any

Thanks, c u tomorrow

K, bye


Karl was a very understanding person and sapnap was thankful for his friendship. Sapnap tould Karl why he couldn't tell anyone, so he respected his decision. Karl knew how horrible the system around here was so he didn't blame sapnap for keeping to himself.

About five minutes later, sapnap was at his front door, he walked in and ran right up the stairs. As he started to pack, a different backpack for tomorrow.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sapnaps dad asked. "I am just going to a friends house tomorrow night and I am staying the night." Sapnap replied, he zipped up his backpack as he turned to make eye contact with his dad. "And you didn't think to tell me" sapnaps dad said, angrily. Sapnap gulped "I didn't think you would care." The words left sapnaps mouth before he could stop himself. He Instantly regretted them as his dad grew more angry.

"So you think you can just go where ever you want, whenever you want, huh." Sapnaps dad said as he walked closer to sapnap. His dad pushed him by the shoulders, sapnap fell back. He was now on the ground as his dad repeatedly kicked him in the stomach, in the knee caps even a couple times in the face, he was drunk. Sapnaps dad turned away, shaking his head in disbelief. Sapnap took advantage of the opportunity as he grabbed his school bag and phone and ran out of his bedroom down the stairs and out the door. "BOY, YOU GET BACK HERE." His dad yelled from the front door. Sapnap kept on running, through the pain in his head, in his knees, till he was far enough away from his house. He was now in an abandoned alleyway, his knees buckled making him fall, his knees where now scraped up, if they weren't already bleeding they were now, sapnap crawled to the curve as he tried to catch his breath and wiped his tears off his red face . His stomach hurt, he knew that it was going to bruise. He lifted up his hoodie expecting his now red adamen, a bruise was already forming. He sighed, as his gaze landed on a scar going up his right rib.

"Sapnap, oh my God what happened?" A voice behind him said, the voice belonged to dream. Really dream of all people, sapnap thought. Sapnap dropped his hoodie so his stomach was now no longer exposed. "Nothing- I j-ust fell." Sapnap said as he tried to avoid eye contact as he turned around. "Sapnap, I'm I really suppose to believe that." Dream responded, sapnap didn't answer, he didn't know how to answer. Dream sighed as he grabbed sapnaps arm standing him up so he was now against the wall.

Sapnap was leaning on the wall as dream came closer and he slowly pulled up sapnaps hoodie, holding the fabric up to the boys chest, exposing one of sapnaps nipples.

Dreams pov

I slowly pulled up sapnaps hoodie exposing sapnaps red admen
I sighed, I could have stopped there but I pulled the hoodie up farther exposing sapnaps nipple. He blushed and looked away. " sapnap what really happened." I said, this is when I realised how close we were. Sapnap was up against a wall with me a couple inches away, with my hand resting just above his nipple holding his hoodie up exposing his chest. I could feel butterflies rise in my stomach. I don't know why. I ran my hand up sapnaps side on his scar. "How did you get that, sap I know we just met, but can you please tell me what happened, what happened today, the day you came to school with a black eye, how you got this massive scar on your rib." I asked as I swiped a tear of his cheek.

"My dad...." Sapnap whisperers. "What did your dad do." "He-....hurts me." Sapnap said as he made eye contact. "Why don't you tell the police, that is not ok sap." I said as I started to feel more and more angry. "I have already tried, he got away with it, I don't know how but he has contacts in the police department. And the last time I told someone he beat my mom half to death and made me watch. She committed but, you don't know what he will do to me, it was already a big risk just telling Karl and now you." Sapnap said, I dropped his hoodie and hugged him gently so I didn't hurt him. "Ok I won't tell karl knows to." I said after a minute pulling away from the hug. Sapnap nodded. "Ok well let's get you to my house so we can clean you up ok." I said looking at sapnaps split lip and bloody nose. He nodded. The rest of the walk was silent as we made our way to my place .


No ones pov

Once they were in dreams house, dream set sapnap on the sofa, "ok can you stand" dream said, Sapnap tried to stand up but failed as he fell backwards into dream, dream caught him. "Ok I take that as a no, here I will help you, you are in pain you don't have to walk by yourself." Dream said as sapnap was leaning against him and dreams arms wear around his waist holding sapnap up.

Dream picked sapnap up, as boths boys faces went red. "I may need help but I can still walk." Sapnap said, dream laughed. "Well its easier this way and faster, so drop your act and wrap your arms around my neck before you fall." Dream said, sapnap did as he was told but rolled his eyes playfully. Dream chuckled as he walked up the stairs.

As dream set sapnap down on the counter in his bathroom attached to his room, he ran down stairs grabbing the medical supplies. As he got back he closed the door, and set the cloth, rubbing alcohol bandages and gauze down on the counter before moving to sapnap, "okay now can you take off your hoodie." Dream said as he rested his hands on the top of sapnaps thighs, dreams body was now in between sapnaps legs.

Sapnap looked away remembering the scars on his wrists. As if dream red sapnaps mind he said "Sapnap I saw the scars on your wrist a couple days ago, I didn't say anything because I wanted you to tell me on my own, now can you please take off your hoodie." a knowing look spread over dreams face, his eyes never leaving sapnap.

Sapnap removed his hoodie exposing all of his chest to dream, and his wrist. "Ok I know this might be uncomfortable for you but I need you to remove your pants too." Dream said, "i-is that really necessary." Sapnap said with wide eyes. "Yes I need to clean your knees and I can't pull up your Jean's." Dream replied. "Here do you want me to help you." Dream offered. Sapnap nodded his head.

Dream slipped sapnaps pants off, so he was just in his boxers. Dream knew it was wrong but he couldn't help but look at the boy's crotch.


After dream was done cleaning up sapnap he lent sapnap some clothes to wear. Dream didn't have a guest bedroom so sapnap slept in dreams bed. Although Dream didn't mind. They laid down on their backs only a couple feet apart, neither of them sleeping.
"Goodnight sap." Dream said
"Goodnight dream." Sapnap replied, both of them shut their eyes trying to go to sleep.

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