chapter 4- dreams

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As dream opened his eyes he was hit with complete darkness, he looked to the side at his alarm clock that read, 1:34 am. Dream sighed, as he looked the other way to be face to face with sapnap he was still sleeping, but I guess they moved closer during the night. He's so adorable when he sleeps dream thought, before quickly pushing the thought out of his mind but he couldn’t. Your straight stop thinking about boys in this way, dream thought, but he couldn’t get the boy out of his mind.

Deep down dream knew he was gay for a while now, he's never been with a boy but still he knew. Do i like Sapnap dream thought, i mean he’s cute, and his body is- stop it dream you can’t think of him like that. 

Dream pulled the sleeping boy closer as he rested sapnaps head on his chest, as he wrapped his arms around sapnap. Unconsciously sapnap did the same, he wrapped his arms around the blondes waist, nuzzling his head more into dream moving further up on the blonde's chest. Dreams cheeks went red, as he now had the sleeping boy resting his head near his collarbone. Dream knew he shouldn’t have done that but he also couldn’t bring himself to move. Eventually the blonde fell asleep still holding the boy close. 

(Nsfw dream, if it makes u uncomfortable please skip till I say)

“Dream stop teasing me.” Sapnap whined, dreams eyes shot open in confusion, he was on top of Sapnap pinning his hands over his head, as dreams legs were on either side of him. It must be a dream the blonde thought, he tried to move but found that he wasn’t in control of his body, unconsciously. Dream began to take sapnaps clothes off, dream didn’t know what was going on, finally he got control of his body again, he unpinned sapnap, but didn’t get off. “What happened.” Sapnap said. “I-i don't know where i am.” dream said looking around. “We're in your head dream.” “if were in my head than what is happening and- i- am not even gay.” “dream just admit it already what is there to be ashamed of…… you cant look me in the eye and tell me you haven't had these thoughts before.” it was true and dream knew it, he looked away. “Ok even if i am why- why are you here.” “ isn't obvious,” it was and dream knew it. Dream didn’t respond. As Sapnaps sat up now inches away from dream and put his hand up the blondes shirt exploring, as dream let a moan escaped his lips making Sapnap smirk. “Do you really want me to stop?” sapnap said as his hands went further up the blondes shirt resting on his nipple. Dream looked away before turning back, connecting their lips. 

(NSFW DREAM NOW OVER, basically sapnap just told dream to realise his feelings and stop being an idiot, and other stuff....)

That's when dream”s eyes fluttered open releasing it was only a dream, his mind began to wonder, to sapnap. Did i really like him like that dream thought, before feeling a warm breath on his neck. The blonde looked down to see Sapnap still asleep on his chest. This made dream smile as he pulled Sapnap closer to his body. After twenty minutes went by, dream could feel Sapnap starting to move, so dream quickly closed his eyes pretending that he was asleep. 

As Sapnap woke up he realized that he was on the blondes chest, with his arms
Around the blondes waist, as dreams arms were wrapped around him. He blushed, looking at the sleeping blonde he laughed, as he tried to carefully remove the blonde's hands, which was not successful. He laughed “I tried.” sapnap said under his breath, before returning to his position as dream tried not to laugh, “i know your awake dream.” sapnap said as he sat up again looking into the blonde’s closed eyes as they fluttered open, “what gave me away.” sapnap chuckled not responding. “But in all seriousness I have know idea how we got into this position. I woke up like five minutes ago.” dream lied, sapnap chuckled. “Ok well, can you loosen your grip so we aren't talking to each other an inch away.” sapnap said as he realized how close they were. “I guess, I see how it is.” dream said as he loosened his grip around sapnaps waist. Pouting. 

sapnap chuckled. “ Dream I am still going to stay in bed, just not an inch away from you.” Dream laughed, as Sapnap moved a little to the right. “All around me are familiar faces.” dream yelled, making sapnap laugh harder. “Aren't your parents going to hear you.” sapnap said, smiling. “No there at work, it's only students who have today off. And my room is soundproof.” dream replied. “Oh.” sapnap said as he laid back down. A foot away from dream. Dream laughed, "you know I think I liked it better when you were closer." Dream teased, before also laying back down. 

"Dream are you hitting on me." Sapnap chuckled teasing the blonde back. "Maybe" dream chuckled. Sapnap looked at dream as he rolled his eyes. "I mean your not real friends if you don't cuddle am I right." Dream looked at sapnap. "Really." Dream said in a low voice, as he moved closer to sapnap. "So do you want to be real friends sapnap?" Dream said,again in a low tone, "now dream are you asking me to cuddle." Sapnap said, smiling as he turned on his side now face to face, with dream. "Maybe-I mean if-if you want to? We don't ha-" dream said before being cut off by Sapnap his head moving to dreams chest. "you talk too much." Sapnap said as dream put his arm around the boy playing with his hair. "Can I do that." Dream said as he continued to play with his hair. "I don't mind." Sapnap said before shutting his eyes, and putting his arms around the others waist. 


It was a cloudy day, not raining, but the two boys felt a couple rain drops from time to time. It was now 4:00 as they walked along the sidewalk making their way to Karl's house. "Come on are you sure, it would look great." Dream said, looking over to sapnap, with puppy dog eyes. Sapnap laughed at the sight as he playfully rolled his eyes. 

Karl mentioned how it would be funny if dream and Sapnap painted their nails. Now dream was trying to convince the boy that it would be a good idea. "I mean, I am sure between me and karl we could do it when your sleeping or something." Dream said rather confidently. Sapnap laughed, "now that's funny, you could try but the only way you could be successful is if I was pinned to the ground or something." Sapnap teased, dreams thoughts flickered to his dream remembering the sight of Sapnap being pinned to his bed. 

"watch what you wish for, that can be arranged." Dream said, as he turned towards sapnap, both boys stopped walking, as they both began laughing. "Ok not necessary, I'll think about it ok, will that please you." Sapnap chuckled. "For now." Dream joked.
"Hey dream I think I should text my dad just to say that I am okay….. i mean i know he won't care but i think it a good idea." Sapnap said as he stopped, pulling out his phone. "Okay." 

Hey, so I stayed at my 
friends house last night and
 I am staying at my friends
 house tonight as well because
 I have to do a school project be
 back tomorrow by 2 pm.

Sapnap put his phone back into his pocket and continued walking. 

Author notes: hey I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. When I was righting the nail painting thing, sapnap and karl set a sub goal to paint  sapnaps nails lmao. Anyway hope you  have a good rest of your day/night. Now I need to go watch sapnap get his nails painted. Thank you so much for 100 reads and all the votes, really thank you so much!!!!!

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