chapter 2- karl??

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(Contains bullying, indication of self-harm and abuse. If this triggers you please stop reading this book all together. Hope you enjoy.)

Chapter 2 

It was never the pain that made sapnap cry. It wasn't the black eye's, the broken bones, the blood. The only thing that could make him cry was his dad yelling or himself. Sapnap never complained or talked back. He never fought back, maybe he should but, that made things worse. The last time he tried to fight back was when he was eight. He came to school with a black eye and bruises on his stomach. His teacher noticed and pulled him off to the side, and sapnap told her everything. His dad was arrested, but got out within hours. Growing up in a small town like this gives you perks if you make the right moves. Sapnap assumed his dad knew the right people or blackmail maybe even pulled in some favors.

But sapnap wasn't the one to pay the price, his mom was, and his dad made him watch. She's gone now, she committed years ago, leaving him alone in the world with his dad. 

Sapnap pov

School was supposed to be a home away from home but now there's a fist inches away from my face as I was pinned to a wall for the second time today. Before the fist made contact dream caught techno's arm. As I just stood there unfazed, 

"techno leave him alone." The pressure that was pinning me to the wall was lifted. I didn't leave. I just stood there keeping eye contact with techno. He looked confused which was something that I didn't get. 
"Techno I think you should leave." Dream said, his eyes were now locked on me not moving i looked to the left to meet dreams eyes. 

Techno huffed as he walked backwards exiting the bathroom. "Your luckily your boyfriend was around." He said before slamming the door. I rolled my eyes as I reclaimed my position, in front of the mirror. To examine my eyes once more.
"Does he do that often?" Dream asked. 
I turned around and leaned against the sink. 

"I mean I guess, just not the punching part." I responded. I rubbed the back of my neck as I looked up to make eye contact again. 
"Sorry for being rude but aren't you two friends, why did you help me." 
Dream looked a little surprised by the response.

 "look I know I hang around with jerks but that doesn't mean I'm friends with them, and I wasn't going to stand by and just watch him punch you." Dream said as he moved beside me and sat up on the counter, I did the same.

"Thank you by the way." I said quickly, breaking the silence.

"No problem, so are you skipping class or do you have a break as well." Dream asked as he raised one of his eyebrows. I laughed, it felt good to laugh. That's not a feeling I have felt for a while. 

No ones pov

The break went by fast as the two boys talked, and realized they had more in common than they originally thought. Before the bell rang they exchanged numbers to keep in touch. 

"Hey do you want to eat will me, George, karl and Alex." Dream asked as they both walked in the halls towards their next class. 

"Sure unless any of your jock friends are there." Sapnap replied dream laughed and shook his head. " dont worry".


Sapnap made his way through the crowded hallways to the cafeteria, before stopping. Will they suspect anything when they find out I don't eat lunch Sapnap thought. I'll just say that I had a big breakfast and that I am not really a lunch eater and hope they buy it, that will have to work. 

As he walked in the cafeteria he started scanning the tables. Looking for dream, he spotted them in the back middle corner of the cafeteria. As he started walking towards the table, sapnap started to feel nervous. He doesn't do social interaction much, if ever.

"Hey" sapnap said as he approached there table. There was dream, george and someone else either karl or Alex sitting at the table. George had a light blue crewneck with the numbers 404 on it and had washed out gray jeans. The boy to the right of george had, a gray hoodie and light washed Jeans. 

"Hey sapnap, this is george and Alex, Karl's just running a bit late." Dream said with a warm smile.

 I waved as I slipped in the seat across from dream. 
" where's your food?" George asked as he eyed the empty space in front of sapnap.
" I'm not hungry, I'm not really a lunch eater." Sapnap replied trying to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal and it was his choice not to eat.

 Luckily they didn't mention it and continued on with their conversation. 
" god damn it george Just man up and talk to her already." Alex said
"Talk to who?" an unfamiliar voice said, it was bad, badboyhalo. Sapnap knows him, they had a couple classes together. He was wearing a black hoodie with a strip of red checkered pattern up the outside of the arm, with light Jean's. 

"this pussy won't man up and go talk to Jessica." 
"Language, and George doesn't have to talk to her if he doesn't want to." Bad said as he slipped into the seat next to Alex.
" don't listen to him, just say hello, maybe complement her shirt." Alex requested 
"Well…… it's nice and-... colorful." George replied as he shifted his gaze to a cute girl a couple tables away. 
" how would you know." Bad said, squinting his eyes at george. The whole table broke out in laughter, even george.
"I don't see in black and white" George said, still laughing. 
"I don't get it." I said quietly to dream.
Dream smiled. " it's because he's colorblind." 
"Oh.. ok I get it now." Sapnap said as he smiled now getting the joke.

"Hey guys, what did I miss." Karl said, he paused. "Sapnap is that you." Karl said now looking at sapnap. " wait you guys know each other I thought you just moved schools." Dream said as he looked from sapnap to karl.
" karl is that really you, we met in elementary but I moved houses into another school district." Sapnap said, explaining to dream. Karl grew a lot taller, since grade 7, and his style definitely improved, he was wearing a white shirt with a collar on it and a navy blue crewneck over top, with black ripped Jeans and a gold chain necklace with gold rings. He also had black painted nails. Sapnap got up and hugged karl. " long time no see how have you been." Karl said, pulling away from the hug as he sat down next to sapnap. " I don't know….. a while and I've been good how about you." Sapnap said as he returned to his seat. 


Alex, George and bad left five minutes earlier so now it was just sapnap, dream and karl.
" so sapnap…... dream and I are working on a project for school on friday and he's staying over, do you want to join us, you can come later so you don't have to sit through us doing school work. You can stay over as well." Karl said. 
" yeah sure." Sapnap said.
"don't you have to ask your dad first?" Karl said, giving sapnap a knowing side eye, I almost forgot karl knew about my family situation, he was the only one I've ever talked to about that sort of thing.
" no he won't notice I'm gone." Sapnap responded as he started to look down at the empty table in front of him. 
"sapnap where did you get the black eye?" Karl says, he could feel Karl and dream now staring at him. sapnap opened his mouth to reply but nothing came out. The bell rang. thank god sapnap thought. " I have to go but I will see to guys tomorrow." I say as I headed in the direction of my next class. 

Authors notes

I really hoped you enjoyed the book and if I get something messed up about the mental health or if I say something offensive please tell me.
Have a good night/day!!!!

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