chapter 5- like like me

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[warning talk of abuse, and kissing scene.]

Karl was aware of what happened with sapnap, the two males had called Karl around lunch explaining what had happened the night before. So Karl wasn't surprised when seeing Sapnap outside for the first time since the fight. Seeing that Sapnap had a split lip, and a dark bruise covering the majority of his nose. Now Sapnap sat on the couch watching something Karl kindly put on for him, while Dream and Karl worked on their project for school.

They finished the majority of the project in school, so they were done within an hour. After the boys finished their project, Dream sat on the couch next to sapnap, while karl got some snacks from the kitchen.

"Hey are these ok?" Karl said as he walked over to the other two. He had chips in one hand and chocolate covered almonds in the other. "Yes, chocolate covered almonds are my favorite." sapnap said, as dream nodded in agreement. "So how's the nose" dream said as he turned his attention towards sapnap. "A little sore I guess, but I will live." Sapnap replied as he brought one hand to his nose before Dream swatted his hand away. "Don't touch." dream said, as Sapnap rolled his eyes.

"Ok mom." sapnap teased, all three of them started laughing, "so what are you going to do, when you get home i'm sure your dad is furious." karl said as he eyed Sapnap worriedly. "Take it, i guess........ if i come to school on monday with a black eye than you know what happened.'' Sapnap replied, looking down at his hands, he couldn't help but feel scared, he didn't want to go home but he knew he had to. "You really shouldn't have to take it sap." dream said, trying not to sound mad, dream hated the fact that sapnaps dad hurt him, he would love to beat the living shit out of him for hurting sapnap, but dream also wanted to respect sapnaps wishes, so be honest dream knew Sapnap didn't need protecting he was more than capable. "You know depending on his size I'm sure the two of us could beat the living daylights out of him." dream said cracking his fingers, sapnap laughed. "we probably could but again he has contacts so he would just get out and we would be the ones to be stuck in jail for assault." sapnap chuckled. "Oh.... good point i guess that's why you don't fight back." dream said, as he started to understand sapnaps point of view. "Ya, if i am being honest i could take him in a fight, but the consequences are just not worth it." Sapnap replied, moving his hand to his nose again.

"Stop that." dream said as he grabbed sapnaps arm, sapnap shook his head. "You know I never thought I would live to see the day where dream was being the responsible one." karl chuckled. "Ya i don't think i like the responsable you, dream." sapnap said, continuing to tease the blonde. Dream let out a wheeze, "Well too bad." dream said, making all three boys start laughing. He moved Sapnaps hand to his leg before letting go. "Well anyway, Karl, tell us about your photo thing." sapnap said as both males turned their attention to karl. "Ok ya so i just need a couple photos for me portfolio and i've done animal, some landscapes, now i would like to do people, so all you have to do is wear what i tell you to where and look pretty." Karl said smiling, both males chucking. "So when are we doing the photo shoot or what ever you want to call it?" sapnap said. "On wednesday." karl replied. "Ok i am free but what about me face i dont heal that fast."

"i think the split lip would make some great photos, so don't worry about it."

"Well I'm glad me and my split lip could help." sapnap chuckled, making karl laugh.


It was about midnight now as Dream and Sapnap laid in the guessed room. The boy's watched a couple of movies and talked a little, before heading to bed. Now it was just Dream and sapnap. "Sapnap you awake?" dream asked as he turned on his side facing the boy. "Ya, i can't sleep." sapnap said as he mimicked dreams motion.

"Me either." dream replied. "What do you want to do." Sapnap said. " I don't know...... mabe truth or dare." dream said now smiling. Sapnap playfully rolled his eyes. "What are we twelve." Sapnap replied. "Oh c'mon it will be fun." Dream chuckled. "Fine." Sapnap said as he sat up resting his head on the headboard, dream doing the same. " truth or dare." dream said as he turned his head so he was now looking at sapnap. sapnap rolled his eyes, "truth." sapnap said, "your boring.......... Um........ have you had your first kiss." dream said smiling, "yes....... Truth or dare." sapnap chuckled.

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