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The trip back to Queens was awkward, you had your feet up on the back of Ali's seat, even though the bus driver specifically told you not to. Peter had slipped away from Ned's side to sit next to you the first chance he got. You scoffed.

"What, Peter? You've been staring at me for the last hour. You wanna talk or are you gonna continue to stare?" You asked, a type of intimidating tone taking over your voice completely. Peter ignored you, but still stayed right next to you.

"Nothin' huh?" Your tone had calmed down, you almost sounded the way you normally did. Peter took a deep breath.

"I'm obviously not gonna say anything when you talk to me like that Y/N." He said, his voice gentle. You turned your head to look at him, amazed at his words.

"So what's up then?" You asked, genuinely intrigued. Peter stared at you for a minute, trying to place his words.

"You've been different since what happened at the monument, and we all can see it. I'm starting to think that you see it too." He whispered. "Look, Y/N whatever is going on with you, whatever happened, we'll figure it out. I'm not gonna stop until we do." He said, reaching for your hand.

Part of you wanted him to take it, part of you wanted to cry to him and tell him you were afraid, that you didn't know what happened. Unfortunately, that part of you wasn't strong enough to override all the artificial anger. You pushed his hand away and looked him dead in the face.

"I'm fine, Peter."

Peter pursed his lips, attempting to hide his hurt, and nodded. The good in you hurt for him, you know you didn't mean to snap at him. For once, your love for Peter was stronger than whatever had entered your body when you touched the crystal. You grinned slightly and whirled a small marble of energy at his face.

The energy ball burst on his lightly freckled nose, and he laughed, then sneezed. Your smile disappeared, Peter shifted to look at you, his hand stroking your hair. His smile faded as well once he saw that you happiness had gone as quickly as it came.

"Y/N, we'll figure it out. I'll figure it out. Nothing's gonna happen to you as long as I'm around. Okay? We can fix this." He whispered, cupping your cheek.

"I hope so." You numbly stated.


Soon, you were home. Happy was there to pick you up at the school, Aunt May was there for Peter. You looked at Ali, a bald man in a wheelchair greeted her. She seemed sad. You couldn't hear all of the conversation, just caught bits and pieces.

"Where is he?" She asked, wrapping her arms around her thin frame. The man shook his head. Ali scoffed.

"He said he would be here. He's such a sorry excuse for family." She snarled, more sad than angry. The man seemed to try and calm her down.

"My own cousin, Mr. X. He's all I have. Every time he says he's gonna be here, he isn't. Why do I even bother anymore?" A tear ran down her face, it was the first time you'd ever seen Ali cry.

"Let's just get you home, love." He said, Ali nodded and off they went.

"Let's go, Y/N, Pepper made dinner." Happy said, opening the car door for you. You nodded and got in, already tired.


When you had gotten home, you hurried and ate dinner, wanting to save the lecture for the morning. After telling everyone goodnight, you decided to turn in. You laid in bed, tossing and turning occasionally, trying hard to get comfortable. When sleep did come, it came with nightmares. Or what you thought were nightmares.

Voices rang out, overlapping each other, some screaming and some crying.



'Wilson, no!'

A swirl of color and light, flashing images. Bleeding red hazes, blurred faces. You couldn't make out anything, but you knew the voices. You knew the names. The voices didn't stop, and there wasn't much of a picture that could be painted. But your friends were in danger. You couldn't tell which one was more hurt, they were both panicked. Screaming. And then it hit you. You knew deep down one of your friends wasn't going to make it out.


That was your voice, although you never said anything. Waves of fear and confusion washed over you. You never knew what had happened before, there was no way to tell. Every time a dream hit, you always had to try and understand on your own. There was no help inside your own mind.

'Ali, what did you do?!'

There was never an answer to your question. The rest of the noises fell silent and all you could hear was labored breathing, until even that fell quiet. After a few seconds there was a simple, very simple, question asked in Ali's voice. The question that you had heard before the night of the Decathlon trip.

'Did you see that coming?'

Looks like things are finally getting interesting around here, stay tuned guys :)

Peter: Yeah but Y/N is being mean to me.

Me: Y/N is being mean to everyone, don't feel special.

Y/N: Guys, for the last time, I'm sorry.

Quill: *gasps* Author! Y/N broke character!

Bucky: *rolls eyes* We all broke character.

Deadpool: What's up bitchessssss?

Me: Oh so now you show up? Where were you an hour ago? Professor X had to step in and save YOUR scene.

*Incoherent arguing*

Sam: Almost all of us anyway.

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