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You didn't say anything to Peter when you saw him again at school. You just thought to really forget it, instead of bringing it up and having to lie to him about what you were doing in the middle of a park at 11:00 PM. You went about your day as if everything was perfectly fine and normal.

It wasn't!

It truly frustrated the living hell out of you! You laid on your bed and stared at the ceiling. At least until Vision literally rose from the floor. He stared at you before he spoke.

"Might I ask what has you so troubled?" He asked politely. You didn't bother to look at him as you huffed out your answer in one annoyed breath.

"My best friends and I have been lying to each other since day one." You answered bluntly. Vision sat beside you on your comfy Stark-sized bed.

"Forgive me, Y/N, for I have little knowledge of human social interaction and relationships." He began calmly. You sat up.

'You and me both, Vis.' You thought. Vision sat beside you, talking in his same calm tone, as if you were his own child. As if he were a father teaching his daughter a lesson about life, and that was okay. You were used to these kinds of talks. It was basically an Avenger tradition to take turns when addressing your problems, and each time they taught you something new...Even Thor. You sat quietly and listened.

"But, I know that if you are meant to be friends, everything will work out. You'll find a way." He said.  The Vision. So wise for being just 3 years old, but of course he wasn't normal in the slightest. He was a superhuman with an Infinity Stone embedded in his forehead. You took his advice and when he left, you knew just what to do. You grabbed your phone, your bag, and headed out. You dialed your friend's number and put the phone to your ear.


"Ali, meet me at Peter's in 10."

"You got it."

You walked at a brisk pace, all the way until you knocked on Aunt May's apartment door. She opened up and gave you her usual welcoming smile.

"Y/N." She grinned, extending her arms for a hug. You returned the soft smile and wrapped your arms around her.

"Hey, Aunt May, is um..Is Peter here?" You asked. Aunt May pulled away and nodded, pushing her lovely eyeglasses further up onto the bridge of her nose with a delicate finger.

"He's in his room. Ali and Ned are here too." She answered. You thanked her and moved to your best friend's bedroom. You opened the door to see Peter sitting at his desk messing with some sort of metal device. Ali sat on the top bunk of his double bed, swinging her legs with an unamused look on her face, as Ned sat below her, ducking repeatedly to avoid getting wacked in the face by her feet.

"Hey, Parker." You said, shoving your hands into the back pockets of your jeans. He didn't even look at you. He was too focused on his tinkering.

"Hey, L/N." He replied, the tip of his tongue barely sticking out between his slightly parted lips. You smiled to yourself and shut the door behind you.

"So, Peter, we have something to tell you." You began, playing with your hands nervously. Peter looked up at you and sat quietly.

"Ali and I are...different." Unable to figure out how to start, you sighed in defeat as Peter raised his eyebrows in some mischievous way and switched his gaze to Ned, whose mouth fell open in shock.

"Oh my God." Ned breathed. You immediately looked up at him, Ali looking down from her seat.

"You guys are gay??" He asked. You instantly face-palmed as Peter chuckled.

"No! Ned! We're not gay." You snapped, earning louder bursts of laughter from the two boys. Ali huffed an annoyed breath and did a hand motion, implying that you should show what you meant by different. You nodded and looked around for an object to use as an example. Something caught your eye. Ned's science book!

Your eyes stayed hooked on it as the boys finally went quiet. The book was now hovering above Peter's head as he and Ned stared at it in awe. You checked your nails theatrically as you leaned against the wall and set the book back down.

"Told ya." You teased. Peter remained at a loss for words, whereas Ned began to hyperventilate with excitement.  You motioned to the other girl. Everyone switched their eyes to Ali, and she held her hands up in surrender.

"Hey, I'm not that weird. I just need to get at around 140,000 calories a day." She laughed.

"So what's your power-thing?" Ned asked. Ali hopped down from her perch, grabbed her skateboard and helmet, then opened Peter's door.

"Not in here. Outside. Let's go." She said. You all obeyed and followed the dark haired girl out the door.  You took the elevator down and stepped out onto the busy New York streets. Ali set the skateboard on the concrete and held the helmet out to Peter. He hesitantly took it and she motioned for him to put it on. He hesitated, yet again. Ali sighed deeply.

"Don't worry, I won't let you fall off." She stated.

"But the helmet is for...?" He trailed off and she seemed to get the question. She gave a wry half smile and a shrug.

"In case you fall off."

Peter obeyed, and he looked at you for comfort. You nonchalantly waved your hand and failed at being 'the security system'. He was terrified and the  thought made you laugh. Spiderman. Terrified. Of a 15 year old girl. But, to be fair, it was Ali Wilson. And she was crazy. Ali smirked and placed her hands against Peter's shoulder blades, grabbed a fist full of his shirt, then 'whoosh'. They were gone.

Then they were back, and you couldn't help but laugh when you saw Peter Parker's face. He stared at you, hilariously deadpan. You were sure he'd been screaming the whole 30 seconds they were gone. He stepped off the skateboard and looked at Ali, then you.

"Wait, so, you're (Y/H/N), and she's Ricochet X??" He panted. Ali stuck her finger in the air.

"And my cousin is Deadpool." She added, worthlessly. Peter gave an exaggerated sigh.

You laughed.

"Peter, don't act so innocent." You chuckled.  Peter's head snapped back to look at you so fast, you thought he was going to give himself whiplash.

You leaned forward, just so he could hear you.

"You're Spiderman." You smiled, whispering it without fault. It was so easy. Because it was true.

Peter's face lost all colour, and he looked like he wanted to faint.

To be continued...

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