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Peter's scream echoed through your mind, the sound horrified your subconscious and you immediately woke up. You looked at your alarm clock.

3:30 AM

You groaned and rolled over, adjusting your pillow to your exhausted head.

Tomorrow was the Decathlon trip. You, Peter, Ned, and Ali were going to Washington DC with the team. Surprising enough, Peter had told you that put a tracker on one of the guys who attacked you both.

You placed your hands over your face and a single sentence, with a haunting voice rang in your ears.

"Tell me honestly...Di-did you see that coming?"

The sound was filled with so much sorrow and weakness, that your eyes instinctively watered but you had no idea who it was supposed to be. It was so strange. It was so simple, yet so disturbing. You laid awake in bed for what seemed like 40 minutes but you knew it had to have been a few hours because the sun had started to rise.

It was then that you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep so you needed to get out of bed. After getting dressed you grabbed your suitcase and Happy drove you to the school where Peter, Ali, and Ned were waiting for you. After Michelle explained how she wanted to get in some 'light protesting' and Peter was welcomed back with open arms, you all boarded the bus together.

"Y/N, are you excited?" Ali asked. You gave her a smile and nodded. You didn't tell her about your dream. She would have just said it was 'just a dream'.

You sat next to Ali and listened to Ned and Peter talk about the dude they were tracking, as Ali was focusing on the mini quiz Liz had set up. Then, Peter's phone rang.


You couldn't hear what was being said, sadly but you had a good idea.

"Uh, yeah no, it's just a school trip, uh it's nothing. Look Happy, I gotta say, you tracking me without my permission is a complete violation of my privacy." You raised an eyebrow at Peter's statement as Ned pointed to the hologram in his lap. Peter shook his head.

"That's different." He whispered before covering it up.

"Uh, nothing, look. It's just the Academic Decathlon, it's no big deal."  Finally Peter hung up and gave an exasperated sigh as he looked over at you. You made immediate eye contact and the two of you began to laugh. 

"What just happened?" You giggled. Peter shook his head.

"Happy's my babysitter." He said with a shrug, causing the two of you to laugh even more.


When you arrived at the hotel, Peter and Ned invited you and Ali up to their room, to work on  your 'project'.  You were laying comfortably on Peter's bed, reading (y/f/b) while you levitated Ali in the air with a single finger. 

"Um, Peter, why are we removing the tracker from your suit?" Ned asked. The question intrigued you and you looked up from your book, as Ali still floated in mid-air.

"Because I need to find these guys' leader before they move again, and I don't really want Mr. Stark to know about it." He sighed. You looked at Ali, who stifled a laugh.

"Wait," she said, with a snicker. "Stark seriously put a tracker in your suit? Dude, Mr. X has never done that with the new X-Men."

You shook your head.

"Tony never did that with any other Avenger either." You teased. Peter groaned in annoyance before his tweezers pulled out the small tracker.

"Okay, have fun tracking this lamp." He said as he put it on the lampshade. 
Then, Ned said something that got Peter's undivided attention.  Something about training wheels?

You and Ali looked at each other and tried to contain your laughs. Your body floated into the air, failing miserably at hiding your giggles.

Peter shot you two a glare before looking back at Ned's computer.

"Y/n, do you have a training wheels protocol programmed into your suit?" Ali snickered.  Immediately you shook your head before asking the same question.

"Nope!" She answered. Even Ned stifled a laugh.

"God, I'm tired of him treating me like a kid all the time!" Peter complained as he jumped onto the bed, as you and Ali still levitated above it. Ned gave a confused look.

"But you are a kid." He said. Peter exclaimed in frustration.

"Yeah a kid who can stop a bus with his bare hands." He said. You slowly floated down, standing next to the brown haired boy.

"And I'm a kid who can control gravity and stop a bullet just by absorbing its kinetic energy. Ali's a kid who can run 750 miles a minute. Peter, just because we're special, doesn't change the fact that we're all still just kids." You said.

Peter looked at the ground. Then back at you. Slowly his fingers wrapped around yours. He bit his lip and said,

"Yeah you're right, y/n," he paused.

"But it doesn't change my mind. I'm still going tonight." He finished. You shook your head and squeezed his hand.

"Not without me, you're not." You replied sternly.

"Not without us. Vulture guy kicked both of your asses. You'll need me."  Ali chimed in. To your surprise, Peter didn't say no. Instead he grinned at the floor before meeting your eyes once again.


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