Drunken Mistake?

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"Val are we going to Luke's ball theme party tonight or what?" Val groans and places her book down and looks at Wendy.

"I don't want too. Luke's a dick." She says picking her book back up. She hears the bed creak and Wendy is now on her bed taking her book. "Hey!"

"Ok, yes he may be your toxic ex, but that shouldn't stop you from having fun." She demands, Val rolls her eyes and takes of her reader glasses.

"Fine." She groans rolling her eyes, Wendy grabs her hand and they go to the bathroom. She rummages through her closet and finds something for her to wear. It's a long silk red dress with the whole back out and a bedazzled thong attached. Val almost shakes her head but remembers how much he loves thongs. Specially on her. She winks when she takes it getting back in the game.

"Let me do your hair and makeup when you get out." Wendy yells through the light tapping of the shower water in the tile.

"Ok." She shouts, washing with his favorite Coconut sent body wash she remembers the first day she had it on, god he would not stop kissing her, he had loved it. She smiles at the thought. Getting out and wrapping herself in a towel she's pulled out by her wrist, and pushed in the bed.

"Ok, so I'm going to do a 90's curl on the tips, and straighten the rest. And a nice red eyeshadow." She lets Wendy start to curl up the ends of her hair, next she relaxes while she applies makeup. "Ok, open your eyes."

She opens them and it shocked, deep red cherry lipstick, with a nice clear gloss as a topper shimmery light red eyeshadow with silver on top. She looked nice, and the red complimented her hazel eyes

 She looked nice, and the red complimented her hazel eyes

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"Woah. Thanks Wendy, I love it." Wendy flips her hair dramatically.

"Of course." She answers, she gets up going to get her phone when she hears a beep. She picks it up and sees a message. Her heat beat increases.

You better not be going to my party tonight.

Was he serious. We weren't together he doesn't give me demands.

You don't get to tell me nor demand
Me to do anything. If I want to go to the party, then I'm going.

No, listen to me. If I see you there you know what I'll do.

That is true,She knows how protective he is. Sucks to be him.

"You ready?" Wendy asks, She nods her head she grabs her car keys to her car. She starts walking out with her down the staircase, and too the car. She follows and Wendy starts driving, a few minutes later she breaks the silence.

"Jack texted me." She blurts out the car jerks a little,

"WHATT? When was this, what did he say?" She glares at her for the jerk of the car.

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