Tinder Match.

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With Monique just getting off work, she whistles catching a taxi and then getting in. Scrolling through Tinder she swipes left disliking people. Until she stumbles upon a guy, having a slight hint of intrigue she admires his profile. Swiping through his pictures.

27 Years old

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27 Years old.
Architect at Bradley's Designing💫
No I do not have any kids.😂
I am available momentarily.

She looks at more of his pictures seeing more and more meddling poses which make her hormones go crazy. She scoffs at the "I am available momentarily" part. Deciding to swipe left because he sounds like a dick, swiping and doing it a little to quickly she accidentally swiped right and a celebration sound comes from the phone.

Her heart drops as she looks back down at the phone.  And sees the big bright yellow "ITS A MATCH!" Letters. It immediately goes to a chat box, she can't leave before she sees his aviator pop up.

"Shit!" She shouts and then leaves, she looks at her taxi driver. He eyes her for her behavior.

"Sorry." She says apologetically. Her phone buzzes with a notification she looks down at it and see's his name pop up "Canden" ughhhh, fuck. Why is his name so attractive, she asks herself? She half swipes and looks at it.

"No." It says bluntly, excuse me? No? Why the fuck does that mean. Her attitude overtakes her and she taps on the message. A keyboard opening up at the bottom of the screen she types away.

"Excuse me?" She asks. He pops up and starts typing.

"Before you become lovey dovey, no. I only thought you were cute. I'm not interested in a relationship." Omg, did he seriously think she wanted one either she thought. So she typed back.

"No worry's dick face, like I totally wanted to jump your bones anyways.🙄" she snapped back, minutes later her phone wet off. Twice.

"I like you."
"May I get your number?" He asks, she starts laughing. She rolls her eyes.

"See you in hell, hot shot 🖕🏽" she closed her phone off and didn't answer it for the rest of the ride. Getting dropped off in front of her town home she pays the driver and unlocks her front door. Settling into her couch, she changes to her bra and undies and the ln wraps herself in a blanket and turns the TV onto Netflix.

She falls asleep in the mix of her switching the Chanel. She had a night out with her friend tomorrow which she was looking forward too.

Sleeping all day from a long night at work her phone rings. And rings...AND RINGS.

"Fuck you phone. I'm coming damnit." She makes a little fit on the bed making the springs jump and she messes up the sheets she picks up her phone and answers. "What?" She kinda shouts.

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