𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 1

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"Hey Y/N! Wake up! It's time for school!" I heard a voice and was immediately able to tell that it's mom's voice.

I checked the time and saw that it's only 6am.

"Mom!" I said half asleep. "It's only 6am and school starts at 8:45am."

"Aya Y/N," she sighed. "I know you very well. You always wake up late which is why I'm waking you up now so I can teach you to wake up early."

"It's literally 6am. It's way too early," I thought.

"Yes mom I know I wake up late and I'm doing my best to wake up earlier than normal. But it's way too early to be up," I told her still half asleep. "Can't you give me like 30 more minutes?"

"Choi Y/N!!!! Are you not going to get off of your bed or what?!??" My mom shouted at me.

I just know that if I still stayed on my bed, my mom would kill me.

"Ugh fine!!! You're so stubborn!!!" I complained and started to wake up. "Now get out of my room so I can get ready."

As I got off my bed, she left my room so that I can do my morning routine and get ready for school.

30 minutes later

I'm finally ready for school. But I decided to stay in my room and scroll through social media on my phone until breakfast is ready.

"Y/N! Come to the kitchen now!" I heard my dad shout. "Breakfast is ready!"

I sure am hungry and could have some good breakfast.

"Coming Dad!" I shouted back to respond.

I went to the kitchen and ate breakfast with my parents. My mom started a conversation while we're having breakfast.

"So Y/N. How have you been doing in school lately?" She asked.

"I've been doing alright. It's just the same agenda everyday so there isn't anything new. Except Jay is going to confess his feelings to his crush today and he wants me and our friends to be there to prepare for his confession," I explained to her while eating my breakfast.

Yes. Jay is going to confess to his crush and her name is Karina. She is a really nice person and she is very caring to others. Jay told me and my friends that he likes her but he never had the courage to confess his feelings to her. But he finally told us that he will confess to her today.

"Oh really? But how are your grades?" She asked instantly changing the topic back to school.

My mom is very strict with me when it comes to school. All she does is talk to me about school and whenever I try to change the topic when we have a conversation, she instantly goes back to the topic of school which really annoys me. She makes sure that I do well in school or else she'll punish me with no mercy.

"They're getting better. But I promise I'll study hard," I promised.

"That's good. You better not fail me or else you'll stay home studying all day. No hangouts, no video games, nothing. Just studying. Understood?" She told me with a cold tone.

A Source of Happiness // Enhypen Jake ShimWhere stories live. Discover now