𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 7

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9 months later

I've been a part of Jake's family for 9 months and nothing much has changed. I'm just happy that I have a family after what happened to my original parents. Right now I'm just moving my body around by walking around downstairs.

"Sonia. Once you bring Y/N to her room, can you come back to the kitchen? I need to speak to you privately," I heard Raina say to Sonia.

"Okay," Sonia simply replied.

I was confused of what's going on and why they wanted to talk to each other privately but I don't show that I'm confused. After a little while of walking around the house, I went upstairs to head to my room with Sonia.

Once I got inside my room, I heard Sonia say, "I'll let you know when I'm back Y/N. Raina needs me right now."

"Alright," I simply responded and heard her close the door.

Sonia POV

Once I closed Y/N's bedroom door, I immediately headed to the kitchen to see Raina.

"What is it Raina?" I asked as soon as I approached her.

"Remember Jake's best friend, Giselle?" She asked me.

"Yeah. I remember. Why?" I answered.

Raina sighed and said, "I just got a call from Jake's parents about Giselle."

"Why? Did something happen?" I asked feeling worried and confused.


2 days ago

Author POV

It was raining quite hard and Giselle was trying to head home. She went to take a bus to go home but the wind was blowing really hard and it was raining really hard that the bus driver couldn't control the bus. The roads were super slippery causing the bus to slip & slide. Everyone inside the bus including Giselle were screaming and panicking as the bus continued to slip & slide but eventually the bus crashed into a huge tree. As soon as the bus hit the tree, it immediately fell on the bus, killing and injuring the people that were inside of the bus. Giselle is one of the people that were killed.

End of Flashback

Sonia POV

Once I heard everything that Raina said, I became extremely shocked.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked still in extreme shock.

"Because Jake and Giselle's parents told me not to tell Jake and Y/N about her death. They don't want them to worry," Raina told me. "So please. Don't say anything about her death alright?"

So Raina wanted to speak to me privately so that she could tell me this and hide it from Jake and Y/N. This isn't right. Jake and Y/N deserve to know the truth about Giselle. This can't stay hidden. Even with this not sitting right with me, I had to agree with Raina.

"Alright," I simply replied while nodding my head.

"Thank you," Raina said to me. "You may go now."

I returned to stay outside of Y/N's room and told her that I'm back outside of her room. After I told her that, my I thought about Giselle and her devastating death.

1 week later

Jungwon POV

As my friends and I were chatting, I noticed that Giselle hasn't been in school. She was absent last week and has been absent since then. I saw Jake waiting for her by the front of the school but I didn't see Giselle showing up. Something isn't right. Giselle is never absent from school for this many days.

A Source of Happiness // Enhypen Jake ShimWhere stories live. Discover now