𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 14 (Finale)

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3 days later

I finally got discharged from the hospital and now I'm walking around the hospital like a normal person.

"Looks like someone is happy," said Sunoo.

"Yep. Very happy," Sunghoon agreed.

I realized that I was walking so fast that I left Jake and the rest of my friends behind. So I immediately ran back to them.

"Whoops. Sorry," I chuckled and scratched my head out of embarrassment. "Didn't mean to leave you all behind."

"It's okay. We wanted to see you walk around normally," said Heeseung and I smiled at his response.

"Y/N. Let's go visit your parents and we can hang out with our friends after," Jake planned.

"That's a great idea Jake," I nodded and agreed with him.

When we all reached the front of the hospital, I saw a car at the front and saw Logan at the driver's side along with Jake's mom and the other maids inside.

"We'll meet you at the cemetery," Jay told us.

"We'll see you there," Jake responded.

Jake and I waved our friends goodbye and headed to Logan's van.

"Do you have the address to your parents' grave?" Requested Logan.

"Yes," I simply answered and gave him the piece of paper with the address written in it.

Logan started driving to the destination after entering the address on his navigation.

30 minutes later

We arrived at the cemetery and I tried to look for my parents' graves. Jake, his mom, and the maids were all following me from behind. Eventually I found their names. I started touching their names on the graves and silently cry.

"Mom. Dad. I miss you," I whispered and continued to silently sob.

Jake POV

I saw Y/N by a grave and it seems like she found her parents' graves. As soon as I approached her, I could already see tears streaming down her cheeks. One of her hands is touching the names of the graves while her other hand is on her lap. I held her hand to give her strength.

"Hey. Don't cry. I know you miss your parents and I'm sure they do too," I told her as I'm comforting her.

Y/N is still looking at the graves and she still can't stop crying.

"Hey. Remember what you told me when Giselle passed away?" I asked while slightly smiling.

Y/N finally looked up at me but still didn't respond.

I smiled properly and explained to her, "You told me to stay strong for her because you're sure that she wants me to stay strong. I want you to do the same now. Stay strong for your parents because I'm sure that they want you to be strong. Okay?"

Y/N slightly smiled and nodded her head as a response. I brought her to a hug and started comforting her.

"Y/N! Jake!" We heard a voice calling us.

Y/N and I stopped hugging each other and saw who called us. It was Sunghoon. He and the rest were approaching us while holding flowers.

"We all decided to go to a nearby flower shop to buy flowers for your parents Y/N," Sunghoon told us.

"Yeah. We want to give them flowers too. So we bought some," Ni-ki added.

"Aww you guys are so sweet. Thank you so much," Y/N thanked them.

They placed the flowers on her parents' graves and started bowing to them.

We decided to stay and pray for Y/N's parents for a while.

A couple minutes later

"Should we all go now?" Asked Jay.

"Yeah. Thank you all for visiting my parents and thank you once again for the flowers. I'm sure my parents are very happy receiving those flowers from you all," I said thanking them for their kindness.

"No problem Y/N," Jungwon responded.

We all left the cemetery and decided to hang out for the day.

2 years later


Jake and I were at a park hanging out together and watching the view of Korea. We sat on a bench while looking at the scenery. After a moment of silence, I heard Jake call my name.


"Hmm?" I simply answered.

"Being outside with someone beside me feels really nice," he said.

I looked at Jake while he continued to look at the beautiful scenery.

"I really wish this happened more in my life. I really wish I got out and did something like this. I really wish Giselle was here with me so that we would do something like this," Jake ranted.

When he mentioned Giselle, my mood slowly changed because Jake still remembers Giselle and so do I. I tried not to show my mood change. But Jake looked at me and said something that surprised me.

"But with you, I feel like my wishes came true. I know Giselle is no longer here but you made me feel alive Y/N. Everything you did for me, I feel alive now," he smiled as he spoke.

I smiled at him and I felt like crying. So I tried holding back my tears that were about to form in my eyes. Then Jake held my hand.

"Y/N. None of this would've happened if you didn't come to my life and this family. I still deeply regret everything I said and done to you in the past," he said and started to look down.

I held his hand tighter and explained to him, "Jake. That was my goal, to change you and for you to become a better person. I know you had a very tough life and I never ever wanted you to live your life full of pain and hatred. Besides, this is what Giselle wanted me to do and I never gave up. I'm sure Giselle is very happy for you now because of how much you've changed. She must be very proud of you."

Jake smiled at me and brought me to lean on his shoulder.

"Y/N," Jake called me again.

"Hmm?" I simply responded again.

"I'm so grateful to have someone like you in my life. You made my life a lot better than before and I've never been this happy in my life. When you're with me even through my hard times, I always feel so much better and you always help me get through these obstacles," Jake told me.

He was probably remembering the past. He was probably remembering how much I helped him change his personality. He seems to be really grateful and it made me happy to see him actually change.

"I'm very happy that I was able to help you Jake and no matter what happens, I will always be with you," I promised him.

Jake and I looked at each other.

"I love you so much Y/N," he said to me.

"I will always love you Jake," I responded back with a huge smile on my face.

I leaned on Jake's shoulder once again with his arms around me and we both watched the view of Korea together.

The End

A Source of Happiness // Enhypen Jake ShimWhere stories live. Discover now