𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 13

372 9 3

3 days later


"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" I heard Raina shouting my name and she came in my room.

"What is it?" I responded.

"I got a call from xxxx hospital and they said that there is an eye donor for you," she said.

Jake and I became very shocked. He's been with me in my room for a while so he also heard what Raina said.

"Really??" I said in shock.

"Yes. The hospital called me and told me," she convinced me.

"Do you know who the eye donor is?" I asked out of curiosity.

"No sadly. They didn't tell me their name," Raina answered.

"We should go then before that person changes their mind," Jake persuaded us.

"Yeah," I responded in agreement.

We all left the house to go to the hospital and I heard Jake calling his parents to inform them about this.

At the Hospital

We all arrived at the hospital and we were told to wait until someone calls me in.

"Hey," I heard someone's voice.

"Mom. You're here," Jake responded to his mom. "Where's dad?"

"I don't know," mom said. "Did you call him?"

"I called him multiple times. I even texted him but I never got any response from him," Jake told his mom.

"Oh no. Let's just hope he's only busy and is only running late," Mom hoped. "Y/N! You finally have an eye donor now. I'm so happy for you."

"I know," I chuckled. "I finally get to see again."

"I know you've been waiting for this moment sweetie," she praised me. "I hope the operation goes well."

"I hope so," I said with a smile on my face.

10 minutes later

I heard someone call my name and I stood up.

"Hey Y/N. Are you ready for the operation?" The person asked me and I think it's a nurse.

"More than ready," I confidently said while smiling.

"Awesome. I'll take you to the operating room now," she said as she put her arm around my arm to guide me.

As we were about to walk to the operating room, I stopped walking all of a sudden. Then I turned around to look for Jake and tried slowly walking to him. I heard footsteps approaching me and someone touching me.

"I'm here Y/N," I heard Jake's voice.

I hugged him really tight and he hugged me back really tight as well. We stopped hugging each other after a while and I felt him cupping my face.

"You can do it Y/N. I know the operation go well," Jake said with confidence.

"I love you Jake," I said to him.

"I love you too Y/N," he responded back. "Go now."

I nodded and went back to the nurse who put her arm around my arm so that she could guide me to the operating room.

In the Operating Room

The nurse helped me lay down on the hospital bed and I took a couple deep breaths to get ready for the operation. They injected something for me to fall asleep so that the operation could start. Once I fell asleep, the operation started.

A Source of Happiness // Enhypen Jake ShimWhere stories live. Discover now